I have to.

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Chapter 17

I woke up curled in my bed, my pillow damp with my tears. I stood up and walked to the hallway, where my aunt had been knocked out. I  peaked my head out of my slightly opened door, she was still there. I shut my door quietly hoping to not to wake her up.

I grabbed my light brown duffle bag and hurried to pack it. I grabbed some outfits, mittens, my toothbrush and toothpaste, my drawing/writing book with a pencil and eraser, my pocket knife, a flashlight, a lighter, and some money I found laying around in my bedroom.

I quickly changed my clothes into a soft fleece grey sweater, along with darker grey sweatpants. I tied my hair back into a low messy bun. I put on my socks and grabbed my bag.

Again I quietly opened and closed my door, I looked close into my door when I was closing it, the paint was peeling. Focus y/n. I quietly closed my door and stepped over Jenny. Don't look at her, don't look at her and you won't have second thoughts. I tried my best to not look at her. I got past her and started making my way downstairs.

I got some snacks from the kitchen, and some fruits and veggies from the fridge. I looked around for Jenny's wallet. I walked to the bowl full of keys by the door along with her wallet usually inside the bowl. I grabbed her wallet after searching for it, I opened the wallet to see she still has lots of money in her wallet. More than last time actually. I put it in my bag and grabbed a jacket from the closet. On my way out I grabbed her car keys as well.

I closed the door behind me and didn't lock it. I reached out for the car door when- "Hey! Y/n! How are ya?" I looked over my shoulder to see who was talking to me. It was my annoying neighbour. He was watering his garden. Shit. My aunt's gonna wake up from all this loud speaking back and forth from across the road. I walked to the other side of the lawn closer to him so I wouldn't have to shout back.

"Hey Mr.Hatt, I'm good thanks. How are you?"
I said.

"I can barely hear you. The hose is loud, sorry." He said.

"It's fine." I exhaled speaking to myself as I checked both ways of the road before crossing over to him. He turned off his hose.
"Hi." I said to him.

"Hi! How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm good, how are you?" I asked crossing my arms since it was cold.

"I'm good. So how's Jenny?" He asked.

I turned around quickly but just glanced at the house for a second, I pointed in the direction of my house. "I don't know, you should uh go ask her." I said scrunching up my nose and sniffling, my nose was starting to run from the cold weather.

"Okay. I'll do that." He said putting his hose down.

With my arms crossed and my hand up close to my face, my finger pointing at his hose, "Oh right now?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" He smiled. He walked past me and started walking past his driveway.

"O-k" I stuttered under my breath.

I quickly followed him and sped up past him to the car before he could wake up Jenny. I started the engine as I saw he was walking up to the door. The window was down, Jenny must've forgot to put it back up. I put the shifter in reverse and quickly tried to leave.

"Oh are you in a hurry?" He asked with his body turned my direction on the porch.

"Yeah." I said before rolling up the window.

He waved me goodbye. I put my hand up bye. I was in a hurry to tell Billy something. I looked in the rear-view-mirror, Jenny was out on the lawn.

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