His Harness

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Elliot's POV

I spent the morning with Oli and Ro, we played some games together on the switch before they took me out for lunch. We went to a nice little cafe. They had some really delicious cakes. They dropped me off at home a little bit later after lunch so I could get ready for the club. When I got home Sim was lounging in the living room watching some reality tv show. "Hey," I called to him.

"Ah so the dirty stop out has arrived home," he called back to me. He paused the TV and turned to face me. I smiled at him putting my bag down. "So?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"How did it go?"

"Oh really good, I've decided I really like threesomes."

"Haven't I been telling you for the longest time," he smiled excitedly. "Oli and Ro were the perfect starter threesome for you as well." We spoke about how I was feeling about the whole thing. I explained my feelings about being worried but then talking to Oli about it and them both helping me through it.

"I thought I might have felt guilty but I didn't at all."

"I think threesomes should be one of your things. There are so many people who would scene with you in a heartbeat and threesomes just make it all the more possible. You can scene with both doms and subs and kink threesomes are so hot," I thought for a moment. Yeah, I could definitely do more threesomes. I know Alex asked me if I'd like to scene with him and his master. Maybe I'll see if he wants to play with me tonight. "Oh my god, I did a roleplay scene one time where me and Robin were tied together and we were told what we had to do to each other, it was like a sex slave fetish thing. The Dom just sat there giving us orders and watching us do things to each other, he eventually joined in but honestly, the before was much more fun."

"You've slept with Robin?" I asked a little shocked.

"Of course. We've slept together loads of times,"

"Who else have you slept with?"

"Erm, I was part of an orgy with Cal, Gio, Matty and Jordan. I've scened in like threesomes with Nicki, Gio and Alex and a few other people in the club."

"For some reason, I didn't think you had slept with any of the subs." He just shrugged.

"El I am saying this 100%  seriously if I was given the opportunity to I would sleep with everyone in the club I would."

"You are such a whore," I laughed.

"And proud of it."

As we ate a light tea I thought more about what Sim said. I'm not the kinkiest person, I know this but maybe this could be my thing. I'm going to ask Alex if I could play with him and his Master tonight. I got ready dressing myself up a little more, I didn't wear much makeup but I covered up my eye bags and some discolouration with concealer and put on mascara and a lip tint with a gloss over the top, I wore a simple outfit because I was getting my harness tonight and Em wanted some pictures. She sent it to Checkmate so I think I'll go and find Master Julian and ask. Once I was ready I popped on my dark blue boots and sprayed myself with my favourite scent. I left my hair loose and curly.

We got an Uber to the club and as always Sim marched us up to the front of the line where Master Warwick was chatting with a couple of people before letting them into the club. He noticed us coming over and smiled at us. "You two look beautiful tonight," he complimented.

"Thank you, Sir," we both smiled back at him.

"A package arrived for you, Julian has it," he told me taking my hand.

"It's my harness," I told him excitedly. He placed a hand gently on my lower back.

"I want to see it when you put it on. Will you come and show me?"

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