Chapter 1: Meeting Fomey

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Hello, if you are reading this, this a chapter rewrite. The old chapter one can be found in the side story and one shot book if you wish to read it.

The fluffy, Snow White clouds floated in the sky of Dreamland. A gentle breeze blew through everything, the leaves dancing in it. The sun glowed brightly, lighting up the emerald grass, making it impossible to look at the sapphire sky.

Tiff and Kirby wandered through the grassy fields, Tiff hummed to herself, enjoying the weather. She was carrying a small book in her hands, which had a pen attached to it, and she had a orange backpack on her back. While she felt perfectly safe, she couldn't help but feel as if she were being watched, but simply shook it off. Kirby walked by Tiff, a big smile on his face as always.

Tiff was planing to look at a few more of Kirby's copy abilities, wanted to learn more specifically about them, especially the ones Kirby barely used. For this, she had brought multiple large bottles of water in her backpack, since she has many questions about Water Kirby.

The two continued forward for a bit, looking for the perfect place to practice. Eventually the two found the perfect spot, a fair open area, shaded by some of the larger trees in Whispy Woods. She and Kirby sat down in the shade, Tiff pulling off her backpack and taking a water bottle out.

"Right Kirby, I want you to eat this for me!" Tiff told Kirby, holding the water bottle towards him. Kirby stood up and inhaled the item Tiff had asked him to. As he swallowed, Kirby transformed into Water Kirby, his entire body becoming a thick, blue water. A small, golden, crown like object rested on his head, it had a large spiral at the front. From in the middle of this golden head item, stood unmoving waves, like a fancy hairstyle for Kirby.

"Neat!" Tiff said, "Right, since it must be answered, does you body act solid, or can my hand go right through you?" She questioned, reaching her hand out to Kirby, as her arm touched his forehead, it sunk right into him. Tiff removed her hand from his watery body, shaking it for a moment to dry it off. She sat down, took the pen and opened her notebook, begin to write down all of this information.

Tiff put her pen down after finishing her note, she stood up. "Right now I'm going to.." Tiff started, but found herself cut off by the sound of rustling in a nearby bush. Tiff turned around to face the same way as Kirby. One of the bushes not that far away was making a lot of noise and clearly had something inside of it.

Kirby readied himself, preparing to spew water at whatever jumped out the bush. As whatever it was left the bush, Kirby shot a pulse of water at it, meaning Tiff was unsure of what it was. As Kirby finished shooting the water, Tiff could finally get a look at it.

The creature had similar proportions to Kirby, but seemed to have more features. It had a thick, pink coat of fur, that from the water had become soaked and rough, this accompanied by curling hair with coloured ends. It had many tails, like that of a fox. It had ears that were rather long, perhaps a little longer than they should of been. And a small pair of lavender angel wings stuck out its back, perhaps a little too small to be functional. It had proper arms and paws, which had a more shorter, purple coat of fur than the rest of them.

Tiff walked over towards it, curious about what it was and what it wanted. She didn't dare get too close too it, but close enough to clearly look at it and hear what it had to say. Now she could look closer, she could see it's other visible eye was a little like hers, the iris being mostly black with a little colour, the odd beings eye colour being teal.

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Tiff asked, a stern expression sitting on her face as she peered down at the new comer. The teal eye stared up at her for a moment, one of the pink ears twitched very briefly.

"I'm Fomey, and I'm here for a reason, but you don't need to know anymore about it. Although, call me any pronoun you want, I don't mind." Fomey told Tiff, slowly standing up themselves up. Fomey began shaking herself dry, their fur poofing out, only for Fomey to comb it back to normal rather quickly. Tiff was frustrated with Fomey's answer to her question, it didn't tell her much at all. It was almost impossible to tell what their intentions were, especially if they were choosing to hide them.

"And why don't I need to know what your reason for being here is?" Tiff questioned, getting a little more frustrated than earlier, but also slightly more curious. Fomey gave Tiff a dead stare, she sat and stared for a moment, before puffing a cheek with attitude. Eventually Fomey caved into the harsh stare she was receiving back and answered.

"I'm looking for someone. There, happy?" She answered to Tiff, sounding very much like she didn't care about it that much. Something then hit Fomey in realisation. "HEY! You haven't even told me your names yet!" She exclaimed, "Although, I think I already know who this pink little guy is." She noted, pointing over to Kirby, who was now laying on the grass sleeping, he'd removed the water copy ability at this point.

"I'm not happy with that response, it doesn't really say that much more. And for your information I'm Tiff, and that's Kirby anyway, but you seem to know that." She replied, she took a moment to re-register what Fomey had told her. "WAIT, how do you know who he is, are you looking for him? I bet you are!" She exclaimed, getting rather angry.

"WELL, it's pretty easy to know who Kirby is! He's obviously one of the reincar..." Fomey stared to yell, before stopping themselves, and thinking. "He's the child star warrior who defeated Nightmare! Of course I know who he is! Nearly everyone in the Galaxy, no, the universe does!" She corrected, continuing to yell.

What Fomey hadn't noticed was that Tiff has gone and turned Kirby back into Water Kirby, and was now bringing him over. Fomey began to panic.

"WAIT, NO! I promise I'm not here to attack him at all! I have no intentions of harming anyone! I'm just looking for someone I haven't seen in ages! I PROMISE!!!" Fomey began panicking, backing away from them.

"Well then who are you looking for?!" Tiff exclaimed, on the ready to tell Kirby to fire. Fomey began to stammering, struggling to get any words out.

"They're looking for me." A familiar voice said. Tiff turned around in surprise, only to be met by the bright, glowing yellow eyes of Sir Meta Knight. Meta Knight walked towards the three. A smile instantly appeared on Fomey's face, as she ran towards him.

"You're here! I've been looking everywhere for you! I didn't know where'd  you gone after we got separated!" Fomey exclaimed, looking up at Meta Knight. They had a noticeable height difference, Fomey being only two thirds of Meta Knight's height. Tiff was extremely confused.

"You guys know each other?!" Tiff exclaimed, confused and shocked.

"Yeah, we've known each other for ages, we just got separated before I came here, due to reasons you'll learn in the future. In fact, me and Fomey are very close! We have been for ages." Meta Knight explained to Tiff. He knew she'd probably still have a lot of questions, but at least she'd know the main reason of Fomey's arrive. "Now, come Fomey, I'll tell you all about what's been happening in dreamland. Leave Tiff to do her research on Kirby's copy abilities." Meta Knight told Fomey, resting his hand on their back and leading them away, up to the castle.

Tiff and Kirby returned to the task at hand, Tiff continued to explore different questions and fine the answer to them.

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