Trail and Error

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Pulling up outside our flat on Wednesday, all I could think about was that I'll be doing my second training session in a few hours. Work has been pretty tedious so to have something to look forward to was nice. I called into Sim who was stood in the kitchen. I put all my stuff on the sofa and went in. He was sat on the counter. "Hey, how was work?" He asked.

"Boring" I muttered. "What've you been up to?"

"I had a call with the owner of a local business. He wants me to paint designs on the walls of the store." He shrugged.

"That's really cool!" I smiled brightly. He smiled back at me. After a quick chat, I went to have a shower and get ready. I decided on a pair of denim shorts, they're longer than what Sim would wear but not too long. My knees were slightly bruised from the other day. I blushed a little. I grabbed a black shirt, I did my hair and put some mascara on.

We sat and ate dinner, Sim cooked stir fry. I washed up while Sim got ready and before I knew it we were on our way to Checkmate. It felt really weird going to a club on a weeknight.

I drove us down, I knew I wouldn't be drinking because I had work the next day so I thought it would be more convenient. I'm guessing some people had the same idea as there were other cars in the car park, not many though, I didn't expect there to be a lot of people in the club. When we got there they didn't even have a bouncer on the door yet. Nicky was sat at the desk, he perked up when we came over. "Hey, you two" he smiled. We smiled back at him.

"Hey, Nicki. You look bored." Sim laughed.

"I ammmm... weekdays are so boring, are you training today Eli?" He asked me quickly snapping out of his bored state.

"Yeah" I smiled. He placed a green band on my arm and Sim got a white one. "Master Julian's been talking about changing the band system so frequent guests get permanent bands like rubber or leather or something in the respective colours," Nicki told us.

"That's such a good idea! I hate these paper ones they cut into my skin when I'm tied up" Sim pouted. He's so open, it makes me giggle.

"Ugh I know isn't it just the worst" Nikki pouted.

"It must be even worse for you I usually just have like handcuffs or the silk rope you're a proper rope bunny" Sim smirked at his friend.

"Sometimes you just need that sting of rope burn you know" Nikki shrugged. I automatically grabbed my wrist. That sounds painful and something I'm not really interested in. I've been tied up before but it was like a tie not actual rope.

"True though" Sim agreed. "We'll see you later yeah! I'm delivering this boy to his second training session" Nikki smirked.

"Enjoyy" he sang out as Sim dragged me down the hall. It's going to be more sexual today and honestly, I'm kind of excited. I don't know if I'm going to like have sex or whatever but still.

The main club was empty there was the bar staff talking with security, one Master, sub duo having a conversation in one booth and a small group of Doms having a meeting in the back corner. I didn't expect anything else though I mean it was 9 p.m. on Wednesday.

Standing outside Master Julian's door, we were right on time. Before I could even get a second thought in Sim had knocked on. "I'll greet him first then you go okay?" He reminded me. I nodded. Master Julian's voice called for us to enter. Together we entered the room. The Master was leaning against his desk, he had his phone in his right hand and a large ring binder in the other. "Ah Simon, Elliot good" he put the ring binder down and looked straight at us. My eyes were lowered but I watched Sim go forward instantly and kneel before him. I took a deep breath and once Sim had moved to beside him I made my way over to him. I dropped to my knees and placed my hands on his feet, my head lowered. He ran his fingers through my hair. "What a good boy. Well done for remembering" I blushed at the compliment happily. I moved to beside him mimicking how Sim knelt. The Master raised my friends head and then stood him up.

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