Chapter 6- Brat Situations

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Chapter Recap:

The hood is opened and the engine's gone. I checked my bags and was greeted with the sight of my denim shorts alone. I checked the other bags and was on the brink of tears when I realized that those f*cking idiots stole everything. Even my Channel bag and my credit cards!

Great! What a beautiful day!

Now, what am I gonna do?! Where would I go?!

This seriously cannot be happening to me! I definitely have no idea or anywhere to go or hide from my Dad.

But then .. An idea came to my mind.

But I can't!

But if I don't do this, I will be left homeless or even worse from this state and its really getting dark.

I have no choice.

I'm gonna swallow my pride and do this.

I smiled then walked in a direction I'm not really sure.

I just hope I will be just fine.

Okay, here it goes.

I knocked on the door.




Then a pair of stunning gray eyes greeted me.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Can I please stay here till I get enough money to move out?" I asked sweetly with matching pretty eyes.

He just stared at me then, BAM!

Yup, and just as I expected, he shut the door right in front of my face.

Ladies and gentlemen, only Asher I-Don't-Know-His-Last-Name would ever do that to me.

I sighed.

I knew this would happen. I calculated every possible moves he'll be making and I made plans to counter attack.

I knocked again.

"Go away!" I heard him shout from the inside.

And, there goes move number 2.

I knocked again and this time, I knocked harder.

No answer.

I knocked again and again until my knuckles hurt but I still kept knocking.

I looked around and noticed that it's already dark.

Shit, this place is scary.

I kept knocking until I noticed I wasn't knocking on something hard anymore. I looked back at the door and was shocked when I realized I wasn't hitting the door anymore. I was knocking on Asher's face.

Holy Mackerel.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!"

"So you finally noticed," he said without any emotions.

"I really am sorry. I didn't notice I was knocking on your face until--"

I stopped talking when I noticed he was only staring at me like he doesn't give a shit.

"So, you finally hearing me and coming to my presence, does that mean you are letting me stay?" I asked kindly.

"And why should I let you stay?" he asked calmly.

"Because I'm pretty and you love to stare at me?"

"Really? That's the best you got?" he stated lamely and was about to shut the door when I stopped it with my foot.

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