Mistress Renee

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Elliot's POV

Opening the doors to the main room I realised that for half 5 it was quite crowded. It was mainly people I didn't know dotted around and the room looked smaller because of the stalls that lined the outside. It was weird seeing the room with actual light too, I'm used to the dim atmosphere with coloured lights dancing around guiding you to the dance floor. Speaking of the dance floor there still was a DJ playing music but the dance floor had a stage which I'm guessing would be used for speeches or maybe demonstrations. I wonder what kind of demonstrations would be happening and what even do demonstrations look like? Is it like on Sundays? I don't know I'll have to wait and see. I'm excited about that. Everything is just such a new experience.

I pushed my hair back a little and took a deep breath looking over at my friends. "Where to first?" I asked, smiling.

"Let's get a drink then we can go around and look at the stalls," Sim smiled.

"Most people are regularly here so we can introduce you," Oli walked in and we followed him. We passed what looked like a couple dressed as The Joker and Harley Quinn and it made me wonder if the doms had dressed up. I would think so because that's the whole point of the night but I couldn't even imagine Master Thomas dressing up. I don't know if they usually did or not. I guess I'll find out.

We made our way over to the bar where Calli, Noah and Nicki were all working. I've not seen Noah behind the bar before but he did tell me that he works behind the bar. I noticed that standing beside the bar was a tall man dressed in a suit and sunglasses. He had a badge on that said 'Checkmate Security'. I couldn't tell if it was a Halloween costume or if it was actually that he was working security. I didn't recognise the man which is why I was wondering. "Master Julian hires in extra security on market days because it's not just like his members, I think his name is Master Benjamin but don't quote me," Oli explained to me. I nodded and smiled.

"Ah yeah, that makes sense."

The whole room was decked out with Halloween themed decorations but like nice ones, not cheap ones like we usually have in the flat. There was really nicely carved pumpkins, black-veiled bunting, 3D bats on the walls, the lighting was dim and mysterious, the ambience was created by lit tea lights, black and orange flowers adorning every table. It was pretty. I wonder how much time it took to get everything ready for today.

When we got to the bar I decided it was too early to actually drink so I got a coke and waited for the others.

"Hey Eli, you look really good. How are you doing today?" Calli asked me grabbing a few glasses from off the side.

"Aw thank you, you do too! I'm doing good how are you?" I asked him. He was dressed as a vampire.

"Not too bad, already tired."

"What time are you working til?"

"I'm working all night, I get an hour break though."

"I thought you did split shifts" I looked at him confused.

"Yeah we do but there's not enough of us to all split shift so I offered," he shrugged.

"Why would you do that to yourself?" Ro asked.

"I quit my old job so I'm just working here for the time being until I can get a better one you know,"

"Cal that's great! I'm so happy for you! You deserve so much better than that shithole," Ro smiled.

"Thank you it's already such a weight off my chest oh my god." He looked really happy about this new step in his life. I was really happy for him.

We got on to talking about the stalls, "you're gonna end up spending so much money," Calli laughed.

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