42- We are

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The next morning you slowly awoke as the sun shined through the curtains, shifting under your covers, you felt a pair of strong arms squeeze your torso, looking down at them, you smile reminiscing last night. You turn to face the freckled man beside you and kiss his lips lightly, making his eyes flutter open.
"Mmh... morning beautiful." He mumbles kissing your cheek making you chuckle.
"Morning, c'mon we're gonna be late." You say trying to sit up before he pulls you back down in to his chest.
"Noooo.." He whines nuzzling in to your cleavage, making you blush at his actions. "Can't we stay like this a bit longer?" He asks, giving you puppy eyes.
"Mr. Aizawa will kill us, you know that." You chuckle slipping away from his arms as he groans. You both get dressed quickly before walking down to the common room together.
Every pair of eyes were glued to you as you walked in together, talking casually as each prepared our breakfast. You catch their stares and raise an eyebrow at your classmates.
"What?" You ask as Izuku pours you a cup of coffee.
"What do you mean what?! You two have been fighting for weeks!" Mina shouts, as if she was due an explanation.
"Oh! Yeah... we kinda talked it out last night.." You say rubbing the back of your neck nervously, now realising that you probably had people in the next dorms that might have heard you both last night. You still hoped for the best and that they hadn't gotten back from the arcade while you and Izuku were...
"Yeah, sure heard a lot of 'talking' last night." You turned pale as a ghost at the sound of Bakugou's voice, you turn to see his sleep deprived expression, with large dark circles surrounding his ruby red eyes and messy hair.
"Seriously nerd, if you're gonna fuck her like that, take it to your room so I don't have to hear it all night!" You could have died of embarrassment as you leap on to the angry blonde, smacking him to try and silence his mortifying words as Izuku simply hides his face in his large hands, not being able to look at his classmates.
Kiri finally rips you off Bakugou, who simply shouted a sting on curse words and insults as you responded by flipping him off.
"So... you guys FINALLY together?" Ochako asks, you look over to Izuku, who gazes at you lovingly with a soft smile.
"Yeah.. we are." Izuku says walking to you side, draping an arm around your shoulders and kissing the top of your head, making you chuckle.
"Ugh, you're both sickening." Bakugou groans, making you throw an orange that was on the counter top, hitting him on the forehead. As you both start arguing again, Kiri walks over to Izuku.
"You finally had the guts huh?" He asks crossing his arms as he watched you and Katsuki bicker.
"Yeah, to be honest, I don't know why I was so worried. She's amazing, of course she would understand." Izuku sighs as he and Kiri walk up to you and the angry blonde, separating you before you started destroying the kitchen and start making your way to class.

The next few weeks were amazing, you and Izuku had grown even closer if it was even possible. You started to go over to his house to have dinner with him and his mother, she really was the sweetest woman.
All Might also insisted of having you both over a few evenings, which honestly, wasn't as awkward as you expected. He did still treat Izuku as his disciple, but slowly he has also started to see him as your boyfriend too.
You could hardly believe your luck, after all you had gone through, you would have never thought of meeting such a sweet and loving man, who was as crazy about you as you were about him. He made you feel safe, loved, he made you feel more like yourself than you ever had before.

It was a week until graduation, you were finishing packing up your dorm when you heard a knock on your door.
"Come in!" You say as you sit on your suitcase to try and zip it up as Izuku pocks his head through the threshold.
"Hi babe." He says walking in, closing the door behind him.
"Hey! Can you help me get this closed?" You ask gesturing to your stubborn bag. He chuckles as he walks over, helping you finally close it. You hop off your bed and give him a loving kiss on the lips. "Whats up?" You ask casually.
"W-Well... I kinda wanted to talk to you about something..." Izuku trails off nervously, rubbing the back of his neck, looking to the side.
"What is it? You finally sick of me?" You laugh, but slowly your smile fades as he remais quiet.
"I know I'm the one who joked about it but now you're making me nervous Izu..." You chuckle nervously.
"O-Oh! Sorry! No no, I just spaced out!" He spits out panicked, before taking a deep breath.
"Thank god! So, what's up?" You ask placing your hands on your hips, gesturing him to just tell you.
Izuku plays with something in the front jean pocket, drawing your attention to the motion. You raise an eyebrow and he catches your gaze, jumping towards you, he holds your shoulders making you look back up at his emerald orbs.
"I-I uh...." He stutters, he seamed nervous, no, he seamed scared, and you hardly ever saw Izuku scared, and that worried you.
"Izuku, is someone wrong?" You ask cupping his cheek in your soft palms.
"N-No! I mean.. UGH! I'm no good at this!" He groans in frustration, facepalming. This simply made you chuckle, he peeks through his fingers at your snickering expression. "Don't laugh at me..." He says, trying to remain serious, but unable to keep the corners of his lips from curling slightly. Izuku takes a deep breath before taking your hands in his.
"Y/N, I know we've only been together for a few months, but I feel like I've known you for a lifetime, I just can't get enough of you. I love how smart you are, how strong, how caring you can be, you are just outright amazing." You blush at his words, squeezing his hands slightly. "I don't say it lightly when I say that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you are my everything, and I want to keep on loving you, and protecting you for as long as I live." He proceeds to kneel down in front of you, you can feel your heartbeat pick up, you palms become sweaty and your breath gets caught in your throat. "So if you'll let me, I want you to be mine, and for me to be yours, forever... Y/N Yagi, will you marry me?" He pulls out a small brown velvet box, with the most beautiful diamond ring, your eyes tear up as you stare at him speechless. He looks up at you in expectation, the seconds of silence feeling like an eternity. "Y/N?" His voice draws you back to reality, and you lunge in to his arms.
"Yes! Of course I'll marry you Izuku! I love you so much!" You say euphorically, pulling him in to a passionate kiss by his collar, making him chuckle.
"I love you too baby." He whispers as he wraps his arms around your waist, deepening the kiss.
That was when you knew, he was your other half, Izuku was the love of your life, and you were lucky enough to spend the rest of your life with him.

~The End~

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