Chapter 23

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Episode 7 (part 3)

Next Morning

Myung Hee, Joon Hwi, Sol A and Ji Ho went to the trail as witness. First Sol A was called and questioned. Then Joon Hwi was questioned, and now Myung Hee sat down on the chair after taking the oath.

Prosecutor Jin asked, "witness did you know defendant before going to law school?"

Myung Hee : Yes I did.

Pros Jin : Is it true that he was your deceased father's bestfriend?

Hearing about her father Myung Hee became uneasy but answered : we can say that.

Pros Jin : is it true he acted as your guardian for few years?

Hearing this question the audience at the trail were shocked to know this new fact, everyone thought a person who can be a guardian of his BFF's child can't be a criminal and some thought she was helping him because of that.

Myung Hee : Yes. Please ask some questions related to the case instead of digging out past relations.

Pros Jin : so are you helping him to repay the good deed?"

Myung Hee : No, My relationship has nothing to do with the defendant and this case.

Pros Jin : are you sure? Because the bank statements of the defendant says that he sends you monthly allowance?

The people in the court room gasped coming to know such a information.

Myung Hee looked at him seriously and answered : No, I'm a law student who respects the law and will never mal practice it in any way because that's what I'm taught in the law school I believe our law.

Hearing her answer some were convinced that he was her guardian so giving her money was his duty, and she was right but some were still not convinced.

Pros Jin annoyed by her answer asked : Did you see the sugar packet mentioned?

Myung Hee : I did not, but why don't you call and ask the person who saw it?"

Pros Jin : restrain your self from speaking extra things.

Myung Hee : only judge can order to do so, I only wanted to know if you really want justice, as you are not calling upon necessary witness, as a law student I have to learn from seniors."

Pissed by Myung Hee's remarks Pros Jin annoyed asked: did you or did you not help the defendant because of your relation?

Myung Hee : I have already answered that.

Pros Jin : Just answer yes or n-"

Myung Hee cuts him of sayin : that's not compulsory, this is the 3rd witness telling you so.

Pros Jin sighed and frustrated said, "did you notice something wrong with the deceased Mr. Seo when you went to meet him?

Myung Hee : No.

Pros Jin : Did you see the defendant around the time of the murder?

Myung Hee : No, I was in the mock trial.

Pros Jin : That's all my honor.

Myung Hee, then got cross examined. Sitting besides Joon Hwi she sighed deeply knowing that the past relation with Prof. Yang could be misused. But Joon Hwi held her hand and gave her a assuring nod, Myung Hee looked at him and gave him a small smile.

After Myung Hee it was Ji Ho's turn. Everyone was shocked hearing what Ji Ho said, Myung Hee looked at the reporter Choi, seeing him and his friend get up Myung Hee elbowed Joon Hwi, seeing where Myung Hee is looking, he got up and followed the two reporters, while Sol A asked, "I can't believe something like this happened with Ji Ho, I feel bad for him."

Myung Hee replied, "yes I know, it must have been hard for him to say all this." Sol A then curiously asked, "do you think Prof. Seo really did that?" Myung Hee looked at her and answered, "who knows." Sol A nodded and paid attention to the trail. Myung Hee thought, 'now I know the reason why Ji Ho was so distant from Joonie, poor guy it must have been so hard, I hope we can find some clues that helps him, he deserves justice.'

Joon Hwi returned, seeing him sit down Myung Hee raised his eyebrows to ask what happened, he gave her a small smile to her and nodded in reply. Myung Hee sighed in relief, Sol A then tapped her shoulder making her look at her, Sol A then pointed at something, Myung Hee looked at that direction and saw it was Young Chang sitting on the opposite side. Seeing him Myung Hee made a disgusted face but than looked away. 

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