38- Time

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Izuku groans in frustration, running his scarred fingers through his forest green hair.
"Does she seriously think I just wanted to fuck her?" He asks desperately, Ochako tried to avoid eye contact, nodding in confirmation. "Fuck.." He breathes rubbing his temples.
"I mean, she has been spending a lot of time with Bakugou so I'm not surprised." Denki says shrugging as he opens a pack of chips.
"She what?" Izuku asks in confusion, as Kiri punches the sparky boy in the arm, making him choke on the potato snack, before looking back up at the greenette.
"Well, yeah. He's been comforting her for the past weeks, she really wasn't herself, and as much as she denies it, she cried herself to sleep most nights. We could all hear it when we walked passed her dorm." Kiri says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah! She only stoped when Bakugou started sneaking in to her dorm at night!" That earned Denki a slap on the back of his head by Mina this time.
"It's not like that!" She shouts, resting her hands on her hips with a disapproving glare.
"Katchan... She's been sleeping with Katchan?!?" Izuku shouts, instantly turning and charging outside where he had seen the blonde head to earlier.
"Midoriya I don't think they-" He completely disregarded Kiri as he slams the front door and rushes down the steps. "Nice going dumbass." Everyone glares at Denki, who just sinks in to his seat, feeling the pressure of everyone's gaze.

As Izuku turns around the corner, he spots Bakugou doing push ups on the grass behind the dorms.
"Hey!" He shouts and marches over to the blonde.
"The fuck do you want?" Bakugou gets up, wiping his hands on his pants. As soon as he looks up, Izuku's fist collides with his face.
"You've been sleeping with her?!? Are you fucking kidding me Katchan!! I know you're generally an asshole but this is fucked up even for you!" He screams as the angry blonde rubs his jaw, clenching his fist in rage.
"What?! We're the fuck did you cook up that bullshit??!" Bakugou growls, pissed at the accusation.
"Everyone knows! They've seen you sneak in to her room and leave every morning!! Honestly Katchan, I can understand your disregard for my feelings but Y/N's?! You said it yourself! She was hurting and you fucking took advantage of her!!" Izuku lunges forward to attack Bakugou, to witch he dodges, kicking his in the back.
"Tch. You idiot. You know nothing!"

You slam your dorm door, falling on to your bed, groaning in to your pillow.
Why... Why is he back now?
You sit up bringing your knees to your chest, resting your chin on them. You glance to the side and pick up the green broccoli plushie. He had given it to you. He was so sweet and kind, he would never let you doubt yourself. So what happened?
You suddenly hear screaming and grunts coming from outside your window, you jump off your bed, opening it and looking around.
As your eyes scan the area, the land on the grass straight bellow you, you pinch the bridge of your nose in frustration, as you watch Izuku and Katsuki fighting.
"Those idiots." You mumble, grabbing on to the window frame and pulling yourself up.
Suddenly, you jump. You jump, arm pulled back and fist clenched, as you near the ground, you punch the soil sending both boys flying back. As you stand, they both sit up and stare wide eyed.
"Y/N..." Izuku mumbles, as he stares at you in aw. This was another reason why he admired you, you were so strong and so capable, always so independent never asking for help. And here you were, breaking up a fight between two of UAs most skilled students with only one punch.
"Enough." You mumble as they stumble to their feet. " Katsuki, I deeply appreciate everything you've done for me these past weeks but I don't need you fighting my battles for me. I'm not some damsel in distress needing some guy to come in and fix all my problems for me. And you." You say, turning your head to glare angrily at Izuku. "If you have anything to say to me, say it to ME, not to our friends. Unfortunately, I do not want to talk to you right now, so do the right thing and wait until I'm ready to speak to you again. Until then, leave me alone." You say with a low growl, fists clenched at your sides, an intimidating stare that almost made Izuku crumble under it's weight. You turn on your heal, crouching down before using your quirk to jump up back to your dorm window and climb in, aggressively closing your curtains.

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