Chapter 10: Clawing arms of a demon

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It was a beautiful day in dreamland, the sun was behind the Snow White clouds, the grass was a soft green, the leaves were falling and birds singing. Kirby and Tuff were running through the grassy meadows, Tiff sat on a rock, watching them both running around, as she wrote in her notebook.

Under a tree on top of a small hill watching other the three, sat Meta Knight who had Fomey sleeping in his arms, he was reading a book, until..

"OI, WAKE UP! You, yeah you, pink fox!" Fomey found herself being disturbed by a little yellow bird, out of announce she grabbed the bird, "AGH!"

"Who do you think you are, Abaddon?! Disrupting the sleep of a goddess?!" Fomey yelled at the small golden bird she had grabbed.

"My names Tokkori, and if you must know what's to urgent I must wake you, LOOK!" Tokkori then point off into the distance, Meta Knight squinted his eyes, looking into the distance. Tiff, Tuff and Kirby who had all heard the racket all had came up to investigate, then Meta Knight pulled out his sword.

"There's a demon beast heading this way, be prepared to get out the way you two. Fomey, Kirby come help me with this." Meta Knight told them seeming calm yet shocked all in one, Fomey got up, smoothing her tails down and the three ran towards the demon beast.

The three ran down, Meta Knight infront, Fomey at the back, Meta knight when to attack the demon beast but when he slashed his sword at its arm but nothing happened it didn't seem to affect the creature.

Upon realising this he grabbed Kirby and Fomey pulling them back as the creatures many arms coming from its stomach attempted to grab them, one caught Fomey's right eye, ripping it out the socket. He pulled them into a bush to hide.

"FOMEY HEY ARE YOU OKAY?! ITS GOT YOUR EYE FOMEY!!" Meta Knight panicked grabbing Fomey, who simply just stared at him blinking with the one eye as teal blood ran down her face for a second before being replaced by a liquid that was purple, pink, yellow and teal.

"Has it? Huh, didn't feel anything oh well." Fomey replied calm as ever, then she began licking her paw pad, before moving her giant curl out of the way closing the hollowed eye, which was oozing out the strange liquid.

She then softly stroked her eyelid, both Meta Knight and Kirby were extremely confused, then Fomey opened her eye and bam she had restored her lost eye, it looked exactly the same as the other one, the two looked at her in amazement, she just responded to the faces with,

"Well I am a goddess, what do you expect."

The three then got back out of the bush they were in, Fomey looked at the creature without blinking, she looked up and down.

"Hey, those eyes on its face, they look fake, like who could see with eyes like that?! Do you think it's real eyes where ever they are, are the things we need to attack, maybe then we will defeat it!" Fomey pointed out to them,

"Well maybe your right, worth a shot." Meta Knight said, pulling his sword back out.

Tiff and Tuff had ran down to them wondering what was going on.

"What's going on, why did you run into the bush?" Tiff asked but she only got a response from Meta Knight which was.

"Call the warp star, get Kirby to inhale one of it's arms." Tiff then called for the warp star, in the meantime how ever Fomey had gotten her claws out, and had clawed at the big red eye in the middle of the creatures torso. It screamed out in pain the eye turning purely red before closing, as it fell down to the floor. Tiff seeing a chance yelled "SUCK UP ONE OF THE ARMS KIRBY!"

Kirby then inhaled one the arms, it ripped off and he then swallowed it, he then turned into needle Kirby. Just then the warp star showed up and Kirby jumped on top of it, the monster seemed very angry about this and began to chase the warp star, attempting to grab it and pull it down, Kirby was flying away from it in circles even with how fast the warp star flew the demon beast kept a fair distance.

In the distance Flamy and Blazy were watching, from a place they couldn't be seen, Flamy was clearly quite nervous.

While this was all going on, Fomey was trying to help Meta Knight and comfort him.

"Meta Knight, it's ok, just bring your wings out and chase the creature and stab the two eyes on its ear things, no one will judge you for the type of wings you have, and if they do I'll eat their soul, their liver and their heart." Fomey told Meta Knight, who was scared about others seeing his wings but knew he had to if he wanted to help Kirby out, she was holding his hands tightly.

"Alright, fine then.. but your coming along with me." Meta Knight has gave in, he grabbed Fomey's hand, and the two ran towards the demon beast, Meta Knight with Galaxia in his other hand.

"Wait a second, isn't she-" a voice started but was told to shush by Meta Knight.

The demon beast was now snapping at Kirby with its mouth and rip in its cheek, Meta Knight and Fomey had gotten closer to the demon beast, then Meta Knights cape, turned into a pair of purple bat wings. He and Fomey made eye contact they knodded at each other then Fomey flung Meta Knight into the air, he hadn't flown for a while but still remembered exactly how to.

He flew right above the Demon beast and with a slash of his sword both of the demon beasts last two eyes turn pure red before closing, the demon began screaming in pain, stumbling around before it fell over once again and exploded into nothing.

"What was that thing, and what was the demon beast from the other week when we were in the woods?!" Tiff asked as she and her brother ran over to Kirby and the others.

"Well this creature was known as a Clawblaw, and the other one was a called a Snage, yeah stupid naming.. I know." Meta Knight responded to her, Tiff had opened her mouth to comment on Meta Knight's wings but didn't quite know what to say.

Fomey stroked his wing gentle and slowly with one of her little paw fingers, making a face of sorts towards Meta Knight, before they turned back into a cape. Meta knight picked up Fomey as she let out a small gasp and told them all, "Come on, let's go back shall we."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Flamy was crying but blazy grabbed him and dragged him away telling him.
"Be quiet, or they will find us dumbie." As the two of them disappeared into the now setting sun.

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