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As I'm driving to the studio, I turn the radio on. Hopefully something good is playing.

Host: Let me see them drawers, it's Flash FM! In recent news, the fighting between Vox and Alastor has stopped. Rumor has it they came to a stalemate and just stopped fighting. Maybe this is a good thing. I could be wrong but, what was the fighting even about to begin with? Anyway, as the night starts to grow old, here's Take My Breath Away, by Berlin.

I remember Top Gun, great movie. I make it to the studio and stay in the car for a minute, just listening to the song. After it ends, I turn off the car and get out. Concealing my Mac-10, along with some spare magazines, I make my way inside. I entered through the storage room, and walked into the meeting room. As I was looking around, someone tried to grab me. I break free and I see a demon in a blue suit. He was so muscular that it didn't even look natural. He tries to tackle me, so I side step and switch to Tony. As he has his back turned to me, I jump on his back and put him in a choke hold. He writhes around and tries to throw me off, but I hang on. After a few minutes, he fall unconscious and hits his head on the corner of a desk. I jump off of him and smash his head in with a desk lamp. I make my way down the hall to the main stage. As I walk closer, I hear voices and laughter. As I enter the main club area, I see Angel Dust in a giant bird cage, and a bunch of demons cheering him on and throwing money as he danced, but he didn't look happy about it. I look to the stage to see Valentino, with his trademark, shit-eating grin. Behind him was the hotel owner and that gray demon she's always with. They were both handcuffed to chairs, having to look at Angel's 'performance'. Then, Valentino looks to me and grabs the microphone.

Valentino: Well well well, if it isn't Jacket. Glad you could finally join the party.

A neon yellow spotlight shines on me, which gained the attention of every demon in the room.

Valentino: Where's that escort I sent to find ya? Or did you kill him too?

Valentino loses his smile, and every demon seems to scowl at me.

Valentino: You know why we stopped fighting the Radio Demon? Not because we won, but because you did more damage to our numbers than he ever could. Which is odd, because you're just a human, not some Overlord. I thought we were friends, but I was sorely mistaken. You're nothing but a goddamn animal. You know nothing, other than violence. I saw great potential in you, but now, you'll die like the fuckin' animal you are!

As soon as he said that, all the demons in the room drew their weapons and opened fire. I dove behind the bar, somehow not getting riddled with bullet holes. I draw my Mac-10 and check my ammo. I only had three extra magazines, and there were roughly 50 demons in the room. Then, something catches my eye. Bottles of Everclear, and rags. I stuff rags into the bottles of booze, and light them with my lighter. I switch to Jake and toss the molotovs towards the large groups of demons. If they didn't get loads of glass in their faces, they quickly burnt to death. After the screaming died out, I peeked over the bar. There seemed to be only 17 now. That, I can work with. I switch to Rick and unload on the demons. Since I had Rick, the bullets hit their vitals, killing them almost instantly. I eject the empty magazine and load another, putting the empty one in my pocket. Valentino had disappeared, I'll find him later. I break the handcuffs on the owner and the gray demon. As soon as I let them loose, the gray demon punched me right in the jaw. I switch to Tony and land an uppercut on her jaw, knocking her back a few feet. She stands up and grabs a spear out of nowhere.

Gray: I'll kill you, hijo de puta!

I got into a boxing stance, ready for whatever she throws at me. The hotel owner manages to get in between us. Tears were streaming down her face, she clearly didn't like this situation.

Gray: Charlie, please move out of the way so I can teach this cabron a lesson.

Charlie: No Vaggie, I won't let you! He just saved us, and this is how you repay him?

Vaggie: You don't understand! He's the reason we are in this situation in the first place! He's the reason they knew where we were hiding Angel! He's to blame for all of this!

While they were arguing, I switch to Graham and run out to my car. I see Valentino's limo speed out of the parking lot, headed straight for me. I dove out of the way just in time. The limo shoots out of the parking lot and speeds off. I run to my Acado and jump in, starting the car, and giving chase. After a few minutes of swerving through traffic, I spot the limo. Two demons peek out of the windows and start shooting at me. I try to keep my head down, while also staying with the car. As the chase continued, one of the demons managed to shoot my front left tire, which caused the car to flip forward, and fling me through the windshield. I hit the asphalt and skidded to a stop. It hurt like Hell, but I was still alive. I look to my left to see one of the China Lakes I took from the hotel. It was still loaded and everything. I grab it and shift to Rick. I only had one shot at this, so I carefully lined up the shot in the limo. I pulled the trigger and let the grenade fly.

And by a stroke of luck, it hit the bottom of the limo, sending it flying forward. I get up and toss the China Lake over to what was left of my Acado, so I can find it later. I make my way to the now burning limo to see all the demons are dead, but no sign of Valentino. I see a blood trail leading from the limo and into a tall office building. I walk in and follow the blood into the elevator, which had a bloody fingerprint on the button for the top floor. I press the button, and as the elevator moves up, I get that familiar feeling again.

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