Gags and Ropes

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Elliot's POV

I cannot cook to save my life, that's why Sim does all the cooking in our house. I do feel bad about it but he doesn't mind. He grew up being surrounded by incredible food, his mum was a chef, and he definitely inherited his mother's gift. He's always trying and testing new and exciting foods and recipes his mum sends over. I, on the other hand, am quite fussy, I don't stray too far away from the food I know and the food I like. Sim gave up trying to get me to try more food after second year when we'd been living together approximately three months. I want to try new things... it's just different smells and textures sometimes freak me out, that's all. People would say I'm childish but if I don't like something I'm not going to force myself to eat things that I don't like. There is literally no point in it. When Sim gets a new recipe from his mum that he thinks I'll like he makes it special, I adore his cooking and I adore his mums cooking. The cakes she makes are heavenly. She sometimes sends them around randomly and it honestly makes my day.

His mum is called Tya, she is one of the most lovely people I've ever met. Her and Michael, Sim's dad, are so supportive of their children. Sim is the second youngest of the family. He has three older siblings: two brothers and one sister and one younger sister. I only have two siblings, two sisters. One older: Charlotte and one younger: Megan. I want to go and visit them soon. Megan is taking a gap year saving up some money before university and Charlotte is a dentist. I don't know how she does it honestly. The idea of it kind of makes me sick. Megan wants to go into pharmacy. I mentally set a reminder to go and visit home next weekend. I'm sure mum would like it. It's been a while since I've been home, they don't live far away but because of work, I've not really had much time.

I was sat watching TV when Sim happily burst through the door. He began to ramble about one thing or another so I just sat listening to him. I had decided that today was going to be a relaxing day, no rushing about, no shopping just a day where I could sleep in as long as I wanted to, lounge about on the couch, watch tv and just relax. It's been a hectic week and so much has happened I needed time for my brain to be able to comprehend it all. Sim was telling me about how had gone out to lunch with one of his brothers, Will. He was pretty close with his siblings. After about ten minutes he finally took a breath and sat down. "So how's your day been?"

"Good" I smiled "I've not done anything but it's been nice."

"You need recharge days every so often. God knows I do" he laughed. I smiled and brought my knees to my chest.

"Yeah, you're right there."

"You ready for tonight?" He asked me looking at how I was sat.

"Yeah I'm ready, I'm excited. A little nervous but excited"

"Well remember if at any point you feel even a little uncomfortable let Master Julian know."

"I will" I reassured him.

"Good" he smiled. I looked up at him.

"Who are you scening with tonight?"

"I dunno yet." He shrugged. "I've been flirting with Master Killian since Thursday but I also want to scene with Master Nathaniel. I'll figure it out tonight" he shrugged. "What about you? If you could choose to scene with someone who would it be?"

"I don't know" I shrugged.

"Come on!"

"Master Thomas is hot but..." I trailed off trying to think of how I could explain it.


"Everyone I've spoken to about him has said the same thing and that's basically don't do it." I want to scene with Master Thomas, I really do but I'm sure he doesn't want to scene with me. If he is picky and has a very specific type I know I'm not that type.

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