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Once the elevator reaches the top, I continue to follow the blood trail down the hall. The trail eventually leads to an empty meeting room, with a muscular hellhound on the opposite side, patching up his wounds, kind of like the one that tried to grab me earlier. Valentino must have left in a different vehicle. He sees me and grins with murderous intent.

Enforcer: You're dead meat.

He then draws two different knives, a butcher knife, and a combat knife. I see a golf bag next to the door, and grab one of the clubs. The Enforcer starts swinging his knives around in an erratic pattern. Since I had Graham, it was a bit easier to dodge. I dodge a jab to the head and hit the hound in the knee with the club. It seems to stun him, but not for long. I take the opportunity and hit him in the ribs, causing him to lose his breath. While he was on one knee wheezing, I land a blow to his head, cracking his skull, and leaving him to crawl on the ground. As I got closer he tried to stab me, which resulted in his arms being broken by my golf club. I grab him by the collar of his suit, somewhat choking him.

Jacket: rewind Where are the others? click

He looks up and spits on my mask.

Enforcer: Go to Double Hell.

I land a blow to his head, causing blood to shoot out of his nose.

Jacket: click Last chance click

Enforcer: cough They're probably long gone by now.

I throw him down on the ground, he clearly isn't gonna talk. I grab the golf club, before I hear the hellhound speak again.

Enforcer: Y'know, I've seen how you operate. Val was right, you're nothing but a goddamn animal, and that's coming from me. So, tell me Jacket, do you like hurting other people?

Jacket: click Yes rewind Yes I do click

And with one final swing of the club, I connect with his head, and almost blow it clean off. The wall next to me is coated in blood. I drop the golf club, and make my way out the door. I was just about to open it, but I heard a buzzing sound coming from the hellhound. After a bit of searching I find his phone, which had an unread message from Vox.

'We are at the safehouse, follow the address, preferably in one piece'

I look at the address and take his phone with me. I take the elevator down and start walking towards the address.

After a bit of walking, I finally make it to the safe house. It wasn't really a safe house, but more of an office building. I kick the door open and grab the guard at the door. I slam him into the wall and stomp his head in. Two big demons start to charge toward me. I grab the double barreled shotgun the first guy had and blast a hole in both of their chests. After they fell, I tossed the shotgun and walked up the stairs and through the double doors. On the other side of the room was Valentino at a desk, Velvet to his left, and those two escorts sitting on either side of the desk.

Valentino: Ah, well, if it isn't the man behind the slaughter. Are you prepared for this day to be your last?

The two escorts jumped off the desk and began to attack me. I did my best to dodge and block their attacks. Before I knew it, I had my back to a wall. I looked to my right and saw a trophy case. I smashed it open and grabbed the trophy. As the escorts came forward to attack, I bashed their heads in, leaving puddles of blood seeping onto the floor.

Velvet: Leave him to me...

She charged at me, brandishing a katana. It took everything I had to dodge her attacks. I managed to get a good distance from her. As she charged forward, I threw the trophy, which knocked her over. I took my chance and grabbed her by the neck, while slamming her head into the floor repeatedly, until she stopped squirming.

Valentino: Guess it's just you and me left now. Not bad! I'm impressed. I wonder what gave you this thirst for blood. I've never seen anything quite like it! Now I want to see who's hiding behind that mask!

He drew two MP5s and started firing. I duck behind one of the fountains in the room. As I'm waiting for him to rum out of ammo, I notice Velvet's body had throwing knives on a belt. I grab the belt and fasten it diagonally across my chest. Once the gunfire stopped I ran across the room and threw the knives toward Valentino, until I didn't have any more. Once I ran out I threw the belt and peeked over the other fountain. It seemed like Valentino had knives in his lower two arms and across his chest. Seeing that he dropped his weapons, I approached him.

Valentino: cough I can see where this is going... heh! I'll spare you the pleasure!

He drew a revolver...


And shot himself in the head. I was about to leave, until I heard the phone on his desk ring. I picked it up, and brought it to my ear.

Vox: What the Heavens is happening up there?! Hello...? Hello?! Damn-

He hung up. That's when I noticed the elevator in the corner of the room. I grabbed Valentino's revolver and headed to the elevator. I pressed the button to open the doors and took the elevator to the top. Once I was there, I walked down a long hallway, and opened the door to the other room. I saw Vox sitting in a lounge chair with a worried expression on his face.

Vox: Fuck, I should have know it was you. I know you can't talk, so I'll save you the trouble. I'm sure you've killed everyone I remotely cared about. I realize now that the whole reason I started the war in the first place was for some stupid rule over everything. What's the point in ruling if you don't have anyone to share that power with? I know you're angry at me, but please, I beg you for forg-


I shot him with the revolver. It was... over. I dropped the revolver and walked outside. Throwing my mask off and to the side, I light a cigarette. I breathe in and let out a cloud of smoke. I feel something in my pocket and take it out. I was that business card I picked up from that hellhound a while back. I stare at it for a second, taking another drag from my cigarette. I decide to let it go, letting the wind take it away. As the paper fluttered through the wind I thought of what had happened. I thought of what I did to get here, If what I did was right, and above all...

What now?

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