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(Mpreg also lowkey angst?)


That word made Yeosang's life fall apart.

Don't get him wrong, he really did love kids and really would love to have a kid on his own (one of his dreams came true now) but he never talked to his boyfriend about it.

Jongho and him have been together for 4 years, and they really did love each other but they never talked about having kids. Yeosang was now on the bathroom floor, crying his eyes out while holding the test in his right hand.

He wasn't crying out of joy which many people would, he was crying because he was worried.

Worried that Jongho would leave him because he didn't want kids with Yeosang.

His own thoughts were interrupted by a door opening and the voice yelling.

"I'm home!"

Oh fuck.

A panic overwhelmed him as he quickly wiped his tears and hid the test in the pocket of his jeans.

"Oh, there you- What's wrong?" Jongho asked once he saw his boyfriend with puffy eyes.


What should I tell him now?!?

"You were crying? Why?" Jongho asked as he brushed the leftover tears away.

"N-no no, it was just something in my eye, yeah..that's all." Yeosang answered and hiccuped but covered it.

"Okay.." even though it didn't grow on him, Jongho let it pass since he saw that Yeosang obviously didn't want to tell him.

"How was your day?" The brunette asked while playing with the bracelet on his left wrist that his boyfriend gave him as a anniversary gift.

"Oh, it was fine. You know the usual?" He replied and rolled his eyes, smiling after.

"Yours?" Jongho then asked. 

"Oh..um it was.. It was fine, yeah."

"Just fine?" Jongho curiously asked.

There was something very wrong. Yeosang doesn't act like that usually, and he would always say something to Jongho. Now he is straight up being weird. 

"Mmh, yeah. Let's go eat!" Yeosang said and changed the subject of the talk.

 ► ► ► ► ►

It has been 2 weeks since that day where he found out, and Yeosang really couldn't bring himself to tell Jongho about it. He sighed as he threw himself on their bed, rubbing the now visible baby bump.

"What should I do?" He mumbled and continued rubbing his stomach.

His mood slightly became more anxious and sad. He wasn't sure if it was just a symptom of the pregnancy or it was his nerves not leaving him alone. He just couldn't stop thinking. 

"I-I'm so sorry.." he said now crying as he continued rubbing the baby bump.

After about 20 minutes of crying, he finally calmed down and got up to pack his clothes. Just as he packed some hoodie, a picture of him and Jongho being in carnival for their first date fell down.

He took a look at the photo.

I can't imagine my life without you, but I don't want to be broken because you left me.

It might sound selfish, but it was just his honest thought.

He sent a message to Hongjoong who lived in the other side of city, asking him to sleep over at his place and soon getting a reply.

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