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Riley's POV

My whole body hurts. My head feels fuzzy, my ass aches, my throat is sore and I feel cold. What even happened? The last thing I remember clearly was getting the electro things put on me and oh... I fell. Oh shit. I knew that scene was going to be intense but I did not know I was going to fall into subspace. I know I can't really control it but I was shocked I let myself do it. I haven't fallen in a long time so coming off that endorphin high I was hit with all the pain that didn't even bother me while it was inflicted. I opened my eyes a little and looked around the room. I think I was alone. I tried to get up but my body didn't let me. I groaned as I fell backwards. "Riley be careful" I was scolded gently. I looked over to see Master Thomas. He came over and passed me a glass of juice before sitting beside me. "Drink please" I nodded and took a deep drink. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"It hurts," I moaned a little.

"What hurts?"

"Everything." I covered my face with my arms.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me," he placed his hand on top of mine bringing my arms from my face.

"My head and my ass," I told him quietly. He sat me up gently placing a pillow behind my hips. He passed me some fruit and told me to eat.

"Then you can have some painkillers, take it slow. You slipped really hard."

"Thank you," I muttered tiredly as I ate the fruit.

"You did really well, Riley," he praised me. It's nice he says that. I love hearing praise but I know I could've done so much better. I could've taken so much more. I hope it was still fun to watch though. I shivered a little as I took the medication.

"That scene really took everything out of you didn't it," Master Thomas wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm tired."

"I know, once you're feeling a little better I'm going to take you home, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy."

Honestly, I didn't really remember much of what happened after that. I know I got taken home and I made it into my own bed. The next morning I woke up to a huge headache and I felt almost hungover. I know I didn't drink, I scened, of course, I didn't drink, and I don't have any alcohol in the house so I couldn't have drank any when I got back. I checked my phone. I groaned a little it was like eleven o'clock. I didn't have work at least I didn't think I had work but I needed to check. Thank fuck for that, I was right. Genuinely I think today was my first full day off in weeks. I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. I live on my own in a small flat. It's cosy but comfortable. I do kind of miss living with people but I can't complain.

As I sat down at the kitchen table I tried to properly think back to everything that I did last night. I hope I did well. I know I wasn't meant to slip. It was an accident. I hope Master Thomas isn't too mad at me. As I did this I could feel myself welling up a little. No, Riley. Don't cry. I wiped my eyes and brought my coffee mug to my lips. I took a few sips before going to place it back down again. My hands were a little jittery so I ended up spilling a small amount on the table. Normally that wouldn't phase me, I'm pretty clumsy but I was feeling a little extra fragile this morning so before I could even think tears were streaming down my face. Why did you do that, Riley? You're not a child. I forcefully wiped those tears away and was able to calm myself down a little for long enough to grab my coffee, with forced less shaky hands, and a couple of painkillers for my head and take them into the living room. I had a late night last night. I'm probably just tired still.

A lot of my afternoon was spent watching shows on Netflix I've already seen and crying at scenes that aren't even that emotional. It was about Mid-afternoon, like two or three, when I got a message from Master Julian. "Hi, Riley. How are you feeling today?" It's not uncommon for him to check up on a submissive after a public scene especially when said submissive did a stupid thing and slipped. Not that going into subspace is like a stupid thing to do but it's not very common between two people who just play occasionally. It's more a relationship kind of thing and I could never be in a relationship with Master Thomas. He doesn't want me.

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