4- Training

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After your morning class, you packed your bag as a bubbly brunette skips her way over to your desk.
"Y/N-chan, wanna have lunch with us?" She chimes, you place your index finger on your chin as if thinking for a moment.
"Sure! Sounds great, but who's 'us'?" You ask as you stand and toss your bag over your shoulder.
"Well it would be me, Iida, Shoto, Asui and Deku." She counts her fingers as she lists out the names.
"Deku?" You ask as you accompany her out of the classroom towards the cafeteria.
"Oh yeah, that's just what we call Izuku, Bakugou used to call him that as an insult but our group kinda changed the meaning of it and now it's his hero name!" She smiles brightly as you glance over your shoulder to see the green haired cinnamon roll talking with the heterocromátic boy.

In the cafeteria, you grab your food and follow Ochaco to the table where the rest of the group is waiting.
You sit in between the brunette and the red and white haired boy, across from you are Iida and Asui, with Izuku in between them.
"So Y/N, how are you finding Japan so far?" Shoto speaks in a monotonous voice.
"Well, considering I've only been here less than 24h, I'm loving it! I love Japan especially at this time of year, the blossoms are beautiful and the sunsets at the beaches are amazing! And everyone is so nice." You finish glancing at Izuku, who just averts eye contact with a small red hue dusting his features.
"I'm glad." Shoto states before returning to eating his cold soba.
As you all finish eating you make your way to collect your hero costumes and head to the changing rooms, once there, the girls take the time to chitchat and gossip.
"Omg, is it possible that Todoroki has gotten even HOTTER over summer break?" Momo swoons as Mina giggles beside her.
"He definitely has! You should really take your shot Momo, he's always looking at you and blushes when you talk to him!" Mina fans her face dramatically as the black haired girl hides her face in embarrassment. You just giggle at their interaction.
"How about you Y/N? Got any hot latino boyfriend back in Spain?" Mina pries as you take a step back with your palms raised.
"Oh no! I never really had time for those kinds of things."
"No way! You're smoking hot! There is no way you don't have a boyfriend, or at least a ~friend with benefits~" The alien girl wiggles her eyebrows with intent. You face automatically flushes to a bright crimson.
"M-Mina! I mean, I have had... h-hookups but, nothing s-serious since I j-joined the hero course!" You stutter, trying your absolute best to cool your heated cheeks.
"Well that won't do! We're getting you a man! Or a boy toy! Whichever you prefer!" She shrugs with a wicked grin plastered across her face.
"Mina, I don't think-" You get cut off as she starts to list out boy possibilities from your class, you just roll your eyes with a smile, it still amazes you how friendly everyone is.
Once you all finish getting on your hero suits, you exit on to ground beta for combat training.
Once you walk out, all eyes are on you and your suit. It consisted of a black sleeveless turtle neck bodysuit with orange and white stripes falling along either side of your body, your utility belt hangs snugly around your hips and your thigh high black boots have the same orange detail. You feel slightly self conscious as you place your yellow protective eye gear and pull up your black gloves that reach midway through your forearm.

"H-Hey, y-you look g-great!" You turn to meet tinted freckled cheeks.
"Hi! T-Thank you, y-you don't think it's to much?" You ask gesturing to your costume, Izuku boldly took a step back and drank you all in as if he was eating you with his eyes, feeling a shiver up your spine you clear your throat.
It seams to bring him back to earth as he rubs the back of his head, blushing, as if that bold side of him never even exited.
"I h-honestly think it suits you perfectly." He mumbles as you walk past him, trying your best to keep your composure. "Thank you Midoriya!" He just couldn't help himself from following you with his eyes, as you walk away and join the other girls.

Once Mr. Aizawa called attention, you all split up in to your allocated pairs, you got paired with the blonde hot head, and saw this as an opportunity. His explosions could do some serious damage and this would be a great to train your endurance, maybe even your speed.
Your train of thought is interrupted by a tug on the back of your suit.
"C'mon extra! Let's see what you've got!" Bakugou shouts as he drags you to a spot away from the other groups and positions himself in a fighting stance. You follow his lead and prepare yourself.
"Don't go easy on me boom boom boy." You mock with a sly grin, this really provoked him.
"I wasn't planning to you dumbass!!" He lunges forward with an extended arm, ready to blast you, you just sidestep him and he rolls on the ground returning to his feet. You could tell he wasn't expecting that your reflexes would be this fast, he was quick to try and strike again. This continued for some time until you had enough, he blasted himself towards you once again, but this time, you took the opportunity to grab his extended hand and lock your fingers with his. His eyes widen with surprise but blasts anyway, resulting in him burning his own wrist and forearm as you seam to only have a few scratches, gripping his forearm, you flip him over on to his back and slam him in to the ground, the building shakes and as the smoke clears, the only thing visible is you, crouched down beside a large crater with Bakugou in the center of it. Knocked out.

You smile proudly at yourself and leap down in to the crater and try to shake Bakugou awake.
"Hey explodi boy, you ok?" His eyes flutter open and his features turn bright vermilion just like his eyes, at the proximity of you face to his. He quickly sits up pushing you to the side.
"I'm fine you damn extra!" He gets up dusting his suit off as he glances back at you. "Still, not bad for a dumbass." He mumbles and walks away, you look at him as he leaves to join his friends that had also finished their matches, you can't help but smile at the complement.
"Thanks boom boom boy!" You call out to him, he instantly freezes in place and turns to you.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!? YOU WANNA DIE?!" He yells out, you just laugh as you make your way back to the changing rooms, whispers fill the room as all eyes are on you.
Including a beautiful pair of emeralds.

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