A Day Of Rest?

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The next morning I was up around 11 am. I checked my phone and played on my switch. It was a chill morning. I didn't know if Sim was even home yet. I checked his room but as expected he was nowhere to be seen. I got a drink and sat in front of the tv. A little bit later an exhausted-looking Sim practically crawled through the door. "Morning sunshine" I smiled at him.
"Mooorning" He yawned back.
"Long night?" I asked him.
"Oh yeah" he smirked, "I'll speak to you about it later, for now, I need to sleep." He dragged himself to his bedroom and after only a few minutes I could hear his light snoring. He had a fun night. I'm jealous. I pouted slightly at the thought. I wonder how many sessions I'll have until I get to scene. I'll have to ask Sim when he's awake. A while later I get a text from my friend Bethany "Spoons?" She asked.
"Erm two?"
"Count me in 😁." I love Bethany, she's one of my oldest friends. We went to high school together. I got changed and brushed my hair down. It's funny, with my hair up and with it down I'm two different people. The first time I'd worn my hair up in a long time was when I went to the club and I felt confident and happy. I wore it down more or less any other time. I left a note for Sim saying where I was going and headed out. I ended up walking to Spoons, it wasn't that far so I thought I could do with the exercise. I get there and order us both a drink while I waited for her. I looked down at my phone not even noticing the person behind me. Arms wrapped around me and I heard Bethany's voice "heyyy it's so good to see you" she hugged me.
"Jesus Beth don't do that. You nearly gave me a heart attack" I laughed hugging her properly. "I bought you a drink."
"You're a gem" she smiled sitting down opposite me. We spoke about life, boring adult stuff. I spoke about my job and the annoying new girl who keeps flirting with literally everyone. Having an office job seems kind of boring compared to my friends like while I worked in Tax management she was a seamstress, she worked in a bridal shop and Sim was a Freelance Graphic Designer for a multitude of different companies in the area. I liked my job don't get me wrong, I got weekends off and was treated really well, I'd wanted to go into something business-related so Tax management fit that bill. She told me about this awful dress that a woman brought in to be tailored it was an off white with puffy sleeves and a big bow covering the butt. "Sounds heavenly" I laughed. Our conversation carries on and after we order food it goes to relationships. Beth has been seeing this guy for a month now, he seems nice enough. He doesn't look her type but hey, who am I to judge. "Sooo what about you? How's the dating scene for you?"
"Dry" I muttered. "I've been on a few hookups but after breaking up with you know who and life's not really given me much since..."
"Why don't you try online dating?"
"Not a chance. Not after last time. The last guy I spoke to, for three days mind, started telling me about how he wanted to stick a tail plug up my butt. I'm swearing off online dating." She just laughed.
"Aw, you poor baby."
"No it's alright, I don't want your pity" I teased. "I'm just going with it right now. Sim's been taking me to his favourite club the last couple of nights. That's been fun."
"Ohhh maybe you'll find someone there. Someone hot with big muscles and tattoos!"
"We'll see, I'm not expecting anything just yet, it's fun to just let my hair down you know."
"You deserve to have fun! Which club is it?" This is where I stutter slightly. Do I tell her it's a BDSM club? She's the biggest demi-sexual I've ever met and grimaces at even the slightest mention of sex.
"It's an all guys club."
"Ohh a gay bar? Is it in village?"
"No no." There are sex clubs in village but it's kind of grimy honestly.
"Shame I've heard village has great clubs." She's not much of a clubber.
"Yeah, I know. I've met some really cool people there and I don't have to worry about never seeing them again" I laughed awkwardly. She raised an eyebrow.
"Well it's kind of exclusive so it's the same people," I tell her running my hand through the back of my hair.
"Exclusive oo la la. Look at you going exclusive." I blushed.
"It's not like that. It's Sims thing I'm just tagging along" for now...
"You know I'm only joshing, I'm happy for you you seem genuinely happy which is nice because normally you're an anxiety-ridden stress head."
"Ouch, way to put it nicely" I laughed.
"I always keep it 100 for you" she winked.
Our food arrived and the conversation switched.

As we finished eating I got a phone call, it was Sim, usually he just texts me, it must be important, I apologised to Beth before answering. "Hello?"
"You're coming to the club with me tonight," Sim told me. I sighed.
"I've got work tomorrow I can't."
"We won't stay late I promise. I need you to come with me, it's important."
"Sim you know full well that I don't go out on Sunday nights."
"It's not going out... not really... you need to come it's important."
"Why is it so important?"
"I can't tell you yet."
"Simon," I say threateningly.
"You're a complete and utter bottom without a dominant bone in your body, you can't threaten me, little boy." I had to stop my laughter.
"I am not staying any later than 11, got it?"
"Yayy!! I knew you'd cave. Make sure you're ready by quarter past eight."
"That's early."
"We need the best seats."
"Seats for what?"
"You'll figure out when we get there. Say hey to Bethany for me. Love you lots. Byeee."
"Sim what are you even..." He hung up on me. The little bastard.
"Erm is everything okay?" Beth asked me.
"Yeah, it's fine. Sims dragging me to the club tonight. I have no idea why."
"Naughty naughty look at you clubbing on a work night."
"I'm not going to drink. I'm gonna be home by 11 too. I told him that. He said hey by the way."
"That boy is a bad influence on you" she laughed.
"Don't I know it" I rolled my eyes as I laughed. Sim really helped me out of my shell, when I first met him he was so crazy confident and loud and I was just a shy, nerdy person hoping that maybe I'd make friends if I joined the drama club. He seemed to latch onto me pretty much straight away, we literally got tied together for our social. We spent the entire night getting to know each other and I'll never forget that starting line "this isn't my first time being tied up but be honoured this is my first time being tied to someone else." I choked on my drink. Being friends with such a big personality basically forced me to become more confident so I could keep up.

Catching up with Beth was really nice, we split apart an hour or so later so I could get home and get ready. When I returned home Sim was lounging about the kitchen in his joggers. I put my stuff down and hop onto the counter. "Hey" I smiled.
"Hey. How was your catch up with Beth?"
"It was nice" I smiled. "How was your night?" I asked leaning forward curiously. He smirked and licked his lip.
"It was good yeah."
"It looked more than good. What time were you scening until?"
"Five or six." He shrugged. "I ended up back at his. We played for a little while longer and we went to sleep but only for like two hours. Then he gave me breakfast and I came home."
"No wonder you were so tired." I laughed a little.
"I still am tired but I can't miss tonight!"
"What's tonight?" I ask him.
"I told you it's a surprise." I roll my eyes at him.
"What do I wear?"
"Anything" he shrugged.
"You are actually no help" I groaned. I was getting excited for tonight now, I had no idea what was going on but he seemed really excited.

(I've written so many characters already and I have plenty more planned so I might do just an update explaining briefly all the characters so it's not too confusing, if people would want that that is.
Thank you so much for reading!
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