Familiar Faces

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Hyena: W-What the fuck do you want from me?!

Fuck, I regret this already. She probably thinks I kidnapped her. I get my Walkman from the inner pocket of my jacket.

Jacket: rewind Please remain calm click

Hyena: Calm? Calm?! How the fuck can I be calm right now?! I'm in a car with some stranger who probably drugged my drink!

Jacket: click There is clearly a misunderstanding click

Hyena: Yeah there fucking is-


Suddenly, the road in front of us exploded, causing me to swerve and spin around sideways. I speed into an alleyway for cover.

Jacket: rewind Stay click

I grab my M16, and sling the ammo bag over my shoulder and across my chest. Slinging the rifle over my other shoulder, I climb up a nearby fire escape and proceed to the roof. Once I get to the roof, I spot that one demon dressed like a hooker. She seemed to be chucking bombs at demons in navy suits. Everywhere I go, it seems trouble follows suit. Get it? Anyway, I was about to line up a shot on one of the suited demons, until I felt the building tilt forward. The aftermath of the bombs must have caused the building to fall. Luckily, the building was about to fall over the road. Unluckily, I don't know if I can land the jump. Shifting my mask to Brandon, I get a running start, timing my jump just as the building was about to collide with the one across the road. As soon as I hit the roof of the other building, I rolled and ducked for cover behind an air conditioning unit. A giant dust cloud swoops right over my head. I don't know how this mask worked, but I'm glad it did. I probably would have died if I didn't have it. Anyway, back to the task at hand. I climb down the fire escape and head towards the sounds of gunfire and explosions. After a few minutes I reach the battlefield. It mainly consisted of rubble and the empty shells of collapsed buildings. I spotted the suited demons, who had fewer numbers than when I first saw them, ducking into a trench. After shifting to Rick, and getting a good angle, I flip up the ladder sight and launch a grenade into the trench. As I watch the grenade fall, it lands right in the middle of all the demons, causing a huge cloud of blood and guts to go flying in all directions. While reloading, I make my way to the trench to check for stragglers. On the way there, the bomb-hurtling hooker approached me.

Hooker: That was fucking awesome! We're gonna get along great, I can already tell. The name's Cherri Bomb, by the way.

She says while extending her hand out to me.

Jacket: click Jacket click

I take her hand and shake it.

Cherri: Now I know who to call on when I can't find Angel.

Just as I was about to leave, I feel something hit my leg. I look down and see the Hyena from earlier.

Hyena: What the fuck man?! I could have fucking died! Again!

Cherri: Oh, hey Crymini.

Crymini: Oh, hey Cherri.

Cherri: What brings you around these parts?

Crymini: I was at a party, but next thing I know, I pass out and I'm in this dude's car!

Jacket: click She appeared to need assistance click

Crymini: So that's why I smelled hellhound blood on you. Although, I still don't fully trust you.

Jacket: click Understandable click

Cherri: Come on, I'll take ya home.

Crymini: Yeah, after all this, I need a break.

Cherri: See ya around Jacket.

As she waved I gave her a two finger salute and headed back to my Acado. I'm not the most social person in the world, but I might as well respond to some questions.... some.As I was about to cross the street to my Acado, I see a news van speed past me, probably toward all the explosions from earlier. I cross the street and walk to the collapsed building. The demons don't seemed fazed about earlier. Then again, this is probably a common occurrence. I find my Acado in perfect condition. The only thing I could find wrong was the fresh coat of dust. I throw my M16 and ammo bag in the backseat and jump in. As I'm about to turn the car on, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look into my rear view mirror and see three people I thought I would never see again.

 I look into my rear view mirror and see three people I thought I would never see again

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Rasmus grabs the back of my seat and gets right in my face.

Rasmus: Look who finally got what he deserved.

I knew trying to argue was futile, so I simply stare out the windshield. Not like I can do much talking anyway.

Don Juan: Ignore him. It looks like you're making friends, I'm glad.

Richard: Our time is short at the moment. Until we meet again... think of these three questions. Is fighting for the Three V's worth all the trouble? What do you gain from all this? Is Valentino really who he says he is? Think about these questions until we meet again.

I blink and they disappear. More questions, as always. Deep in thought, I shift into first gear and head to the Hotel. Once at the hotel, I head to my room and leave my clothes out for the cleaning staff. I decide to take a shower in silence. Richard's questions kept racing through my mind. Afterwards, I go back outside to find my clothes and mask perfectly clean. I get dressed and see I have an unopened message from Valentino, which read,

'Got some more work for ya, when you're available'

So with that, I leave the Hotel and head back to the studio. I can only imagine what needs done.

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