Myung Hee's Past

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Part 1

NOTE :- It's a little abusive and sad part. So please read it at your own risk. I tired to not give detailed parts of her abusive past. Good part will come from (The Next Day).

Ki Myung Hee and her mother Ki Ji Soo were abused by her biological father (Park Cheol Gang). Due to Myung Hee's visible bruises people would stay away from her. She had no frineds, even if she helped people they would be scared and would run away. She was very good in academaics and sports. She had closed her self to the world, and she would just think about getting good marks so she can help her mother in every way possible and ways so they both could get out of this hell together. She had learned at a very young age about they way of world and the way people think about others.

Myung Hee was currently in elementary school. She entered the class quietly to avoide any attention and sat on the last bench,  one of the advantage of her look was no one would dare to bully her. But she was always sad about how people thought such negative things about her and how no one cared to ask her the reason, though she would not have said anything at first, she would appreciate if people thought beyond what they saw and heard. Soon the school ended and after staying back to do her home work she was on her way home but stopped by a store.

Myung Hee reached the store to buy
some groceries when she heard a boy's voice calling for help. She went to look what's going on and saw that a boy her age was backing scared of something,  she went near and saw that there was a dog, she went near and picked up the dog, petting the dog she looked at the boy and said, "you can go now, I have held him." The boy nodded and said, "thank you for helping me" and went out of the alley.

Myung Hee came out keeping the dog down and was about to enter the shop when she saw the boy standing there, he looked up and smiled looking at her and said, "let me buy you something in return to help me, I'm grateful." Myung Hee looked at him for few seconds and replied, "it's okay, I didn't help you so I could get something in return. Anyways, I have to go." Saying this she went inside without looking back and the boy kept looking at her in curiosity.

Myung Hee hurried back after buying the things needed. Reaching home she carefully opened the door with the keys trying to make minimum sound. After entering the house she quietly went towards the kitchen looking around when she heard, "he has not come yet, you can relax dear." Hearing this Myung Hee sighed in relief and turned around smiling and said, "I'm home mom.  How was your day?" Ji Soo smiled and replied, "welcome home. My day was good,  a little tiring but went well." Myung Hee nodded and said, "I will freshen up a little and help you." To which Ji Soo said, "okay"

Myung Hee returned and started helping her mom,  as soon as they finished making dinner they heard the door bell ring aggressively making them scared,  before Myung Hee walked forward Ji Soo, "start eating, I will go open the door." Till the time Ji Soo went to open the door, Myung Hee took a plate and put some food aside and started eating her share as fast as she could. She had her first bite when she heard, "WHY DOES IT TAKE SO MUCH TIME TO OPEN A DOOR,  YOU LAZY BEACH!!" (armys knows it's not a typo).

The voice came nearer and Myung Hee started to stuff her mouth with food and started chewing, the voice continued,"YOU IDIOT FROM NOW ON DON'T TAKE TIME TO OPEN THE DOOR,  WHERE IS THAT LITTLE BEAC- OH HERE YOU ARE, LOOK AT YOU STUFFING YOUR FACE LIKE A POOR BEGGER. STOP EATING AND SERVE MY FOOD AND BRING MY BEER."

Myung Hee set his plate and Ji Soo brought his beer. They both stood there looking down as Cheol Gang never liked eating with them, he would always say that he doesn't like eating with street dogs. Soon after he finished eating he started to drink more alcohol and soon started his torture and removed his frustration on both of them, calling them names he would hit them, having no choice they both kept quite. After Cheol Gang passed out they both sighed in relief, getting up some how Myung Hee handed the food she put aside to her mother, her mother would try the best to protect her in every way possible, after treating them selves they went to sleep.

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