24- He knows

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A few days had passed, the training had been exhausting and you had just finished packing to go back to U.A.
You look around the room to make sure you didn't forget anything, you glance at the clock and realise you still had about an hour or so before the bus arrived, so you decide to jump in to the jacuzzi for a while to relax your sore muscles before the long trip back.
You strip down to your underwear and sink in to the warm bubbly water letting out a content sigh. You hear your bedroom door open and peer around to look in through your balcony window to see Izuku walking towards you pulling his sweater off and tossing it on the bed along with his pants.
"Hey..." You mumble with a smile, trying to contain you blush as he gets in to the hot tub with a small splash.
"Hi." He says as he moves closer to you, cupping your cheeks with his large scared hands. "Still sore from training?" You nod with a giggle as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "You know... It has been really hard to concentrate these last few days. Seeing you fight, in that skin tight suit, and knowing what's underneath... It's been almost impossible to control myself." He mumbles as his lips trail up and down you neck, leaving small kisses behind. "Seeing how driven you are, how powerful, it's such a turn on Y/N." He says biting your collarbone making you run your hands through his green fluffy locks as you moan. "I don't know how much longer I can take it."
"Izuku..." You trail off kissing him passionately, his arms wrap around your waist pulling you in to his lap as his tongue attacks your mouth. You grab a handful of his hair, pulling lightly making his groan against your lips.
"Hey Y/N, you out here-" You both gasp and separate, features red as blood, as you try to cover yourself up. "What the fuck?!" Bakugou shouts in embarrassment due to what he just walked in on.
"Katsuki get out!!" You shout frantically. He just scoffs and walks in to your room closing the sliding door behind him. You groan while hiding you face in your hands, you hear a muffled chuckle and look up with a raised eyebrow. You are met with Izuku trying to contain his laughter with his large scared hand.
"What's so funny!" You splash water at him trying not to smile at how cute he looked when he laughed.
"I don't think I've ever seen Katchan this uncomfortable, and it was so worth it." You roll your eyes with a smile as he full on laughs now.
"C'mon, we gotta go." You grab your towel and get out the jacuzzi and dry off, walking back in to your room and getting dresses while Izuku does the same.
"I'm gonna go finish packing, I'll save you a seat on the bus." He sais as he hugs you from behind, moving your hair to the side and kissing you neck and shoulder.
"Mhmm you better." You hum, turning to face him, he holds your cheeks and gives you a sweet peck on the lips before leaving.
Once he opens the door you can hear from outside.
"Katchan." Izuku says as he nods at the blonde.
"Deku." He replies with a growl, as he glares at the greenette until he is out of sight.
"You need anything Katsuki?" You ask casually as you lean on your door frame. He looks down at you a pushes past you and sits on your bed.
"Yeah but before that, what were you doing with that fucking nerd?" He asks crossing his arms and glaring at you.
"Hun? None of your business!" You shout angrily placing your hands on your hips.
"Like hell it is! If he hurts you Imma rip his heart out through his ass!" Your expression softens as he sais that.
"Aww Katsuki, you care about meeee!" You run over and hug him as he thrashes around trying to get out of your death grip.
"NO I FUCKING DONT! I JUST DONT WANNA HEAR YOU WHINING ABOUT SOME NERD! NOW GET OFF!" He hisses making you giggle and finally release him.
"Ok so, what do you need?" You ask as you grab a pair of socks and put them on.
"I uhm... I've been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I wasn't sure... Until I heard you and Izuku talk at the beach." He sais looking down.
"What do you mean? You ask tilting your head to try and look at the blonde.
"Your his daughter, aren't you? All Might's?" He mumbles as your eyes widen and you freeze, he finally looks at you, resting his elbows on his knees.
"H-How..." You trail off, dumbfounded at what he just said.
"Listen, I couldn't care less who your dad is, and it aint my business to tell anyone so relax. It's just that... you're the only person I seam to be able to be myself with, and as much as I hate it, I consider you a friend. And I just wanted to ask, how he's doing." He sais staring intensely at his feet, you scratch the back of your head trying to think of what to say. "I kinda had an argument with him last year, and I've been to proud to apologise. I said some fucked up shit, and I don't know how to take it back."
"Katsuki, you know All Might, and he knows you. I did hear about that, and I know he didn't take it personally, he understood the place you were in and that you just needed an out to all your anger. If you wanna talk to him, I'm sure he would love to hear from you again." You say placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a reassuring smile, the corner of his lips start to tug upwards, you ruffle his hair as you both laugh and stand up.
"Thanks Y/N, I think I should talk to him, it's been long enough." He sais running his fingers through his now messy locks.
"No problem Katsuki, you're like a brother to me. If you need anything, let me know." You say with a smile. He simply scoffs looking away in embarrassment as he ruffles your hair too.
"Right, see ya later then sis." He mocks leaving. You chuckle while fixing your hair as you watch him leave, you put your shoes on and your coat, grabbing your suitcases and walking down to the common area to meet everyone.

You hear the bus pull up outside while Iida blows his whistle and arm chops the air aggressively to get everyone to line up and board the bus. You chuck your bags in the lower level trunk and look for a seat, you scan the bus until you see beautiful emerald eyes lock with yours as Izuku waves you over, you rush up the isle and flop down next to him.
"Are you ready for the most 4 boring hours of your life?" You joke as you slump in your seat, dreading having to sit on this uncomfortable bus for hours.
"It's not that bad, it would be way more boring if I wasn't with you." He says placing his hand over yours, making you smile at how sweet he was.
You lean your head on his shoulder and he offers you and earbud when he pulls out his phone. You take it thanking him, as soft music starts to play.

The trip back to U.A went smoothly, you slept on Izuku's shoulder for most of the way. Once you arrive Mr. Aizawa said for everyone to go to the dorms and unpack, we had a long weekend before we got back to classes, as we arrived back on a Thursday, they decided to give us Friday off.
You hop off the bus cheerfully from the good news of an extra day rest, and grab you bags walking in to the class A dorms. Once you reach your room, you decide to unpack later, being only 6pm, you decide to go for a sunset jog, to enjoy the last of the sun before it set as you really missed it this last week.
You change in to a black sports bra and grey joggers with white sneakers, tying up your hair in a ponytail, you walk out.
As you warm up outside, you hear something in the bushes, just as you take a step to investigate, someone calls you. You jump and turn towards the voice.
"Shit! Izu, you scared me." You chuckle as he walks up to you with his hands in his pockets.
"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you." He says looking away nervously.
"Is everything ok?" You ask and he starts to wave his hands in front of him.
"Yes! Everything's fine! I-I just wanted to tell you something... are you heading out?" He asks as he looks down at your outfit, you follow his gaze before looking back up at him.
"Oh yeah, I was just gonna go for a jog before dark." You reply simply.
"Oh ok! We can talk later! No rush!" He rushes out his words, was he nervous about something?
"Are you sure? I can stay and talk." You offer.
"No no! It's ok, go for your jog. Just... come by my room later..." He mumbles tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear making you smile.
"Ok, I will." You kiss his cheek and turn to start your workout. "See you later!" You wave as you set off, he just watches you as you disappear out of the U.A. grounds as pink dusts his face, before walking back inside.

It had been about 30 minutes since you started running, you had run through town, passed the beach, and now you were making your way through a deserted park heading back. The sun had just set, and some street lights started to turn on, although the park seemed to lacked lighting. You slow down and stop by a drinking fountain and decide to have some water, as you wipe your chin with the back of your hand, you hear rustling in the bushes ahead of you. You narrow your eyes and squint due to the darkness taking a step forward, until you feel a sharp prick in your side and go in to defence mode. You swing your leg up and around to hit whoever was behind you, but they caught you and slam you to the ground, pushing your knee up to your shoulder as the lay on top of you.
"Hello there princess." A deep hoarse voice whispers, you look up to see a scared face and bright blue eyes, and the most sinister grin you have ever encountered. You try to use your quirk, both parts, but nothing happened.
"What did you do to me?" You say sleepily as you try to push him off.
"Just a little something to even out the playing field." He smirks as he grips your wrists pulling you up with him.
"I wouldn't really call this fair." You spit back, he just chuckles as he drags you off the pathway.
"Feisty, even better." You cringe at his words, trying to fight back, as your vision starts to blur. You see a purple portal open and you realise who this is, even though you've never seen him, he was a member of the LOV, Dabi as you remember hearing. But why would they want you? Did they know who you were? Who you really were? You start to breathe frantically, trying to rip his hand off your arm but you could hardly stand, let alone fight off a villain.
He tosses you through the portal as it closes behind you, you look around, and see a blonde girl with fangs sitting on a couch.
"Seriously Dabi? Didn't Shigaraki tell you 'no' like, 6 times?" She asks pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Yeah but he said 'do whatever, just don't get caught' on the seventh time." He smirks walking back to your side and crouching down next to you, stroking your cheek with his rough fingers as you try to move away.
"No fair! I wanted a plaything for the longest!" The blonde whines crossing her arms and pouting like a toddler.
"Tough shit Toga! She's mine! Go get your own!" He threatens dangerously as blue flames erupt from his palms. She just rolls her eyes getting up and leaving, Dabi turns his attention back to you pulling you up again.
"Let's go princess." He whispers, and that was when it all went black.

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