Movie Night

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Rogelio's POV

I kissed Elliot. Not just like a quick kiss either like an actual makeout. His lips tasted of strawberry and he was a really good kisser. I want to do it again. I have to tell Oli. When Elliot had ducked off with Master Warwick I took it upon myself to rush to the bar and lean over to look at my amazing boyfriend. "Daddy! I did it," I told him excitedly.

"You did what baby?" He asked me.

"I made out with Elliot," I smiled. He smirked.

"So I heard. How was it?"

"It was nice. He is a good kisser. You should do it too."

"I'll keep it in mind."

"And he tasted of strawberry and I know that's your favourite," I convinced him.

"You really like him don't you," Oli placed the glass he was holding down.

"I do, I think he's really sweet."

"Should I be worried?" He joked.

"I mean if he had a dominant side maybe," I stuck my tongue between my teeth leaning innocently on the bar.

"That's a no then," Oli looked me up and down.

"You know you're the only person for me but it might be fun to play with him," I swirled my finger in my hair.

"Play with him? You'd definitely have to be the dominant in that scene."

"Actually I was thinking that if he wanted to maybe we could both play with him."

"Are you suggesting a threesome darling?"

"Maybe" I drew it out.

"If Elliot is down then so am I," my eyes lit up excitedly.

"He's with Master Warwick right now so I think that's going to happen tonight but I'll pounce first thing next week!"

"You'll pounce?" Oli raised an eyebrow.

"You know what I mean," I laughed.

"You could just invite him over, outside of club hours," Oli suggested.

"I fully didn't even think of that," I gasped.

"We've got movie night next Friday why don't you ask if he wants to come around after that?"

"You beautiful genius!" I leaned over and kissed my boyfriend deeply before rushing away to go and find Elliot. I know he'll probably be with Master Warwick but I can't wait.

Elliot was just making his way into the main room with Master Warwick when I tackled him into a hug. "El! I have a question." I told him.

"Jesus you scared the shit out of me," he hugged me back tightly.

"I'm sorry," I looked at him sadly.

"It's okay, what's the question?"

"Well on Friday after movie night Oli and I were wondering if you wanted to come round," I smiled.

"Come round? To your house?" He looked at me confused.

"Yeah. We can maybe have some fun. If you want to that is," I held his hand. He stared for a moment, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Fun as in like fun or fun," he asked a little embarrassed.

"Fun as in like playing with us. Like a threesome. You don't have to if you don't want to like I do not want you to feel forced," I know I kept saying 'if you want to' but I need him to know he can say no.

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