7- "work"

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As 5:30 rolls around, you get even more nervous, you don't know why but something about being alone with Deku in his DORM ROOM made you anxious. You finish changing out of your school uniform and putting on a pair of grey sweatpants and a red tank top, you let down your hair as you grab your notes and make your way to Izuku's room.
You knock on the door nervously, not knowing what to expect, but what you definitely did not expect was a semi nude Izuku. You squeak and cover your eyes, he had his bare chest covered in drips that had fallen from his drenched forest locks, and a fluffy white towel hung lowly on his strong hips.
"A-Ah! S-Sorry Y/N! I didn't think it was 5:30 a-already!" He quickly runs behind his door and pulls on a pair of black sweatpants. Well that doesn't really help! He remains shirtless as he opens the door further to let you in. You can't help the blush that insists on taking residence across your features as you take a seat at the foot of his bed. He simultaneously grabs a shit and his notes and takes a seat beside you on the bed, pulling the white tshirt over his head. "So, shall we compare notes?" He asks and you nod, opening up your notepad.

After about two hours of working your stomach growls.
"Are you hungry Y/N?" Izuku asks softly putting his pen down.
"I guess, I haven't really eaten since lunch." You say holding your belly, he suddenly stands up without a word and walks to his door, you start packing your things, assuming he's going to ask you to leave as it was already 7:30.
"Wait here." He sais as he steps out the door and closes it behind him, you're left there, frozen in place. Why did he want you to wait? Wouldn't he want you to leave so he could go have dinner or something? As your mind runs wild, it is suddenly calmed as Izuku rushes through the door and slams it behind him, panting frantically.
"Are you ok Izuku? What happened?" You ask confused.
"Y-Yhea, I just went to get food." He simply sais, as if this is what someone would look like after grabbing some food from the kitchen.
"Why are you out of breath? Did you run to the other side of town to get food?" You joke as he chuckles and takes his seat next to you.
"No, I just remembered Katchan lost a bet to Kirishima today and he had to cook him like, 20 of his famous sandwiches, so I ran down and snagged two without him noticing." You just stare at him before bursting out in laughter.
"No way! He's gonna be royally pissed if he finds out!"
"Why do you think I ran? If he caught me I would be dead! And you would die of starvation up here." He jokes as he hands you a sandwich, you gratefully accept it and take a bite, you instantly look down at the food mesmerised.
"I can see why you risked your neck for this! It's soooooo goodddddd!" You groan in delight as you take another bite.
"I know right! I always make sure I know when Katchan looses a bet cuz they always make him cook, he's really good at it. Annnnnd I always sneak a bit for myself when he's not looking." He laughs rubbing the back of his neck.
"*gasp* Izuku Midoriya! You sneaky bastard!" You playfully punch his arm. "Stealing from your classmates! For shame!" You dramatically point to him as he chuckles with his mouth full. "I should out you to him! Unless~ you cut me in to your sketchy food runs!" You wiggle your eyebrows as he swallows and takes a moment to contemplate your offer.
"Well if it means deciding between sharing or never eating his food again... sure, but you better never snitch on me Y/N L/N! Cuz you've tasted the forbidden sandwich! There is no backing out now! Your as deep in this shit as I am now!" He laughs as you dust the crumbs of your lap and sit criss cross on his bed facing him completely. Mockingly, you raise your right hand and place your left over your heart.
"I, Y/N L/N, hereby swear, to never snitch on my partner in crime! And I swear, to not only keep secret, but to aid you in your perilous missions to get these tasty snacks!" You say making him burst out in laughter, falling back on his bed.
"Do you think there are any left?" You ask, almost salivating at just the thought of getting your hands on another of those sandwiches.
"I don't know, there was like a pile of 20 when I reached up and grabbed these two." He sits up, you grin wickedly and no words need to be exchanged for Izuku to know where this is going.

You both make you way downstairs using the stairs, tiptoeing across the common area and crawling behind one of the couches. You couldn't help but giggle as Izuku points to a large plate with about 15 sandwiches piled up and wrapped in tin foil. Bakugou was still cooking the meat so his back was faced to the counter, you try using your quirk to pick up two sandwiches but he suddenly turns around and you both duck and almost blow your cover when you start to snicker. Izuku slams his hand over your mouth to quiet you down before you get caught, you try again, using your telekinesis to tip over the mustard to draw Bakugou's attention. A steam of profanities signals the go ahead, you pop your head up and quickly levitate two sandwiches towards you and Izuku, once you grab them, you both bolt, laughing like little children. About halfway up the stairs you hear it.
"I know someone is stealing my food!!!!! IF I CATCH YOU, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!!!!"
Bolting into Izuku's room, he slams the door behind you both as you drop to the floor in hysterical laughter.
"Oh god! We almost got caught! I can't believe it!" You hold your sides from how sore they became.
"He was so pissed!! He seriously better never find out it was us, he'll blast us all the way to Europe!" Izuku wipes away tears and climbs on to the bed as you crawl up, still completely drained of energy from both your little mission as your post theft hysteria.

You both finish your sandwiches and toss the foil in Izuku's trash can.
"We should get rid of the evidence." You say laying down on the bed.
"Yeah, I'll empty it out tomorrow. I'm seriously tired now." He yawns and lays next to you making the whole bed shit due to his size, you blush slightly and look away.
"I-If you wanna go to sleep, I-I can leave. It is g-getting pretty late." You stutter fiddling with your sweatpants' string.
"Nah it's fine, you can stay if you want, I'm just gonna rest my eyes for 5 minutes." He mumbles as his eyes flutter closed and he drifts off. You shift, turning on your side to fully face him, taking the opportunity to gaze at his peaceful, sleeping face. How his fluffy green hair frames his face, how his now freshly shaved undercut helps bring out his sharp jawline. Those cute freckles, that you never noticed how many he actually had, most seemed slightly faded, his plump inviting lips, they looked so soft and warm.
You close your eyes to rid yourself of temptation, and soon realise how tired you actually are. You feel yourself start to succumb to sleep, the last thing you remember, is feeling a strong arm wrap around you and pull you closer.

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