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"I've been meaning to do that for a very long time," I say with a laughing voice.

"I can see that," he says as he sweeps his hair backward.

"Aren't you so cute, very cute? You know, people might mistake you for a girl," I say mockingly —with a laughing voice.

"Yeah laugh, very funny of you."

"I'm so tripping for you in that hair. Don't ever tie your hair, You are more handsome this way."

"Exactly what I'm about to do," he says as he tries to tie back his hair.

I stop him as I jump on top of him and hold his hands, "no don't," I tell him.

"Don't be ridiculous, I can't leave it like this."

"But you said you untie it at home."

"That's because I'm at home, nobody gets to see me except the ones that have been."

"Well I'm not nobody, I'm I?" I ask, still holding his hands pinned to the couch.

"You are not. And can you please let go of my hands now?"

"How will I know you won't tie your hair?"

"Sweetheart, you don't."

"Then sweetheart, your hands remain here, and trust me, I won't give up."

"OK fine, I won't tie my hair, I promise."

"You'll need something to back up your promise."

"Seriously, Sam."

"I'm sorry Morgan, just not a fan of promises."

"Fine. If I don't oblige to my promise, I get to kiss you."

"What?! But I want you to."

"Well, you can't get everything you want."


"So you get to choose one, my hair or the kiss."

Ohhh, I see what you are doing.

"Seriously? The kiss can wait."

"Ouch, I was really hoping you choose the kiss cause I wanted it too."

"See, you don't get everything you want," I say and release his hands. Me still sitting on his lap —my legs across his waist, his arms around mine.

"It's so wrong, that your hair is longer than some girl's hair," I say.

"I still don't get you about this hair of a thing," he says.

"It's just that long hair fascinates me."

"You know what fascinates me? Seeing you smile. It's rare but when you do, it's genuine. And I wish to see that rare smile often," he says, and I drag my lips into a forceful smile, and he peeks on my cheek.

"Please don't give me that face. I said I want to see you smile not gloom."

"Uh-huh," I mutter, and place a kiss on his lips, and he responds —kissing me even more. As we kiss the atmosphere slowly changes into an unpleasant Choky smile. But I ignore it and continue until I hear the bitch voice.

"Whoa, look who the motherfucker is fucking."
I quickly push out.

"Daniel!" I yell in shock.
"Can't you just knock for once?!"

"Why would I? When I have a key," Daniel says as he fumbles the key hanging on his middle finger —that's giving me a 'fuck you' sign.

"Surprise," Morgan says with sarcasm, getting Daniel's attention.

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