1- The Return

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Finally, after 8 long years of living with your mum in Spain, you get to return to Japan. You missed it so much, seeing as you didn'teven visited during your time away, your dad had insisted for you to come back and enrol in U.A as you where excelling in your old school in Barcelona, they recommend for you to complete your last year in a school that can help you reach your full potential.

Your quirk was consisted of two parts, the physical part allowed you to have increased strength, speed and agility, alongside your mental power, that consisted of telekinesis, that gave you the ability to control any object at will, living or not, but it didn't come without drawbacks. If you overused your telekinesis, your brain would begin to swell and blood vessels would rupture causing you to black out or have severe nose bleeds. You do recover for these effects as you quirk helps you self heal but if you overdo it to your absolute limit, it can cause brain damage.
But you don't allow the fear of that stop you, you trained every day to push your limits and become stronger, to allow you to use more of your quirk for longer, until you surpassed everyone's expectations, so now you are here, in Japan, ready to start your new life.

As you walk down the sidewalk looking at the small piece of paper in your hand that has your dad's address on it, you drag your suitcase behind you, looking up and seeing 26A on the door, you walk up the steps to a small house. It was a humble home but big enough to tell it was a two, maybe three bedroom house. You knock softly and sigh, wondering how your dad is doing. It had been years since you saw him last, and wondered if he recognised you, you definitely had changed, you let your h/c hair grow out and had grown quite a bit, your face also became more sculpted, those cute chubby cheeks left in you pre teens.

Suddenly the door flew open and a tall strong blonde boomed.
"YOU are here!" He celebrated with open arms and a smile so wide you were scared it would rip his face.
"Hi dad." You say softly as you embrace him in a hug, it really had been to long. "I've missed you." You mumble in to his broad chest.
"Me too sweetheart! I'm so glad you agreed to come and become the best hero you can be! Just like your old man!" He strikes a pose as you giggle and walk in to the house, putting your bags down at the entrance.
"I hope so! But I don't think I'll ever be as good as the n°1 hero." You say as you poke his gut jokingly. He laughs loudly, suddenly as soon as the front door closes, there is a cloud of smoke and your 7ft father was replaced by a skinny, sickly looking man as he coughed uncontrollably. Rushing to his side, you try to hold him up and pat his back.
"Jesus dad, you ok? I knew you would be slowing down but can you really only hold your form for this long?" You ask worriedly as he wipes some specs of blood from the corner of his mouth.
"Yes, unfortunately. As you know, it started when you received part of One for All at birth, and it has been getting worse since..." He trailed off looking down, as if searching for his next words.
"Since what dad-?" And then it hit you like a ton of bricks. "You didn't."
"I did." He mumbles, you blink a couple of times, absorbing the information.
"Oh... When?" You ask rubbing the back of your neck, avoiding eye contact.
"It was 2 years ago, I really do believe I've made the right choice, he also doesn't know about you, or that there are actually two One for All now." He replies as he sits on the couch with a sigh "I guess I should have told you Y/N, but as your mum didn't really want me talking to you because of the dangers that come with being close to the n°1 hero, I guess I refrained for doing so, I'm sorry." He looks down with resentment in his hollow blue eyes.
"Listen Dad, you don't owe me an explanation, in a way, I'm glad you gave up on the idea of fusing One for All back together by passing it on to me, no offence but I don't want to be the symbol of peace. I just would have liked to have  spent more time with you before... you know." You trail off, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt until you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you look up, your met with a warming smile.
"I know sweetheart, and I'm sorry, but you're here now, and you're going to be seeing a lot of me from now on!" He gives you a thumbs up that leaves you confused.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm still going to teach this year, I wasn't planning on it, but when I found out my daughter was coming to U.A, no way was I going to miss out on spending time with you and watching you become the hero I always knew you would be." A tear threatens to spill as he sais those words, you leap forward and hug him.
"Thanks dad, I wish I could stay here with you instead of the dorms." You mumble in to his shoulder.
"I know sweetheart, me too, but it's school's policy to keep students safe, especially class A, they do seem to have a nack for getting themselves in trouble." He laughs. "I hope they don't rub that part off on you."
"C'mon dad, you know it's probably going to be the other way around." You joke that gets you a playful punch to the arm. You both laugh as your smile fades. "But dad, don't take this the wrong way or anything, I'm really proud of you and honoured to be your daughter but..." you trail of while scratching the back of your head. "I don't really want anyone to know that I'm the daughter of the 'former n°1 hero', I want to succeed without feeling like I have to follow in your footsteps because of who I am, I want to become my own hero, make a name for myself without any help."
He pauses for a moment as if contemplating your words, before his lips break out in to a smile.
"I completely understand honey, I support your decision, and I'm proud of you for doing this without any help. I'll try to keep a low profile around U.A." He says with pride, you thank him once again getting up from the couch.
"It's already 6pm, do you want a lift to your dorms?" He asks also standing.
"I would rather have dinner with you, I can go to the dorms later. It was a long trip and I don't think I have the energy to meet the class tonight, I rather just sneak in at night and meet everyone in the morning, they know I'm coming anyway." You answer as you walk in to the kitchen to rummage through the fridge.
"Sounds great Y/N but I don't really have a lot in the house right now."
"It's ok." You say as you close the fridge and grab your wallet and phone. "I'll go down to that noodle place I saw on my way here and get us take out, my treat."
All Might nods and starts to set the table knowing you won't be long. You step out the door closing it behind you, sighing as the fresh air hits your face.
I can't believe I'm home.

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