Chapter 12: Bending the thoughts of others

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In dreamland it was a stormy afternoon, Thursday could be heard cracking, and the rain was slowly becoming hail.

Tiff and Kirby had arranged to talk with Meta Knight and Fomey about different things that were important to discuss. Tuff didn't feel like coming and was busy finding something to play.

Tiff held Kirby's hand, dragging him along as he was stumbling being afraid of the noise. The two of them found and entered Meta Knight's room.

They saw Meta Knight and Fomey sat down facing each other, Fomey was facing away from them, her tails wagging, though she looked different. She had much shorter hair into a bun and appeared to be wearing a dark purple trench coat.

"Hey, you two, we are here." Tiff called out to Meta Knight and Fomey, who both turned around and waved.

"Oh hi Tiff, sorry I might of surprised you with this form of mine, would you like me to turn back to normal?" Fomey asked Tiff, her voice was much deeper then normal, and she seemed more taller then normal and was wearing her bow as a bow tie.

"Ah it's alright Fomey, you can stay in the form." Tiff responded, feeling a little awkward, Kirby looked up at her, confused.

"Yes, sorry Tiff, me and Fomey wanted to find something to do that would allow fomey to use her genderbend form..." Meta Knight explained, rubbing Fomey's head, kissing her on the cheek before pulling his mask down back onto his face. Fomey smiled but it looked more like a smug smile at Meta Knight, who blushed back.

"So are we going to discuss what are the possibilities of why there are demon beasts or should me and Kirby just leave to let you do your thing." Tiff commented with a look of impatience on her face, as she taped her foot. Fomey and Meta Knight both turned to her, as Kirby began to run around the room.

"Right so me and Fomey were discussing what we believe some of the possibilities might be, number one, demon beasts that dedede has ordered that wandered or however they run around from the castle, becoming lost and returning, meaning their may be more demon beasts, number two someone out there was collecting demon beasts to attempt to kill certain people possibly as revenge. The third possibility is that someone has created a team and are creating new demon beasts or recreating old ones, and the worse possibilities, Nightmares found a way back into this world, either via possession or being reborn." Meta Knight explained slowly getting more angry with each explanation.

Crystal who was passing by the room and heard the final explanation, popped her head in and the teasing commented, "Nightmare? You mean your da-" but she was interrupted as Fomey threw a small item she had nearby into Crystal's mouth who stopped talking due to the item, before Fomey the picked Crystal up with her telekinesis and whisked her away, Fomey who had been sat on a table was dangling her feet, smiling adorably.

For a moment Tiff stood there trying to take in what Crystal just commented on. Then two sets of footsteps entered the room, they belonged to Sword and Blade.

"Hey Meta Knight, King Dedede wants you for something." Blade told Meta Knight, who had stood up, ruffling Fomey's hair before walking towards the rooms door, clearly unamused as he groaned out of annoyance.

Fomey changed back to her normal form as she ran to Meta Knight giving him a big cuddle not wanting him to leave the room, gave him a big smooch, as he held her hands gently before letting them go and leaving the room.

Fomey turned around before sitting back down, Kirby had gone and sat next to her before climbing on her head and lying in her fluffy, curly hair, Fomey smiled.

"So why don't you tell me what you truly are then, I would like to know." Tiff had questioned Fomey simply stared at her for a moment before answering.

"Simple, I'm a goddess, the fox type I am is a kumiho and I have angel wings, (some say I'm a species of my own). But there is more then you may see, I am who I am, but I'm also not her, I'm someone else. Are there anymore question more questions you have to ask?" Fomey responded, staring into Tiffs eyes.

"...Alright, what did what Crystal said earlier mean then, you should know." Tiff mentioned clearly reading Fomey's calm, smiling face, which seemed to lower at this question.

"Oh, so, I do know, but sadly I don't have the ability to tell you, I would upset Meta Mnight if I did tell you, I wouldn't want to do that now would I?" Fomey responded, her voice had a more gentle yet smug tone to it, Tiff felt like Fomey was staring into her soul, Fomey then realised this.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I'm not the best with that, being a goddess who hasn't seen the others for some time now.." she apologised.

Fomey then stood up, she got Kirby off her head, placing him down, "I'm going now, why don't you head back to your family I'm off to find Meta Knight, see what he's needing to do for that idiot of a penguin." She added heading out the room,

"Oh please shut the down behind you."

Then she left, tripping over one of her tails due to hearing the thunder and getting spooked. Tiff stared for a moment before grabbibng Kirby and heading back, closing the door. Kirby was jumping up and down, though Tiff was in thought.

'Nightmare? You mean your da-' 'oh so I do know but sadly I don't have the ability to tell you' then Tiff was hit by a thought as she stopped still in the hallway, is Meta Knight a demon beast? She then began to run back quickly, with Kirby, she found her brother Tuff lying on his bed,

"Tuff I've not learned much about what why they are demon beasts still around, only some possibilities, but I've learned something disturbing about Meta Knight, he may just be a demon beast created by nightmare." Tiff explained to her brother you just stared at her in shock, who didn't know what to say. They both stared at each other before Tiff sat on her own bed with Kirby next to her.

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