Chapter 4

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Episode 2 (part 2)


Joon Hwi and Myung Hee came back from running and Myung Hee said, "yah tomorrow let's go to meet min min since our exam is done, this all is so frustrating. I need to see my sunshine." Joon Hwi nodded and replied, "yeah let's do that." They looked ahead and saw Joon Hwi's aunt standing there, Myung Hee clenched her fist to control herself.

All three of them sat down when Joon Hwi's aunt said, "Myung Hee I don't see any reason of you being here with us, it's a family matter." Myung Hee smirked and replied, "family matter? I think I'm more family to him then you can ever be so don't mind me." Joon Hwi's aunt sighed in frustration and said, "anyways I'm sure you are wondering why I came here when I didn't even let you attend his funeral, here sign this paper."

Looking at the document Myung Hee looked at the documents and angrily said,  "how shameless can you get?" aunt replied,  "as I said I don't want to speak to some one who got my husband's money, I don't know why you got treated like a daughter when you are -" Joon Hwi cut her off and says,  "so it's about money. We don't even know who killed uncle yet." Aunt looked at him and replied, "well the police will catch the killer and punish him,  I have nothing to do about it. Even if Prof. Yang is the killer,  I don't care as I anyways hate you more.  I want to stop hating you so you better sign the paper before I leave from Korea." saying that Joon Hwi's aunt walked away.

Myung Hee looked at Joon Hwi and said, "Yah look at me." Joon Hwi looked at her trying to control his emotion. Looking at him like this Myung Hee said,  "you know what? right now I hate you more than your stupid aunt. How much more will you keep in? it's okay to cry, let it out you know, now me and min min are your only family, you can be sad with me. I know it's hard for you right now. Invisible tears are the hardest to wipe. So please just let out your emotions. I can't bear to look at you like this. " Hearing this Joon Hwi finally broke the wall and cried hugging Myung Hee.

Myung Hee patted his back slowly as he cried his heart out, even Myung Hee cried looking at him so vurnable. Myung Hee looked up and saw Sol A coming back from doing the laundary and was looking at them with saddness, Myung Hee just nodded to Sol A.


Myung Hee and Joon Hwi reached Myung Min's aunt place, Myung Hee excitedly said,  "ah I'm sure he will love the chicken, can't wait to see him." she was about to ring  the bell when they heard a voice shouting, "ah taking care of you is so hard, I'm at my limits." Hearing this Myung Hee rang the door bell and the same voice said, "yah son go open the door."

Myung Hee rushed in as soon as the door was opened and saw Park Min Ji (Myung Min's aunt) shouting, "ah why didn't you die with your family!!" She was about to hit him when Myung Hee shouted, "MRS PARK!! how can you say and do such a thing to a child!" Making Mrs. Park stop on her action. Myung Hee went to the kitchen and got the first aid kit avoiding the shouting of Mrs. Park and turned to Joon Hwi and said, "take this first aid kit and take him to his room and check upon him, I will be there in few minutes." 

Myung Hee tunred to Mrs. Park and said, "who told you to raise him when you couldn't. I did tell you that I can raise him alone. Then why did you go all acting nice in front of everyone? No one gave you a medal till now did anyone?  Then why!! I'm more then capable to raise him alone." To which Mrs. Park turned and said, "yah it's nothing like that, we are just off some money and -" Myung Hee cuts her off saying,  "and what!? You tell a child that it was better he was dead? Hit him?" Mrs. Park pissed replied, "Yah that's none of your business, you are just his half sibling anyways." 

Myung Hee sighed at the comment and said, "I'm still his sibling, and this half sibling is more than capable to take better care of him. I'm taking him with me and cutting off every tie with you. Be glad I'm not suing you for child abuse." Saying this Myung Hee turned and went inside to see Myung Min having bandages around him. Sitting besides him and patting his head she sadly sighed and said, "min min why didn't you tell me?" Myung Min sadly replied, "you had to study." Hearing this Myung Hee hold his cheeks and said, "nothing is more important for me than you and Joon Hwi, you both are all I have got so from on tell me everything, now play with your favorite hyung till I pack your bag, you will be staying with me, okay?"

Myung Min smiled happily and hugged his sister and said, "you are the best noona." To which Myung Hee replied, "I know." Joon Hwi asked, "yah! you already forgotten your best friend?" Myung Min paniced and replied, "no no, I just said that to keep noona happy, you know na I love you the most hyung!" Myung Hee turned towards them and said,  "Han Joon Hwi I hate you the most,  you took away my brother!!" To her words Joon  Hwi just showed his cheeky smile.

After few minutes Myung Hee said,  "let's go everything is packed. We should hurry, we might miss the last bus to law school." They all got up and went out, only to see Mrs. Park  looking down, ignoring her they went out. On the bus Myung Hee called her dorm supervisier and asked the permission of letting Myung Min stay a night or two. To her luck they agreed knowing the situation. Myung Hee looked at Myung min and saw him playing game on Joon Hwi's phone and smiled at the the scene.

Myung Hee looked at Joon Hwi and said, "hey till the time I freshen him up can you heat the chicken, it's propably cold now."  Joon Hwi nodded, they got off the bus and into the campus when they met Sol A on the way looking at Myung Min she came near them and said, "oh min ah what are you doing here?" Myung Min smiled at Sol A and said, "oh I came here to stay with noona."

Hearing this she looked up and Myung  Hee and Myung Hee told her to follow her. Reaching her room Myung Hee kept Min's stuff down and told Min, "Min min go freshen up, than we will have go your favorite chicken." Hearing this Myung Min smiled and said, "okay I will get ready before you even sit down." Myung Hee looked at him with playfull eyes and asked, "oh is this a challange!? i accept it, now go fast." Nodding min ran to the bath room to freshen up with Myung Hee following him behing to help him on the shower.

Coming back she saw Sol A sitting, she sighed and went near her and hugged her saying, "why is everything so hard these days?" Sol A patted her back and asked, "what happened?" Myung Hee sighed and replied, "I found out min min's aunt used to hit him and shout at him, today I went to surprise visit him and heard his aunt saying he should have died with his parents." To which Sol A scremed, "WHAT!!? how can she say that to a child! he is the same age of beyol, ah I can't beleive that women!!" Myung Hee nodded agreeing and said, "that's why I fought with her and packed his bags and brought him here. I asked our dorm superviser to let him stay here for 1 or 2 nights, till than I will try finding a house, ah I have to even sell our house for that. where can I find a buyer so soon." Myung Hee was close to crying when she finished.

Sol A than said, "oh what if he stays at my house till you find a home? he and beyol are good friends anyways."  Myung Hee smiled a little and said, "oh that's not a bad idea, but ask your mom first and yeah I will be paying his expenses till he is there, only then I accept your help." Sol A tched hearing that and said, "so much for considering me a friend."

Myung Hee smiled and said, "I know your situation as well, I can't just be a load on your family like that. Ah I'm carving soju so bad right now!!" Sol A smiled and said, "well shall I go buy it? I will talk to mom on the way, I will give you company since I'm gonna fail the test." Hearing this Myung Hee hugged her and said, "I believe you will get a good score, that's my gut feeling."  Sol A smiled and said, "ah I hope your feelings come true. Okay I will go now, let's meet at the spot in some time." Myung Hee nodded and said, "yeah after eating and making him fall asleep we will meet." Sol A nodded and left.

Joon Hwi,  Myung Hee and Myung Min were eating when Myung Hee said, "after you fall alseep noona still has work, so don't get scared when I'm not in the room." Myung Min smiled and said, "okay noona." and they continued eating, after putting Myung Min to bed Myung Hee left to go to their spot.


Part 2 done!!  There will be one more part guys! 

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