Chapter 11: Water on the hammered beach

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It was a hot, sunny day, the sky was clear, and it was silent out, all you could hear was the water and the footsteps on the beach.

Arter placed his paw in the water as he laid on his back, Stevie walked up to him and sat on his right, stroking Arter's head before Arter sat up before Stevie picked him up and wrapped his arms around him. Sanna was watching up to them, collecting shells and pretty stones. She went and sat next to them, she stared up and the two, smiling, the two smiled back at them.

"Hey Arter, Stevie, I've been reading through the myths and legends of dreamland, and I was wondering if you've heard about the myths about there being sirens in this sea!"

"No I've never heard about that Sanna!"

"Never heard that sis."

"Well I heard a story that was wrote only a few years ago, claiming a human and siren and two children, a daughter and son, and the son still can be found in this ocean, he'd take on a human form above land but a siren one in water, cool right!" Sanna told this story with excitement, enjoying the subject. The two smiled, but weren't that interested in the subject at hand.

Arter began to attempt to get up, facing Stevie he began trying to give Stevie a kiss, though it took a bit of effort, since Arter is a lot shorter than Stevie, but he got there in the end Stevie held him up, playing with one of Arter's four tails.

Sanna just stared out at the ocean, before getting up and walking around the beach continuing to collect shells before coming to a stop, looking at a hill far in the distance, viewing two silhouettes in the distance.

"Hey you two, come here, look what I've spotted!" Sanna called to as she called them, the love birds, who came over, Stevie caring Arter in his arms.

The three stared at the silhouettes for a moment watching then, they appeared to be Meta knight and Fomey, who was holding a parasol, however she seemed to hold it more over Meta Knight then her. They were stood facing each other before Meta knight kneeled (??) and the Fomey hugged him, the three then stopped looking at the two, Sanna walked off not really interested, Arter and Stevie stared at each other for a moment.

"Welp, Crystals not going to be happy sugar, is she?" Arter commented, knowing this would be a cause of drama. He then decided to nuzzling Stevie.

"No hubby, she won't be happy, with those twos choice." Stevie responded. Stevie seemed to think for a moment, as if trying to remember something.

"Hey, Arter remember when we were younger and you finally started being nice and close to me, you were so short and adorable,! You still are! You always wanted to fight anyone and everyone when you were little. After you opened up to me, I ended up trying to help you get better after fights, sometimes my grandma would have to help." Stevie brought up to Arter, who just look away blushing heavily.

Stevie giggled the two walked back to the shore where they once were, a blue and yellow fish jumped out of the water before going back in. Then they both got hit in the back of the head with water. When they turn away from the shore to see Sanna creating a ball of water, and throwing it at them. Arter got up creating a water ball himself

"Oh you're on Sanna." Arter yelled running at Sanna. The two we're having a water fight, Stevie watched the two identical purple wolfs running and jumping around, he laughed a fair bit.

(Meanwhile back at the castle)

"Right, so let me just this straight, your saying that you and twinkle did not break the life crystals earlier, even though Crystal has proof you both did indeed do so." Florence was attempting to confront Shady and Twinkle about the fact they had broken multiple life crystals, killing random people those crystals were connected to.

"Nope that wasn't us little sister, why don't you recheck Crystal's proof huh? You know she's likes to lie to make demons look bad." Shady chucked, pinching Florence's cheeks, as she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Your the only people other then Crystal, me, Fiona and our other family members that we know have the knowledge on how the life crystals work and how to break them. And your the only two here who enjoy killing, as far as we are aware. (By that I mean Crystal does too but worse.)" Florence explained to the two poking them, with one of her floating, deep purple angel wings.

"You know just because we like killing doesn't mean it was us, and besides, killing with life crystals is boring, we don't know who we killed for all we know it might of been someone we admired." Twinkle explained to Florence pulling her ear.

Crystal walked into the room, she was visibly angry and she threw something on the floor smashing it, it appeared to be one of her fragile room decorations. She picked up a shard from the pile of broken pieces, she then threw it at Shady who screamed in pain, as blood began dripping down his cheek. She went to pick up another piece, but Shady had dashed over and grabbed her arms.

"Twinkle, get a bit of rope for me." Shady demanded, Florence however grabbed Twinkle and Shady pulling them out the room. She then teleported away before teleporting back a few minutes later, holding a brush pan and brush.

"Crystal, go to your room and calm down, and chill, your way too angry right now and you need to calm, alright? I'm not dealing with another fight between you all." Florence told crystal before turning to the pile of broken pieces, brushing them up into the pan.

"Okay, fine then." Crystal responded leaving the room, still very angry. Just as she left, inconveniently Meta Knight and Fomey walked past hand in hand and dragging the parasol behind them, Crystal stared at them, clearly angrier than before, then a little glimmer caught her eye, the second she realised what is was, she summoned a clear quarts sword and began to run towards them.

Meta Knight saw her and pulled out Galaxia, preparing to hold her off, but she never actually got near. Florence had grabbed Crystal by her hair yanking her backwards, before walking her off to her room again. Florence turned around, waved and then apologised to the two on Crystals behalf, since she never would.

"I'm deeply sorry about that, she's not in a good mood, can we talk in a bit I have to call her down, cya!" She said. The two smiled back as Florence left with Crystal, the two then continued on their way after Meta Knight put Galaxia away, the two then held hands again, Fomey leaning against Meta Knight.

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