Uneventful... To Begin With

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I wake up and get out of bed, remembering last night's events. I look back at my bed and see.... no one. Actually, I see my clothes and mask folded up on the bed, with a note that read:

"It took a lot of hand washing and sewing, but your clothes should be as good as new :)"

Well, thanks, I guess. I get dressed and grab my walkman. I switch to Tony, and walk out of my room. Today was the day I investigated a job pitch some hellhound in an alley told me about. Sounds safe enough. As I walk out to my car, I see that stupidly pink limo again. This time, some sort of pimp steps out.

He spots me and gives me what I can only describe as a shit eating grin

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He spots me and gives me what I can only describe as a shit eating grin.

Valentino: Ah, Jacket, we meet again.

Jacket: click Do I know you? rewind You look familiar click

Valentino: Huh? Oh, right. Fuck, hold on.

He takes a huge drag from his cigarette and puffs out the smoke, which covers his whole body. When the smoke clears, I see Valentina.

Valentina: Vox wanted us to use these stupid disguises, in case one of us got caught. I think he gets off to secrecy.

He then repeats the process, changing back to a male.

Valentino: It's a shitty idea in my opinion..... Say, have you seen Angel around? I need to 'talk' to him after our last....meet up.

I shake my head no, having no idea who he's talking about. The way he said that sentence was sketchy as fuck though.

Valentino: Well, shit. Anyway, I'll let you know when I have work for you.

I give him a thumbs up. And with that he speeds off in that limo again. I take my mask off as I get into my Acado. I pull out the business 'card', if you could call it that. It was a torn piece of notebook paper with the company information..... and a horse. I start the car and shift into 1st, headed down the street while occasionally glancing at the card for directions. After a bit of silence, I turn on the radio. Alright Tom, what ya got for me today?

Tom: -ave any of you tried LSD? Well, we're not talking about the good kind, but this LSD is the next best thing. Lake Shore Drive, by Aliotta Haynes is up, enjoy. Oh fuck, Katie, WAI-

Conveniently, as soon as the song came to an end, I had reached my destination. A tall office building with three horns at the top, weird. I walk in and head for the elevator. Once I reach the elevator I follow the instructions on the card and press the button.

After some awkward silence, the elevator doors open. I step out and walk down the surprisingly long hallway. I see a door with the label 'I.M.P' in weird writing. Underneath the logo was a piece of notebook paper that read 'Meeting In Progress'. I knock on the door...... no answer.

Oh well, I tried. I turn around and walk back to the elevator. I call the elevator and lean against the wall, taking my mask off, and lighting a cigarette while I wait. I'll come back tomorrow. I hear the elevator ding, letting me know it had arrived. However, I hear faint voices on the other side of the doors.

???#1: So, who's up for some celebratory ice cream!?

???#2: Sorry, sir. Millie and I have our own plans for this evening.

Sir: Oh who the fuck cares about your healthy relationship, Mox? Besides, who doesn't love ice cream?

Mox: Well, if it gets in the way of my marriage, then I'm not the biggest fa-

Sir: You are such a limp-dicked drag, Mox.

By the time they were done bickering, I had put out my cigarette and put my mask back on. When the doors opened, I walked in as they walked out. Only, one small issue. My foot felt like it stepped on something.

Mox: Ah, my foot!

By the time I had turned around the elevator was almost closed. All I saw was one demon writhing in pain on the floor, one laughing his ass off, and another who looked concerned for the first one. Then, the doors closed, and the elevator descended towards the lobby.

Once I reach the ground floor, I walk back to my Acado. Taking off my mask, I light another cigarette. After a minute, I start the car and drive back to the hotel, thinking about..... something, I dunno. I turn on the radio, trying to break the silence.

Tom: -ope you're all enjoying your Valentine's Day. Even though this is Hell, there's always room for love. This next song goes out to all the slutty succubi, who probably don't even listen to this station.

Almost as if this was a movie, the song ended right as I pulled into the parking lot. I put out my cigarette, pull my mask back over my head, and shut the car off. I get out and walk into the lobby of the hotel. Just as I reached the stairs to the elevator, I feel a tug on my sleeve. It was the hotel manager, and she looked really worried.

Charlie: H-hey, have you seen Angel? He hasn't been back since yesterday.

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