11- Well, shit

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When Monday rolls around, you grab your black gym bag and make your way out the dorms and to the locker rooms. Once you walk in, most of the girls were already there changing in to their hero suits, the room falls silent as you walk through the door.
"What?" You raise your eyebrow in suspension as all eyes fall on you.
"You have a LOT of explaining to do Y/N!" Mina runs up to you and shakes you by your shoulders.
"Whaaat dooo youuuu meannnn?!" Your head shakes violently back and forth as Ochako tries to pull her off you.
"Are you KIDDING?! Dancing with Midoriya? Leaving with him? And we haven't seen you since the club! What happened after you left?" She lists out counting her fingers.
"W-Well, I got pretty drunk - thanks by the way- and he tried to take me home b-but I guess I didn't tell him my address, so he just took me to the dorms." You rub the back of your head nervously before unzipping you duffle bag and taking out your suit.
"No, unacceptable. I know more happened! Spill L/N!" She sternly points while crossing her arms, obviously seeing right through you.
"Okok! M-My door was locked so he... took m-me to his room and I spent the night.... And the afternoon." You mumble making your cheeks fire up.
"Ahhhhhhh!" Mina and Ochako squeal high fiveing.
"B-But nothing happened! I s-swear!" You try to calm them down before the boys in the next room heard them.
"Oh c'mon! Something~ had to have happened! With the way he protected you from that creep, the way you two danced, how you both were pretty much all over each other!" Mina giggles when Ochako adds.
"Yeah, the way you grinded on him, and how his hands were LITERALLY all over you!"
"W-WHAT?!?!" You felt your spirit leave your body at this new information.
"Hello? Earth to Y/N? I think we broke her." Ochako waves her hand in front of your face trying to break your state of shock.
"I-I-I-I-I.... No. No that didn't happen, he wouldn't just..." You now looked as if all your blood resided in your face, the utter look of disbelief lingering.
"Well, you were the one that kinda started the whole thing. When he got the guy away from you, he looked kinda pissed and you just grabbed his hand and spun in to his chest pulling his hands down to your hips! I gotta say, I was really bold! And he REALLY seamed to enjoy it~!" Once the brunette finished her recap you look like a deer in headlights, until panic hits.
"SHIT!! Omg I'm never going to be able to face him again!! DOUBLE SHIT!!! I spent the night with him after all that?!?!? Oh god what he must think of me!! Did he think I wanted to fuck him?! Noooooo he's gonna think I'm a cock tease!!!" You cover your face in despair with your hands.
"C'mon Y/N! You know that's not true! You know Midoriya! He would never think of doing anything with you while you were that drunk, especially for the first time." Ochako pats your back in an attempt to comfort you.
"Yeah! You might have turned him on with all that dancing and touching but I'm sure he just thought you were to drunk to realise what you were doing." Mina adds making you peep through your fingers at them in hope.
"I-I hope so! But ugh!!! I'm so embarrassed! I don't know if I can face him!" You groan as you start changing in to your suit.
"Well you're gonna have to, you're in the same class, you're gonna see him now." Ochako states handing you your boot. You drop it at the sudden realisation.

As Mr. Aizawa explains the lesson you follow the group to the training area, you were going to be separated in to groups with similar weaknesses to train your quirks, each being able to choose between zones.
The first zone consisted of a catastrophe area rescue, with rockslides and earthquakes, the second zone was a one to one combat with a villain, and the third zone was a stealth infiltration.
You look at the board and read out your weaknesses, there weren't many but you could either work on your physical endurance or your telekinesis, to be able to lift more heavy objects at once. As you contemplate your options you didn't notice a certain greenette walk up behind you.
"Hey Y/N." He sais with a smile, making you jump in surprise.
"I-Izuku! H-Hi!" You stutter out rubbing the back of your head.
"You ok there? You seam a bit jumpy." He tilts his head slightly, as if trying to figure you out. Cute.
"Y-Yhea! Of course I'm f-fine! Why wouldn't I be fine?" You spit out your words as if they'd turn sour if they spent any longer in your mouth.
"Ok..." He raises his eyebrow in suspicion, but decides to ask you about it after class. "Do you want to warm up with me? I'm going to zone two, I'm hoping some hand to hand combat will help me with some new moves I've been trying, you could probably work on your endurance. I can help you if you want." He offers kindly, it was so overwhelming you just started backing away stuttering.
"I- yeah-no, I-... I think you- I- us, not us! There's no us! I m-mean there is, but- no! I- I'm going over there! See you later!" You turn on your heal and power walk away to zone one, face palming in the process.
Smooth! I guess telekinesis training it is!

Back where Izuku stood, he was really confused, did he say something wrong? Did he do something wrong? Was he coming on to strong? He was already confused about his feelings for you, and now he was confused about you in general. His anxiety started to spike as all the possible reasons for your reaction started to flood his head. He contemplated going after you, to make sure you were ok, but he didn't want to pressure you to talk to him, so he reluctantly decided to give you space, making his way to zone two.

You rush up the rocky ledge dodging large bolders that seemed to materialise out os thin air. You spot a plastic hand sticking out from under some rocks, using your telekinesis you lift them carefully while dodging and detouring any others that fell in your direction. Removing all the debits you levitate the dummy out of the hole and on to the medic stretcher so the robot can take them to get 'medical care'. You continue further up and you can just see the other training zones, the rocks had seemed to have stoped, and you couldn't find any more dummies so you assumed you found them all.
You glance over to the combat zone and see Izuku throwing a finishing blow to his opponent, as the dust clears, he looks up and locks eyes with you, blushing slightly he gives you a sweet smile, your lip trembles as your fists clench at your sides, it was so frustrating!
You didn't fully understand what exactly you felt for him, you knew you liked him that much was certain, but how deeply? It scared you, but not as much as what could possibly be going through his mind. You really felt like you gave him the wrong idea, you weren't the type of girl to just get drunk and fuck a guy just cuz you felt like it, and you fear that's how you came off. You couldn't face him, the sheer dread of his reaction made your knees weak and your mind foggy, even though he was so nice to you the next day, he took care of you and did ask for anything in return or try anything with you.
Izuku's smile faded as he sees your expression. He really must have done something wrong, he should have just talked to you instead of just leaving you to feel whatever you where feeling. And that's when his eyes widened in fear.
"Y/N LOOK OUT!" He screams and runs towards you. You look away from him to see a giant boulder falling in your direction, you are quick enough to catch it with your telekinesis and levitate it above you, it started to become to heavy, you could feel yourself weaken by the second as a trail of blood started to run from you nose, you couldn't seam to concentrate and you vision started to blur, your eyes flutter shut and the last thing you remember is hearing Izuku call out your name in desperation and a huge pressure all over your body.

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