Chapter 34

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Next Morning Joon Hwi got up since he received a call, seeing it was Myung Min he picked up and spoke, "hello?" Young Ok who was on the line said, "we are almost there dear, can you come out?" To which Joon Hwi answered, "yes of course, I will come out now." Saying this they hanged up and Joon Hwi went out after getting freshen up. 

He saw Myung Min and Young Ok with the officer at the reception, he went to them and said, "ma'am this way!" Seeing him Myung Min punched him and asked, "why didn't you tell me!? I hate you!" Joon Hwi looked down at him and said, "I'm sorry champ, but hit me later, don't you want to meet Noona?" Myung Min nodded in a state of crying and they went to Myung Hee's room.

Entering they saw Myung Hee had just woken up. Seeing her Joon Hwi went towards her and started to pull the bed up. Myung Min rushed towards her sobbing and asked, "how did this happen Noona? why are you hurt? why did you hide it from me? what happened answer me!?" 

Myung Hee patted his head and said, "Noona is sorry, but I wanted you to celebrate your birthday happily." Myung Min nodded a no and said, “my birthday is not as important as you! I could celebrate it next year as well, I don't like you getting hurt like this plus you lying to me just to celebrate my birthday, you are more important then my birthday Noona.”

Myung Hee looked at him and said, “I know I did wrong, I'm sorry min min ah! I should have thought about how you would feel if I told you this late.” Myung Min just turned his face away from her, seeing that Myung Hee said, “Yah now forgive me! Please!  After I get discharged and get a little free we will go out for a picnic I promise!”

Hearing the word picnic Myung Min turned to her and said, “but only if Hyung comes and I can bring my telescope with me.” Myung Hee nodded and said, “okay deal!”

Myung Min the said, “you better keep your promise or else!" Young Ok cutting him said, "Min ah let your Noona have her breakfast first, I'm sure they both must be hungry now." Myung Min pouted and nodded get of the bed, while Joon Hwi put the tray up and kept the food there, after that he said, "thanks for the food ma'am."

Hearing this Young Ok said, "it's okay, and stop calling me ma'am call me halmo-nim from now, ma'am feels to formal." The couple looked at each other a little embarrassed and Joon Hwi replied, "yes halmo-nim." Young Ok smiled happily.

Joon Hwi started to keep the plates while he asked, "champ did you eat?" Myung Min nodded a yes, but Myung Hee said, "hey come eat with me a little, this is too much for me." Myung Min nodded and sat with Myung Hee. After he sat she asked, "so where is my reward for winning the bet Myung Min?" 

Myung Min replied, "well since you hide things from me I won't give you the reward, you are a bad Noona!" Myung Hee dramatically said, "yah you betrayer! you always give Joonie kisses but not me! I was waiting for my kiss this year! Yah Joonie say something!" Joon Hwi giggled and said, "since your Noona is so desperate I think you should give her the reward."  

Myung Min nodded and said, "I will think about it. For now let's eat." The couple nodded and the three of them started eating. Seeing them together Young Ok smiled and thought, 'now I  know why our Min ah is so happy, he has his brother and sister with him, they take care of him so much. He looks so happy with them. He is in good hands. I should have trusted her and let them stay together from the start. He is being himself here, demanding things and being his age, when he is with is he acts so mature. But let the past be the past, I will be there for them, for Myung Hee as well.' 

She came out of the thoughts when Myung Hee said, "oh the soup is delicious! halmoni your caretaker is an amazing cook!" To which Myung Min said, "Noona halmae made this herself." Hearing this Myung Hee smiled and said, "wow halmoni! your cooking is amazing! dad spoke the truth, you are an amazing cook, he always said I will love your cooking." 

Young Ok smiled and said, "eat more, I made too much, fill your stomach properly you need the energy, you to Joon Hwi shi eat more." They both nodded and ate the delicious soup happily. While eating Myung Hee said, "yah Joonie hurry up, you gotta go to Prof. Yang's trial!" Joon Hwi nodded and said, "don't worry I remember, there is still time." 

Myung Hee nodded and said, "don't forget to keep me updated." Joon Hwi nodded and Young Ok asked, "then can I stay here till he comes back?" Myung Hee looked at her and smiled answering, "of course halmoni, why are you asking? You can stay here as long as you want." Young Ok smiled and said, "okay then I will stay here till he comes back, I will tell my caretaker to cook our lunch and bring it here." Myung Hee nodded and they all finished their meal.

Joon Hwi looking at the time said, "I will leave now, I have to freshen up and go to the court. I will come back soon. Bye champ! take care of her while I'm out. Bye halmo-nim!" Young Ok nodded and Myung Min said, "I will take care of her better then you, don't worry." 

Joon Hwi smiled and then looked at Myung Hee, she tilted her head and said, "bye Joonie." Joon Hwi nodded he was about to say bye when Young Ok said, "Min ah come with me to find a nurse I want to cut some fruits for Myung Hee." Myung Min got down and they went out to look for a knife, while Joon Hwi hurriedly went towards Myung Hee and gave her a peck oh her lips and said, "bye!" 

Myung Hee nodded and gestured him to come closer. He came closer and Myung Hee kissed his cheek and said, "I will miss you." Joon Hwi smiled at her and Myung Hee said, "now go, or else you will be late." Joon Hwi nodded and left.

Soon after Joon Hwi left, Young Ok and Myung Min returned with a knife, Young Ok started cutting some apples and Myung Hee said, "halmoni, thank you for cooking such amazing food, I think I will visit you often and trouble you with cooking food." Young Ok laughed and said, "it's okay dear, visit as many times as you want! I will always cook you food." 

Myung Min suddenly kissed her cheeks and said, "Noona thank you for the amazing gift! And never get hurt like this again! Promise me! I don't want to come to hospital again." Myung Hee sadly smiled knowing why he said that, he didn't like hospitals after their parents died. Myung Hee nodded and said, "I will take care of myself and never come here again, I promise!" 

Myung Min smiled at the promise then Myung Hee said, "Min Min now show me the videos, I want to see them." He in nodded and started the videos while Young Ok gave them the plate of apple. Myung Min started the videos. It was Myung Min's second birthday video, after giving Myung Min the gift their father asked, "my lovely daughter what you want for your birthday?" 

Myung Hee thought for a while and said, "hmm I want your shoes!" Hearing this Min Jun laughed and Ji Soo asked, "Yah Myung ah why do you need his shoes? you know right they won't fit you." Myung Hee smiled and said, "even though I still want them, you will give them to me right dad?" 

Min Jun smiled and holding her hands said, "of course I will give it to you the day you become a prosecutor." Myung Hee smiled and said, "that would be the best gift dad! thank you! but don't forget!" Ji Soo smiled and said, "Honey you and Myung Hee are on another level, sometimes I feel only I and my handsome son are the normal ones!" Myung Min giggled at the mention of him and said, "yes eomma! I like you more Noona is weird." 

Seeing the video Myung Hee smiled at them and Young Ok asked, "Myung Hee ah why did you ask for my son's shoes?" Myung Hee laughed and Myung Min replied, "even we didn't know halmae, she and dad when we asked always said it was their secret." 

Myung Hee nodded and said, "yes a secret I will keep with me for my life." Young Ok smiled and said, "well since it's a secret I won't ask anything further or else Min Jun will get sad." They all laughed and Myung Hee said, "well I can see dad's sad face already." They all giggled. After that they watched more videos and talked about the memories and had fun.

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