Chapter 34: Bother

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Shinichiro had decided to bring Y/N in his shop as she convinced him to stay there for the night, not wanting to worry his family either about her condition. The whole time, the boy kept quiet with thoughts of the previous events still lingering in his mind. Even after treating the girl's wounds, he only excused himself afterwards to go out, leaving the girl confused in his sudden behavior. This didn't let her stay put so she went after him only to find him smoking a cigarette once again. She sighed and came up to him.


"Hm?" He puffed out a smoke to the front and immediately waved his hand as if scattering the smoke to a certain direction, aware she doesn't like the smell of it but he didn't bother looking at her direction which only troubled the girl's mind.

"What's wrong? You've been acting strange. Are you alright? Did they wound you?" She held onto his arm. His eyebrows shot up at her questions, suddenly feeling guilty for feeling the way he's feeling right now even though he has no full control over it.

He can't help but curse himself for doing so when all she does is care for those around her and try to fix things by herself for others no matter how hard it is for her already.

"This is nothing." He shook his head. Before he could place the cigarette back to his lips, a firm grip on his wrist had stopped him.

He turned to look at her ready to meet her glare for his stubbornness as she already told him not to smoke but instead of a glare, he was greeted by her worried expression.

"Something's bothering you." She frowned.

Taking the cigarette from his fingers, she pulled him inside, placing the cigarette in the ash tray after putting out its light. Shinichiro on the other hand, just followed her every move as she once again pulled him this time back to the couch and pushed his shoulder to sit down and he did. Taking a seat beside him, she turned her full attention to the male.

"Tell me."

The raven haired boy only stayed silent as he stare at the girl beside him. He knows he can't keep the thought to himself. Reaching out to her face, he caressed her cheek to which she leaned onto. He knows it's his insecurity that has led him to feel the jealousy he's feeling. He was afraid that he'll lose her again if he repeated the same mistake as before. Releasing a shaky breath, he asked.

"Y/N, do you trust me?" Her eyebrows furrowed at his question in a frown.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I do... with everything." Feeling worried, she reached up to touch his hand in assurance. "Did I do something wrong?" Y/N can only think that Shinichiro had suspected her of betraying him as he seemed to know a lot already and she don't even know where to start explaining to him. She's starting to gather her thoughts when he spoke up once more.

"I just don't feel right for letting you do it alone." She blinked for a moment before confusion filled her mind and Shinichiro continued. "Even though we did manage to come to your rescue before they could gang up on you, I was too slow. Wakasa even beat me to being the first person to get to you the moment we stepped into that place." His voice trailed off and a pained glint in his eyes flashed right in front of her sight, causing her heart to ache in sympathy for the male.

"I just don't feel like you need me." His whisper broke her heart and she felt the insides of her stomach twist in a very odd manner as guilt started eating her up. She never thought that he would feel this way for her actions. After all, she only wanted to do it for him... for them. But unfortunately it had to end with consequences like this. "And it hurts because I want you to. And I want to be the person to take care of you first. But I can't seem to see through you to do that."

His voice was quiet as he try to push the words out of his mouth, hoping she'll understand his situation as well. But the pained expression in her face only made it worse for him.

"I respect your personal space, Y/N. And I don't want to ruin anything by forcing you to open up to me like before." He quickly added, running his thumb on her cheek. "I can't even tell if you really did open up to me in the past." Her lips opened to say something but she shut it in an instant when he started to talk again.

"But that's exactly what sucks, you know." He sighed bitterly. "Because I can't tell if you're facing something alone and you're not even bothering to ask for my help nor for a single support." He felt proud that his lover's this independent but for some reason he wanted her not to be when she's around him.

"I'm your lover, Y/N. I want everything to work between us this time." He returned her apologetic look, recalling the past events. "But I don't know how to maintain it, knowing I already failed the first time." His voice was laced with pure regret as he pertained to their past mistake.

"Nichi... I'm sorry. I didn't know." He smiled at her softly, glad that she understood him instead of getting mad for asking her such thing.

"I know you're caught up with the fear of bothering others but Y/N, I never think of you that way. You don't have to face anything all by yourself." He tried to reassure her and he can see her bite her bottom lip as she suppressed her overwhelming feeling from bursting.

"I already know. I already know about your relationship with the Higanbana Gang. You don't need to take care of it alone." He wanted to help her. He wanted to be the one to do it. And he needs to start by knowing her in the deepest to which she would often hide from him in fear of worrying him.

"I know you're scared but lean onto me for once. I want to feel you depending on me this time. Instead of enduring the pain all to yourself, let me shoulder it with you." Y/N looked down, feeling tears wet her eyes in warmth and she nod her head slowly at him. Feeling calmer, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead to reassure her.

"Let me save you, too."

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