Chapter 22: Mischief with the Goo Drop

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It was an early afternoon, as Tiff and Kirby went  for a walk around whispy woods. Tiff was looking at all the leafs, they were brilliant shades of yellow, orange, red and brown. She was collecting the ones that had already fallen out of the trees, while Kirby ran around trying to eat apples.

She noticed where he was running and chased after Kirby, he didn't seem to be stopping which seemed odd, as Kirby ran past multiple apples without eating them. All of a sudden Kirby stopped dead in his tracks, causing Tiff to fall over him.

"What's the matter Kirby? Is something wrong?" Tiff asked, she had a small and worried Poyo as a response as Kirby pointed his nubby little hands at something. Tiff turned to see what it was and gasped in shock. Stood in front of them, was another Kirby, though it appeared somewhat different, it seemed to be ever so slightly dull in colour and had bright red eyes instead of the usual blue.

Tiff and Kirby stared at it for a moment, before the creature began to run away. It began to run deeper into the woods, Tiff and Kirby began to chase after it struggling to keep up with it.

While it was faster then them, it left a dark grey trail of goo behind it making it easier to track down. After a while they found themselves in the middle of the forest, where the creature was harassing whispy. Whispy appeared to have the same dark grey goo from the trail all over him and the creature was still there.

"HEY, what do you think your doing?!" Tiff yelled at the creature, which simply stared at her, it's red eyes glowing.

"What's the meaning of this?" Whispy asked rather annoyed, then he noticed Kirby by Tiff and realised that there was a fake Kirby attacking him. "Two Kirbys, what could of be the cause of this?" He asked, not expecting a response. Tiff just shrugged at this question.

"Maybe it's a demon beast that can take on the form of others?" Tiff guessed, the creature suddenly turned into a duller and red eyed version of Tiff. The creature mimicking tiff Tiffs voice and words, but it sounded like it was in some sort of liquid.

Then the creature began to run off again, tiff grabbed Kirby and began running after it. "Bye whispy, gotta go chase this creature!" Tiff called behind her to whispy before yelling out to the creature "GET BACK HERE NOW!"

As they ran out of the woods, they saw the creature walking over to Tuff and Noah who had been running around in a field, but had stopped due to seeing the creature.

"Oh hi Tiff!" Tuff said to the creature

"Hi!" Noah added

The creature stared at them, and repeated their words, sounding the same as earlier. The two stared at each other, confused about what was happening. Tiff and Kirby caught up to them, as Tiff began to explain what was going on, Noah and Tuff both seemed extremely confused about this.

All of a sudden it began to prepare to throw goo at Tiff, she began screaming but suddenly the creature stopped. It began to struggle as it had been caughter in a whip, the four looked up and saw Meta knight holding the whip in one hand, and Fomey in the other. He jumped down to them, almost dropping Fomey as she attempted to jump out his arms but was stopped by Meta knight.

"What's going on here, why is there a second Tiff here?" Meta asked while trying to stop Fomey from squirming and getting out of his grip.

"Well you see, me and Kirby were on a walk in the woods, and then we found a weird version of Kirby. It began to run away and when we found it bothering whispy! It then turned into a weird version of me and ran to Noah and Tuff. And now we're here. Also why are you carrying Fomey when she clearly doesn't want to be carried?" Tiff explained, adding a question of curiosity at the end.

"Well I'm carrying her because she wouldn't stop talking into one of the corners of our room in another language I've never heard. Anyway, based on the information, we appear to be dealing with a Goo drop." Meta answered.

"A Goo drop?!" Exclaimed, Tiff, Tuff and Noah all at once. Seeming puzzled by the name

"That's a dumb name isn't it?" Tiff asked.

"Well it's believed to be a beta demon beast, created simply for experiment purpose, or just not named properly due to only being used to create chaos and confusion, without any actual harm." Meta knight explained he then turned back to the tied up Goo drop.

And all of a sudden he was surprised to notice the Goo drop turn into a puddle of goo and escaping the rope. It had turned into a fuller version of him with red eyes, and turned to him as it threw a hand full of goo right into his mask. Meta dropped Fomey in surprise, as she let out a loud and squeaky yell. He groaned realising his mask was ruined,

"AHH, I can't see!" Meta Knight exclaimed.

Fomey reached up towards his mask. "Don't worry hun, I'll clean in off!" Fomey said, about to try and clean his mask, but had Meta stopped her and held her arm away.

"Don't fomey, it's permanent, it won't come off!" Meta exclaimed, Fomey looked at him blinking a few times before she gather a rather cheeky grin.

"Well if it's permanent, I guess you'll have to take your mask off wouldnt you?" Fomey giggled, grinning the whole time. Meta realised this, and after some nervous stuttering, he took of his mask.

Tiff, Tuff, Noah and Kirby all seemed surprised to see Meta Knight without his mask, he appeared to look a rather lot like Kirby. As much as they wanted to say something and ask questions, they held back anything verbal reactions, while all looking rather surprised.

They looked back at the Goo drop which had began to skip and jump around, covering the grass in goo, causing the grass and flowers around to die. Tuff was trying not to laugh at this, Kirby was going to try and inhale it but it didn't seem like a good idea as Tiff stopped him.

Fomey out of nowhere created a rather large jar, that wasn't much shorter then her and grabbed the Goo drop with her telekinesis and slammed it into the jar, closing the lid tight. She then turned the jar as small as possible without the creature leaking out. Everyone stared at Fomey for a moment before she just awkward said,

"It was taking too long, I was bored, it's the easiest way to stop it without having a long fight..."

"Fair enough Fluffy, now do you have any idea how to restore the grass and anything else the Goo drop placed goo upon to how it was before the creature attacked?" Meta knight asked Fomey, who simply nodded to him.

Fomey walked forward for a moment before placing her hands together, she began to give off a small, light purple and pink glow. All the goo that had been left simply began to disappear like it didn't even exist in the first place. Tiff knew she was going to note this down when she returned back home.

Tuff and Noah said bye as Noah left to go home. As Kirby, Tiff and Tuff were walking back, their heard a noise behind them, when they turned around, all they saw was a very flustered fomey getting angry at meta who had a rather big cheeky grin on, before he put his mask back on.

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