Chapter 26

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Warning : There are scene that might be little disturbing like violence and attempt to molestation. So read it at your own risk.

Myung Hee then called the driver and asked the address, the driver in a excited voice said that he will message her the address, saying "okay" Myung Hee ended the phone call, she suddenly had a bad feeling, for her safety she removed her second phone (she still has her first flip phone) and started to record it just in case, she has the system that her calls were automatically recorded, so she knew she was safe even if something happened she would have proof.

Getting the address she took a bus, since the location he sent was close to a bust stop, reaching near the destination she looked around to see that this place was quite isolated, but knowing it was a two minutes work she calmed her self down. 

It was already dark, getting of the bus stop she called the bus driver and said, "I'm here." the bus driver said, "okay I will come soon, I'm wearing a grey top." The phone called ended and Myung Hee waited for few minutes but no one came, she was about to call him again

 When she saw a young person wearing gray coming towards her. She frowned as the bus drivers are usually middle age guys or older men and the guy did sound older. Getting a bad feeling about this she backed out from and started to ran away, but suddenly she was pulled inside an ally.

Before Myung Hee could scream for help she was punched on the stomach making her gasp, but she tried to scream again ignoring the pain, but one of the three guys held her mouth shut. While the other two guys beat her up, after a good beating one of the guys snatched her purse to dig things through, him not finding anything said, "hey I can't find the thing boss asked." 

Hearing this the gray top guy said, "shup up! and search, wait give it to me I will search it!" Finding some papers, he took them and then searched her body for her cellphone. Finding her cellphone he took it out and said, "got it." 

Myung Hee back kicked the guy who was holding her from behind as she felt him touching her inappropriately and tried to run free but the other two caught her and pushed her down and kicked her on the stomach badly, Myung Hee screamed in pain, the leader then annoyed said, "we were going to let you free since our job was done, looks you want to suffer more!" 

He kicked Myung Hee again, she tried to avoid the attacks using her hands and legs, then one of them hit Myung Hee's right knee pretty hard causing her to scream loudly. Soon Myung Hee started to lose her strength. The guy who was holding her said, "we are going to get the money but don't you think we should have a bonus reward as well?" 

The leader got happy hearing this and agreed while the 3rd guy told them they should leave or their boss will shout at them, ignoring him the approached Myung Hee and started to touch her inappropriately. Feeling this Myung Hee shouted for help with all her strength with the hope of someone saving her. 

Hearing this the leader stepped on her left hand harshly for quite a few times that it started bleeding making Myung Hee scream in pain. The leader then said, "scream as much as you want no one will come at this time." He got closer to her, Myung Hee tried her best to avoid their touches, but they beat her more making her lose all her strength.

To Myung Hee's luck, the guys heard a police siren coming near, hearing this they took the things they had to get and ran away. Myung Hee not feeling anything slightly opened her eyes but saw few shadows, in a weak voice she begged, "please leave me, you got what you wanted! please leave me." 

But the guy came forward and sensing him approach her she flinched sacred, but that guy said, "Noona we are here to help you, those guys ran away. You are safe now." Myung Hee looked up hearing a young voice and saw boys that were probably in high school.  The guy who spoke covered her with a jacket. Myung Hee who had no strength left in her lost her consciousness after whispering a 'thank you.'

Myung Hee woke up to see that she was in a hospital, she woke up dazed and confused about where she was, she hear a voice saying, "she is waking up." She looked around to realize that she was in a hospital bed. She wanted to get up but the nurse told her, "you can't get up, your stomach was badly hurt, you are lucky no internal organs were damaged." Hearing this Myung Hee was shocked, she didn't know what to say or react. 

Then she remembered how she ended up here and said, "where else am I hurt?" The nurse answered, "you have 2 stiches oh your left and and your right leg has a minor fracture, plus some additional bruises." Myung Hee sighed and thought, 'I should probably call Joon Hwi.'

But came out of her thoughts when the police officer then asked, "are you in the state of answering the questions?" Myung Hee looked at him and nodded, and said, "but officer where are the people who saved me?" The boys said, "we are here Noona." Myung Hee then worriedly asked, "are you guys okay?" The three of them answered, "yes we are okay." 

Then the police officer said, "they saved you by using a siren noise, you are really lucky these smart kids were there to help you." Myung Hee said, "yes I sure am lucky, thank you for saving me! I will always be grateful." 

Then the police officer said, "now let start questioning you. Tell us what all you remember."  Myung Hee nodded and said, "this wasn't a normal theft for stealing money, they were paid money to get something else from me."

The police officer asked, "how are you so sure about that ma'am?" Myung Hee weakly said, "I was lied on the phone about my brother losing his wallet in the bus, but the weird thing is my brother did lose his wallet, I had called him to confirm that and he said he did lose it, and it was true that he went to a field trip." 

The police officer nodded while noting down, and Myung Hee started to looked around for something. The police assistant officer seeing this said, "are you looking for something?" Myung Hee nodded and said, "I kept my old phone in my jeans, it's probably there, I hope it's not damaged. It has everything recorded since I had a bad feeling I had started to record for my safety."

The nurse knowing where her clothes were, handed her the phone. The phone was luckily not damages she thanked her and taking the phone she then saw that the recording was still on as well, saving it she then played the recording and handed it to the police.

They started to hear it and got to the point where it all started, hearing the loud scream and begs of herself she started to remember the things that happen more clearly, she panicked, the nurse helped her calm down even though she was terrified hearing the recording herself, she looked at Myung Hee with pity.

The recording ended and the police said, "we will need to take this as an evidence." Then the police asked, "can you check your purse and see what all is missing?" Myung Hee nodded and the police showed her everything she had in the purse one by one,  surprised she asked, "excuse me is that all?" 

The police assistant nodded and Myung Hee said, "they have taken my study notes and my handphone, that's all. Why would they take my notes? If they get caught, their charges will be theft, assault, attempt to s*xual assault and call fraud and voice phishing, plus it is possible they followed my brother as well. So the Article 331, 260 (1), 298." 

The police nodded, seeing them take away the evidence Myung Hee was spectacle so she said, "I'm really sorry to ask this but can I have the recording with me?" Hearing this the police officer looked at her and asked, "are you by chance a law student?" Myung Hee nodded with a small smile and said, "yes that is right." 

The police officer nodded and said, "okay since we have recorded everything you can take it, but yes you will have to present it when required." Myung Hee nodded and said, "yes I know. Thank you officers."  

 After few more question about her the officer said, "we will contact you when we find clues, if you need something, here is my number. And let us know if there is someone suspicious around you or your brother, as he might be in danger as well since they knew what he was doing, do you want to give him police protection?" 

Myung Hee thought and said, "I will need it but I shall let you know this by tomorrow, as I think it's better I make him stay at my grandmothers house, thank you." The police officers nodded and Myung Hee thanked them and the boys who helped her as well . The police offered the kids to drop them home since it's late, they nodded and all went home.

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