Chapter 19

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Episode 6 (part 3)

Sol A, Myung Hee, and Joon Hwi were coming back on a bus when Sol A teased Joon Hwi saying, "scared of dogs, really doesn't go with your personality." Myung Hee giggled and said, "Ikr, I totally agree with you." Joon Hwi just glared at Myung Hee letting her laugh but he turned to Sol A and said, "well everyone has a thing or two that triggers their trama." Myung Hee started doing commentary and said, "now that's a good point stated by Mr. Han Joon Hwi, let's see what Miss Kang Sol A has to say." She acted like she forwarded the mic towards Sol A. 

Sol A spoke, "seriously that dog was so tiny." Joon Hwi annoyed said, "whatever, don't you dare spread this, or else I will take you to the court." Sol A confidently smiled and said, "okay sure! I have first-hand experience! Teasing you is so fun cause you are boring." Hearing this Myung Hee laughed loudly and said, "Sol A ended her agreement with a savage closing statement leaving the audience in awe and laughter. Now let's see what Joon Hwi has to say, or is he K.O?" 

Joon Hwi looked at Myung Hee and said, "don't talk to me now and stop doing this." Myung Hee pouted and said, "seriously? we just had our first date, now first fight?" Joon Hwi looked at her and was about to mention their first kiss, but Sol A asked, "what were you guys doing there anyway? were you guys worried?" 

Myung Hee nodded and said, "of course we were." Sol A smiled and said, "I understand about you but wow Joon Hwi worrying? this doesn't suit your image as well." Myung Hee smiled and said, "you don't know there are so many more things that don't go with his image."

Joon Hwi fed up with this said, "you duped me!" Sol A confused said, "duped? you? when?" Joon Hwi answered, "you sold me the books senior. I brought books from you because you said you got into law school with them, remember?"  Sol A started to have a flashback and hearing this Myung Hee said, "oh, you are the miss lair! I mean miss senior!" 

They got off the bus and started to walk towards their campus Myung Hee tired said, "Joonie give me a piggyback ride!" Saying this she jumped on him and they started walking. Sol A sighed at the couple and said, "please stop the PDA, I don't want to see it, it was better when your relationship was a secret."  

Myung Hee pouted and said, "well, cheating Joon Hwi doesn't suit your image as well." Hearing this Sol A said, "seriously, I don't know what you are talking about, saying this Sol A started to walk faster but then the trio saw Ye Seul with her boyfriend, it looked like they were arguing so they went towards them, Myung Hee got down from Joon Hwi's back.

Sol A called out, "Ye Seul ah?" Ye Seul turned  and said, "unnie" while her boyfriend ignored Sol A's existence and said, "we are not done talking yet." Hearing this Joon Hwi came forward and said, "well then talk another time." Seeing Joon Hwi he came ahead and said, "Hey, who is this?" Ye Seul stopped him and said, "he is a friend from the study group." Hearing this he said, "I didn't know you had a guy friend." Ye Seul said, "let's go you wanted to talk right!" 

Myung Hee held Ye Seul's hand and said, "well he can talk some other time as well, I don't think you should go with him right now. " Hearing this Yeong Chang came towards Myung Hee and said, "why do you care, mind your own business."  

Joon Hwi pushed Myung Hee behind him, and replied, "because she is worried about her." Yeong Chang came forward but Ye Seul pulling him back said, "I'm okay, you guys go." Saying this she dragged him inside the car and they went away. 

The trio started to walk back and Sol A said, "Ye Seul's boyfriend gives me the creeps." Myung Hee nodded in agreement and said, "tell me about it. I don't like him at all." Joon Hwi said, "yes something feels off, just like the book store." Sol A, embarrassed went up while Joon Hwi still teased her. 

After she went up, Myung Hee turned to Joon Hwi and said, "he is really suspicious, I might be overthinking but I don't think Ye Seul is happy or safe with him." Joon Hwi nodded and said, "even I get the vibe, but what can we do." 

Myung Hee nodded and said, "by the way, Sol A's family will take 2 weeks to till they come live in my house, till then should we -" Joon Hwi answered before she could speak, "install a security camera?" Myung Hee nodded and said, "correct because 2 weeks is a lot of time. Ah, I'm so hungry let's go eat!" 

Joon Hwi smiled and said, "yeah let's go." They went to the dorm kitchen and heated rice, and made gimbap together, while making gimbap Joon Hwi said, "why can't we just eat ramyeon?" Myung Hee gave him a glare and said, "stop acting like Naruto, we can't always have that." Joon Hwi pouted and resumed making gimbap. 

After making them they started eating, Myung Hee said, "finally something filling is going inside my stomach. Ah, today is Prof. Yang's trial, let's see what happens. Joon Hwi nodded in reply and they had small conversations while eating.  After having breakfast Myung Hee went to sleep.


Sol A and Myung Hee were discussing where to take their internship, Myung Hee sat beside Joon Hwi and said, "yo Joonie what's up!" Joon Hwi smiled and said, "finally awake huh." Myung Hee nodded and said, "we going together right? for the internship?" 

Joon Hwi nodded and whispered, "won't it be fun to date while we work." Hearing this Myung Hee blushed and said, "yah!!" She got up and followed Sol A who was talking with her sister, Joon Hwi in a joking voice said, "want to come to the court with me?" 

Myung Hee turned around and replied, "I can come with Sol A." Showing him tongue she went away with Sol A. Bok Gi who was there the whole time asked Joon Hwi, "what's going on with you guys?" Joon Hwi just smiled and hit his shoulder.

Sol A and Myung Hee were in the copy room, Dong Il and Myung Hee were looking at the printouts of Sol A's work while she was complaining that Prof. Yang had red marks on all her work. Myung Hee looked at her and said, "Sol ah you should be happy, he marked all the good parts." 

Sol A shocked asked, "are you sure!? But he has marked the most of it!!" Dong Il replied, "yes what she said is true, he usually does that."  Sol A then took the papers again and said, "omg that means he marked all the good parts!!" Myung Hee smiled at Sol A's joy and said, " isn't that good? now let's go we should be going to the extra classes."  Sol A nodded and they went to the back.

Seeing Ye Seul both went towards her and took her aside and said, "Got anything to say to us?" Ye Seul looked anywhere but at them and said, "no." They both shared a look at each other and went to study.


Part 3 of episode 6 done guys!!! I hope you guys liked it!!

Sorry for the late updates, was caught up in exams and results 🥰

Hope you guys liked it

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