20- She's your what?!

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You walk in to the living room with two mugs of tea in hand.
"Everything ok dad? Who was that on the phone?" You ask handing one of the beverages to your father.
"It's nothing sweetheart, uhm... just work." He sais taking a sip and placing the cup down on the coffee table. He contemplates what he is about to say next as he looks down in to his lap, sighing.
"Y/N, honey. I think we should talk about... well, you and Young Midoriya." You look up with wide eyes as you start to sweat nervously.
"W-What?" You stutter staring at your dad blankly.
"Listen, I know you're 18, and I probably have no right after not really being there for you when you were growing up. But... Midoriya is very focused on becoming a hero. Do you really think it would work between you two?" He asks looking back up at you.
"D-Dad!? What the fuck?" You stand and start pacing in front of the couch. "Look, I don't even know what is going on myself! I just figured out I like him like a few days ago! And I have NO idea what he feels for me, and I don't need this right now! I've never had a boyfriend, because of who I am, and how hard I worked, and for once, I would like to experience what being a teenager is like! I can take a heart break if that is what it means to feel normal! Can you support me?" You plead with watery eyes as All Might gets up and hugs you.
"I'm sorry sweetheart. I know you're right but you're still my little girl. I can't help but feel worried about you, and it is also not in my nature to just stand by I watch the people I care about get hurt." He wipes the tears from you face tucking your h/c locks behind your ear.
"But dad, you don't know if I'm gonna get hurt." He looks down at your ocean blue eyes and sighs.
"You are so much like your mother. But those eyes are mine, they're filled with my fighting spirit. Ok... I-" You both turn your heads as a loud knock on the door interrupts your conversation. You wipe your cheeks and walk up to the door.
"It cant be the takeaway just yet." You say as you grab the door knob, your dad's eyes widen as he reaches out to stop you.
"Y/N wait! No!" His warning came to late. You open the door to be met with a angry Izuku, his expression softens at the sight of you, but soon contours in to confusion as his eyes dart between you and All Might.
"Y/N? W-What are you doing here?" You couldn't answer him, as the horrified look took residence on your features.
"Young Midoriya! It is highly inappropriate for you to just show up at my house." All Might tries to shift the focus to himself, but soon comes to regret it.
"Inappropriate? Are you kidding me? Did you seriously call Y/N here to talk about us? Are you really that worried I'm gonna loose focus?! O-Or place her in danger?!" He shouts angrily, you pull him in the house and close the door to try and keep prying neighbours from eavesdropping.
"What? What are you talking about Izu? Why would I be in danger?" You question glancing between your dad and the freckled boy.
"C'mon All Might! Tell her!" He shouts.
"Midoriya." All Might uses a warning tone taking a step forward.
"Tell her why you want me to stay away from her! How being close to the next symbol of peace will end up getting her killed, because not only her, but your own successor is to fucking weak to protect even his loved ones!!" He finishes and the room goes silent, you cover your mouth in shock as All Might freezes and grips on to the back of the couch. In his rage, Izuku had no idea that he just revealed his most important secret.
"Izu..." You trail off, and as if your voice brought him back to reality, he realises what he's done and turns to face you. As he is about to speek, you shift your attention to the former hero.
"Are you fucking with me?! Him? You passed One for All down to him?! Why didn't you fucking tell me?!" You clench your fists as you start to shake with anger.
"I didn't think you would want to know! You always hated talking about One for All!" He tries to reason with you, hoping the situation didn't escalate further.
"But it's him! And you didn't tell me? After all you said..." The last part came out almost as a whisper.
"Wait. Why would he tell you about..." Both you and All Might glance at each other and back at the green haired boy. And then, the worst happens. "... you're his daughter, aren't you Y/N?" Your eyes start to fill with tears as you open the door and run out full speed.
"Y/N wait!" Izuku tries to follow you but a skinny hand holds his shoulder.
"Kid... we have to talk."

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