15- yep, it's jealousy

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The next morning, you decided to get up early and go for a run to clear your head. You put on a black sports bra and red sweatpants along with your white trainers, jogging down the stairs and out the doors. It was Saturday so it was less likely to bump in to anyone this early. After about an hour the sun had already risen and you lean against a tree panting. You suddenly hear an explosion further in to the trees and decide to check it out. It was probably another student training but you could never be to carefully. In a clearing, you see Bakugou blowing up some boulders and trees, you turn to leave him to it when he calls out.
"What are you doing here dumbass?" You turn to see him standing now right in front of you.
"Sorry, didn't know you were here. I'll leave you to it." As you go to leave he grabs your shoulder.
"I rarely say this but how you're already here. You wanna train? You're fast enough for me I guess, and I'm sure you can work on your endurance." You raise your eyebrow in suspicion, he was never this nice, to anyone, not even Kiri, and it almost seemed as if he gave you a compliment.
"Uh... Thanks I guess. Sure, I can train for a bit." You place down your water bottle and walk in to the middle of the clearing, positioning yourself ready to fight as he does the same. He quickly sends a large blast your way, you cross your arms in front of yourself to protect yourself from the blast, before the smoke clears you lunge at him, fist drawn back. He almost didn't see you with the cover the smoke had provided, but he dodges at the last moment and sends a blow to your cheek. You stumble and hit your back against a tree, he doesn't falter and charges at you, you had just enough time to duck and sweep his legs out from under him. As you were about to restrain him, he blasts your chest, sending you flying back in to the tree line. As you get up, you use One for All and rip a whole tree out of the ground and throw it at the blonde. You quickly use your speed to rush around the clearing and attack him from behind while he is occupied blowing up the wooden pillar that was soaring in his direction.
Once he turns to face you, you were already on him. He was pinned to the ground, his chest heaving as a layer of sweat covered both of your bodies.
"Not to bad shorty." He smirks as you let him up.
"Not to bad yourself blondy." You chuckle until something makes your curiosity peak. "Hey Bakugou? Why are you being... less of an asshole to me today?" You ask and he turns to you with an enraged glare.
"The fuck did you just say?!?!" He shouts that just makes you facepalm at how he focused on the wrong part of the question. He quiets for a moment before sighing. "Look, we're 18 now, not a bunch of stupid fucking kids, I just don't hate everyone as much as I used to. I grew up a bit and realised I should be focusing my anger on villains and not on my classmates, but I'm not about to let them think I've gone soft! So you better keep your mouth shut! Got it dumbass?!" He points his finger at you sternly making you giggle.
"Sure Bakugou, I won't say a word. And you know, your actually a cool guy when you're not screaming and insulting everyone. I hope to see this side of you more." You smile at him and wave as you go to pick your water bottle up and leave.
"Katsuki." You look over your shoulder confused. "Call me Katsuki. I guess if we're friends or whatever." He scratches the back of his neck avoiding eye contact as you smile.
"Ok. I'll see you later Katsuki." You say before you jog back to the dorms.

Walking through the front door, you are met with the smell of bacon, toast and coffee.
"Hmmm breakfast, gimme gimme!" You were almost salivating as you walk in to the kitchen to find most of your class eating together and a muscular greenette working his magic over the stove.
"Good morning Y/N! Want some breakfast?" Izuku asks smiling brightly and handing you a plate.
"Good morning! Thanks yes! Wow this smells amazing Izu." You smile back at him as you accept the plate of food and find a seat next to your classmates.
"Y/N where were you? I knocked on your door but you weren't there." Ochako asks taking a bite of the delicious crispy bacon.
"Oh I got up early and went for a run, ended up doin a little training." You answer pouring you both a cup of coffee.
"Yeah, I can tell, you have a huge burn mark on the back of your shoulder." She points out as you place her mug in front of her.
"Huh?" You walk up to the cupboards and pull out a very shiny pan to try and reflect your back and check out the injury. "Huh, I guess I do, I didn't even feel it."
"Where did you get that?" Izuku leans over to inspect you burn.
"As I said, I was training." You answer pulling your bra strap back up, turning to face him while leaning on the kitchen counter.
"With who?" He asks a bit more serious now, before you even have the time to answer, Bakugou kicks open the door and walks in. The whole room fell silente as all eyes landed on him.
"The fuck are you extras looking at!?" He shouts making everyone retract their gaze, everyone except Izuku, who narrowed his eyes at the explosive blonde. "Are you fucking deaf Deku?"
"What did you do to her?" Izuku takes a step forward, his voice laced with anger.
"Tch, I don't know the fuck you talking about." He turns to leave when Izuku shouts out.
"Then why does she have a huge burn on her shoulder?" At this point Bakugou faces him again and growls as his anger starts to rise.
"Izuku! I told you I was training! I went for a run and bumped in to Katsuki and we spared! I'm fine!" You place your hands on his chest to try and push him back and get him to look at you.
"'Katsuki'?" He repeats, his eyes dart between you and the blonde a couple of times. Why were you getting so friendly with these guys, first Kirishima and now Bakugou. It was starting to piss him off, and he didn't like how close and touchy they were starting to become with you.
"You heard her shitty nerd. Now leave me alone before I blast you to smithereens!" Bakugou sais as he walks away to the elevator and out of sight.
You look back at Izuku as he looks back down to you, you just sigh and make your way to your room.
"I'm gonna go take a shower." Mina quickly gets up and follows you, Izuku crosses his arms and leans against the counter pinching the bridge of his nose out of frustration as he groans. Denki walks to his side and pats his shoulder.
"Dude, you seriously gotta get that jealousy under control." The electric boy said trying to be of assistance.
"I'm not fucking jealous!" Izuku snaps back making Kaminari lift his hands in surrender.
"You obviously are Deku. And you really shouldn't. You would have to be blind to not know that girl's feelings." Ochako sais bitterly as she places her plate in the sink and walks away, leaving a very confused Izuku.
What did she mean by that? Does Y/N... No, she wouldn't, not for me...

Back up in your room you get out the shower and go to grab the clothes you had left out on your bed for the day. You glare over at Mina who was laying on her stomach reading and giggling behind her magazine.
"Mina? What is this?" You ask as you pick up a forest green crop top with a significant amount of cleavage along with some high waist black ripped jeans.
"Your outfit!" She giggles some more.
"You know how I feel about these types of tops, they make me fell so... exposed!" You toss it over her head and laugh as it gets tangled in her horns.
"Well were you really gonna wear sweatpants and a oversized tshirt to the amusement park?" She asks finaly getting the top off her head.
"The what now?" You ask confused.
"Oh my god Y/N! Don't tell me you forgot!" She closes the magazine and sets it down, now getting up. You just shrug, completely blank on what she was talking about. She sighs pinching the bridge of her nose. "Honestly Y/N, we were all going to the amusement park today, how could you forget?"
You chuckle nervously rubbing the back of your neck.
"With all this Izuku stuff going on I guess it slipped my mind. Sorry." She rolls her eyes smiling, already expecting you to have forgotten.
"Nevermind, just get dressed and meet us outside. We're leaving at 11:30." She closes your door behind her as she leaves. You look down at your bed and contemplate the outfit Mina had picked for you, you reluctantly decide to wear it, remembering what Ochako had said. 'Maybe something small that shows you like him'. The green tank top, although revealing, matched his eyes perfectly, and even though it was a slim chance, you hoped he would notice.

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