Chapter 7

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Episode 3 (part 2)

They reached the campus and they both went to take books from the lockers. Both their lockers has sticky notes like - gold digger, bitch, (Myung Hee locker) murderer next door, law - ciopath, law school murderer, you smell, you are disgusting, low life, get out, you don't deserve to study here, (both their lockers)

Seeing the sticky notes, Myung Hee started to remove Those from Joon Hwi's locker angrily but Joon Hwi stopped her and took the notes, keeping it inside the lockers, he took his books and said, "ignore it, take your books let's go we are getting late." Myung Hee sighed saldy and followed what he said. They turned to go to their class when they met Prof. Kim, going to them she said, "find me if you guys need any help." They both nodded.

Prof. Kim went her way saying that when she suddenly got a phone call and screamed, "what prof.  Yang!? Okay I'm on my way." Hanging up she started to rush somewhere. Seeing her rushing somewhere and hearing prof.  Yang's name Joon Hwi and Myung Hee followed her as well, on the way they met Seung Jae who tagged along. 

Reaching the hospital

All four of them rushed to the OR and Prof. Kim asked the police officer, "what happened? how did he get stabbed with a knife?" The police officer replied, "he was attacked by a thug he arrested as a prosecutor." Hearing this shocked Myung Hee and was processing evertyhing when Prof. Kim asking, "Doctor what happened?" making her come out her thoughts.

The doctor looked at them and said, "we have stopped his bleeding. But he lost too much blood so his hemoglobin is low." Seung Jae asked, "is his vitals stable now?" The doctor replied, "we managed to stabalize him but we can't let out guard down. He needs blood, he has a rare blood type. It's hard to find." Hearing this Prof. Kim asked, "if you can't let your guard down does that mean that he could die?" The doctor replied, "without blood we should be prepared for the worst."

"The worst? how - how much time does Prof. Yang has?" said Myung Hee in panic. To which the doctor replied, "a few hours at most." Seung Jae, "is he RH -?" Doctor replied, "He is RH O -" Hearing this Myung Hee closed her eyes for few seconds. After she opened them she was totally changed, very calm, and zero emotions on her face.

Add more stuff later

Joon Hwi and Myung Hee returned to the dorms when Myung Hee got a call, she gestured Joon Hwi to go ahead, she looked at the caller ID and saw it was her estate agent and picked up the call.


"oh hello, I'm sorry to call you this late but I want to talk to you about the house you want to sell. Are you free for few minutes?"

"oh yes I can talk right now. What is it?"

"oh well I wanted to inform you, right now we still don't have a buyer for the house you want  to sell, and we have found some houses whhich meet your requirements, when are you free to come?"

"oh about that, can we schedule it next week? I'm busy with my exams right now."

"oh okay, see to it you can come next week as I don't think I can hold the houses longer, there are in demand right now."

"oh okay I will inform you as soon as I get free. Thank you. Good night."

"ne good night."

The call ended and Myung Hee was about to go to her dorm when Bok Gi and Ye beom walked by her saying, "oh look the second murderer, now we know why she sticks to Joon Hwi like glue. Let's go, standing here gives me the creeps."

Myung Hee just ignored them and called Myung min on her way to the dorm Myung Min, Calling him she asked about how he is and weather he is comfortable or not. Hearing him speak cheerfully she smiled knowing he is happy there, wishing him good night she hung up the phone. Reaching her room she freshen up and decided to ask for notes from Sol A to divert her mind.

She knocked Sol A's room to which Sol B answered and Myung Hee asked, "is Sol A here?" Sol B looked at her with sharp eyes and a hint of hate and replied, "she isn't here I will tell her you came." Myung Hee ignored the hate in Sol B's eyes and said, "oh okay thank -" Before she could finsih Sol B closed the door. Myung Hee sighed and was about to return to her room when she got a message, "meet me down." Fom Joon Hwi.


Episode 3 done guys!!

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