Chapter 31

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Myung Hee suddenly remembered, "oh! Joonie, you have to get Myung Min to grandmother's house! he is in danger as well, they knew he had a field trip that day plus when I called to confirm from him if he dropped his wallet or not he said he did drop it I will apply for police protection as well, oh no it's min min's birthday today! and I -"

Seeing her panicked Prof. Yang said, "Myung Hee first calm down, I will call the police and apply for protection, don't worry." Myung Hee nodded and said, "the number is inside my dairy Joon Hwi, the officer gave me his card, Prof. Yang please tell them that I have changed the hospital as well." Joon Hwi nodded and handed the card to Prof. Yang, he went out to talk to the police.

Myung Hee looked at Joon Hwi and said, "I'm so sorry I must have worried you a lot!" Joon Hwi nodded a no, and getting closer he kissed her forehead and said, "yes you did,  you scared me, Prof. Yang and our friends but it's okay Prof. Yang scolded you enough and rather then that I'm glad you are safe pabo! seeing you like this breaks my heart." Joon Hwi finished in a broken voice, hearing his voice Myung Hee said, "sorry Joonie, don't be sad okay? I'm okay I will heal after 2 weeks."

Joonie nodded a no and said, "how can I not feel bad, seeing you like this hurts me, I couldn't protect you, you had to go through this all alone, never go out alone again Myung ah and promise me to never get hurt!" Myung Hee nodded and held his hands tightly and said, "I promise you." Joon Hwi wiping his lone tear kissed her hand. Myung Hee smiled at him lovingly and said, "thank you for caring and loving me so much Joonie. Knowing you are there for me makes me stronger." Joon Hwi giggled and asked, "pabo what are you saying." Saying that he kissed her head and said, "I will always be with you and how could I not love you, your love makes me keep going as well." Myung Hee smiled sweetly and replied, "I love you too." 

Prof. Kim and Sol A came back after bringing the food, Prof. Kim seeing Prof. Yang talk to someone Prof. Kim gestured Sol A to go ahead Sol A nodded and went ahead. Prof. Yang's phone call ended turned around to see Prof. Kim, she glanced at him asking if everything was okay, to which Prof. Yang said, "I will explain to you will we head back." Prof. Kim nodded and they went towards Myung Hee's room.

Sol A who was about to go in, seeing that they were having a moment she waited for the right moment to get in. Seeing that Prof. Kim who came together with Prof. Yang asked, "oh Sol ah why are you standing outside?" Sol A seeing them said, "oh nothing I was just waiting for you guys, let's go!" Sol A hurriedly knocked the door and said, "we are coming in!" and rushed in to see them normal.

She sighed in relief and said, "Myung Hee your food is here!" Myung Hee smiled and said, "oh that's nice I was getting really hungry!" Sol A smiled and kept the bag on the table and said, "let's all eat?" Hearing that Myung Hee jokingly said, "oh but Prof. Yang doesn't eat with his students."

Sol A nodded and said, "oh right! how can I forget that! but Prof. Yang I think you should make an exception, she deserves to have a meal with you." Myung Hee smiled amusingly seeing poor Sol A try her best to keep him here. Prof. Kim then said, "well him and I both have to go, you guys eat!" 

Prof. Yang then said, "I have called them, anyways I'm going now, call me if you want anything." Myung Hee nodded and said, "I will don't worry. Bye Prof. Kim; Prof. Yang." Prof. Kim said her byes as well and they went away. 

Sol A sighed at that seeing her like this Myung Hee asked, "Yah Sol ah were you trying to convince Prof. Yang for me or because you wanted to have a meal with him?" Hearing this she got flustered and said, "n- no Myung ah yo you, I mean I was doing it for you." Joon Hwi then added, "seems like Sol A needs a meal with Prof. Yang more then you Myung ah." The couple giggled while Sol A just pouted.

Myung Hee then changing the topic said, "oh I got so scared I thought Prof. Yang will scold me a lot!" Joon Hwi just smiled, while lifting the bed and Sol A said, "well you do deserve it, who comes to give exam in this condition?" 

Myung Hee looked at her and said, "why is everyone shouting at me! I'm the one who got hurt." Sol A looked at her and replied, "well if you are hurt, then at least act like one!" Myung Hee pouted then said, "okay okay now let's eat I'm hungry or you guys are planning to fill my stomach by shouting at me?" The two nodded and Joon Hwi placed the eating tray and Sol A kept the food. 

Seeing the food Myung Hee smiled, she was about to pick up her spoon, but Joon Hwi took it and started to feed her, Myung Hee seeing this said, "yah I can eat on my own, finish your meal and go drop Min Min to grandma's place." 

Hearing this Sol A asked, "why did something happen?" To which Joon Hwi answered, "it's his birthday today and their grandma wants to stay with him for few days so I'm dropping him off."  Sol A nodded and said, "oh okay, oh but how will you tell him?." The couple sighed at the thought of Myung Min's reaction and Myung Hee said, "yah listen just tell him I'm at the hospital because of my friend and explain everything to grandma, just tell her to hold of till tomorrow." 

Joon Hwi nodded and said, "I will try, I hope it works, because the -" He stopped realizing Sol A was here and said, "because your brother is intelligent like you." Myung Hee smiled hearing that and said, "you hear that Sol A? "Mr. I'm perfect" is complimenting me, this is the perks of getting hurt." Sol A who was besides her hit Myung Hee's forehead lightly and said, "yah stop being happy that you are hurt and finish your meal.

 They then ate their meal and after finishing their meal it was time to take medicines for Myung Hee. After taking them she asked, "so from both of you whos going to tell me what happened to Ye Seul?" 

Joon Hwi turned serious and told her the whole incident, hearing it Myung Hee was shocked, then she asked, "OMG so much happened!!! Ye Seul how is she? is she okay? we should be with her!" Sol A and Joon Hwi both shared a look and then Joon Hwi said, "she is okay now, she feels better, you think about yourself."

Sol A nodded and said, "after meeting you I was going to meet her." Myung Hee nodded and said, "then don't mention about me getting hurt, she is already stressed, we can't give her any stress. Plus let's tell others to not mention about me as well." Sol  A nodded and Joon Hwi putting the bed down said, "now you rest, after you go to sleep I will drop Myung Min." 

Sol A said, "okay I will go now, call me if you need anything Myung ah." Myung Hee replied, "I will thanks!"  Seeing her go Myung Hee said, "is he still in this hospital?" Joon Hwi answered, "yeah he is." Myung Hee let out a evil laugh and said, "let's just finish him then, our enemy is so close ." Joon Hwi sighed and said, "let's think about that later go to sleep now!" 

Myung Hee then said, "I will in some time, but I feel so bad for Min Min, yah at least take my gift for him, I hope he likes it. He will come here after knowing won't he?" Joon Hwi just patted her head and said, "don't worry I will try my best to make them understand." Myung Hee sadly responded a yes and said, "please go safely!" Joon Hwi nodded and said, “don't worry I will be back soon! You rest." Myung Hee nodded and Joon Hwi left.

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