As Normal As We Are Gonna Get

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After a bit of driving, I park in my spot back at the hotel. As I get out, the sky begins to dim, probably meaning night is near. I grab my mask, throwing it on, then grabbing the bags from my earlier escapade. As I make my way into the hotel, I get a bunch of uneasy looks, probably because my clothes are covered in burn marks and blood. I ignore them and enter the elevator, after the ride, I walk into the room and close the door. I put the bags into the closet and close it back up. I might as well shower, and have some goddamn decency. I undress and get into the shower, letting the warm water wash the blood off my skin, then I begin scrubbing. As I'm drying off, I hear a woosh coming from my room. I wrap a towel around my waist and step into the main room. Where my clothes and mask used to be, was a yellow and white letterman jacket, white t-shirt, light blue jeans, and purple converse sneakers. On top of the clothes was a mask,

 On top of the clothes was a mask,

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{My searched history is fucked}

and a sticky note that read :

"Laundry is on Fridays, leave your clothes in the provided hamper next time. :)"

I'll keep that in mind. At least this person remembered to take my walkman out of the pocket. I get dressed and put my walkman into my jacket pocket. I examine my new 'mask', it's... interesting. I enter the elevator and descend back to the ground floor. I look into the reflective metal of the elevator, it gives everything a red tint. I look like a fucking moron. After a minute, I hear the elevator ding, and the doors open. Whatever conversations were happening, stopped as soon as I entered the room. I walk back out the door and follow the sidewalk into town. I earned a few laughs, but that was about it. I decide to walk around looking for a decent place to eat at. I spot a cafe, and walk in. As I do, I look around, seeing a bunch of demons in the navy pinstripe suits. Regardless, I walk up to the counter and order some donuts and some coffee. Afterwards, I head back outside and sit in a secluded area of a park. Double checking my surroundings, I slowly take the mask off and begin eating. As I'm doing so, I feel a tug on my pant leg. I look down and see a dog. It looked like a wolf, but it was zombified and on fire.

It didn't seem like it was going to kill me, so I gave it a piece of my donut

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It didn't seem like it was going to kill me, so I gave it a piece of my donut. He scarfed it down and sat in front of me, as if wanting more. So, I tossed it a whole one this time. This time, he had to lay down with it to finish. I ate one more donut and gave him the rest of the box. I started drinking the coffee as he ate. The black coffee tasted bitter, but it was a great wake up call. I look to the giant clock tower to see it was around 4:35 a.m. I finish the coffee and throw the cup away. I pat the creatures head and walk back to the hotel to get my Acado. That's my first time seeing a dog that wasn't trying to tear my throat out. As I get into view of the hotel, an annoyingly pink limo pulls up, and a figure steps out of the car.

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