What if...

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Seonghwa felt relieved. Finally, a reasonable excuse to leave this place. He needed to get away from Minho before he had to interact with him again. He didn't want to face him. He didn't need to go through that again, to risk experiencing any of those feelings.

"No dating," Hongjoong said again.

"I'm sorry Joongie. I know you really liked it here."

"No dating. Maybe...maybe that just means no dating outside of the group?"

Seonghwa looked down at Hongjoong.

"I think no dating means no dating. Period."

Hongjoong looked down in defeat. Seonghwa felt a little bad. But he was trying really hard not to look excited about it.

"There's a lot of companies out there, Hongjoong. I'm sure we'll find something even better."

Hongjoong was quiet, his mind still trying to register the words.

Seonghwa placed a hand on his back, rubbing it softly.

"What if..."

Seonghwa paused, looking down at Hongjoong again.

"What if what?"

"What if we just kept it a secret?"

Seonghwa pulled back.

"Hongjoong, what are you talking about?"

"Think about it—he might not even suspect that anyone here is anything but straight! So if we just limit PDA during rehearsals, we could still stay here and just—"

"Hongjoong you're not serious."

"Come on, Hwa! He would never find out—"

"Hongjoong are you insane?! You want to sneak around all the time just to work here? Is it the big name? Is that it?"

"Well I mean, can you blame me? Think about the opportunities we'll have staying here, Hwa!"

"You've seriously lost it—I thought for once we would be unanimous on this—you really would give up your right to a relationship to stay here?"

"I'm not giving it up—we'd still be able to stay together we'd just have to be secret about it—"

"You're okay with having to hide me? To hide your feelings? To not be able to kiss me whenever you want?"

"Hwa...that's not what I mean. Of course it's going to be hard but we're stronger than this, we could do it. I have faith in us—"

"And what about San and Wooyoung? Remember what happened to them when they had to sneak around us all the time? The toll it took on them!? You want to put them through that again, just so you can play with a fancy machine!?"

"Seonghwa, I'm not saying I want to hurt anyone! Don't twist my words! I'm not saying this is a great option—or even the best one, I'm just saying, we have to think logically. If this is the only way to ensure our success then don't we owe it to ourselves to put up with a bit of sneaking around? And if we really hate it, we can just leave! I promise—"

"No, the contract is a two year contract. So we're either stuck hiding our relationships for two years or we'll get caught and probably sued for breeching the contract."

Hongjoong went quiet. Clearly he had to be coming to his senses. Seonghwa hadn't even anticipated a rebuttal since he didn't see how Hongjoong could possibly want to stay here.

"It would be difficult. I know. Maybe even miserable. But I thought you and I agreed that the band comes first. Before us. Isn't that what you always told me? That work comes first?"

Seonghwa leaned away.

"Are you really saying you'd break up with me just to stay here?"

"Seonghwa I'm only quoting you. If that hurts you then think about what it did to me. For months. It was all you ever said to me and I understood because I knew your work was important. Because mine is too. But it hurts, I know that more than you know. But I respected it for you. So...isn't this the same thing?"

Seonghwa's eyes watered but he willed them not to spill any tears.

"So what, are you breaking up with me?"

"No! God, no! Seonghwa, I'm just saying that we have to put the band first—"

"That sounds like let's take a break."

"No! Hwa, no, please—I don't want to lose you, I don't! I just—I thought you would understand my side if I used your words...if you really don't agree, I guess...we don't have to."

Seonghwa finally felt the weight release his chest. Felt air returning to his lungs. He looked at his hands.

"So, you won't even think about it?" Hongjoong asked slowly.

"No. You shouldn't either. We'll find something better, Hongjoong. It's not worth it."

"Okay. Then we won't stay here."

Though Seonghwa was ecstatic, he felt Hongjoong's disappointment and moved back over to him, wrapping his arms around him.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out. I know you really liked it here."

"I still do."

Seonghwa bit his lip. He didn't have the heart to tell him there was more to the story. He figured it wouldn't help the situation.

Just then a knock on the door caused them to look up. Seonghwa released Hongjoong and made his way to the door, checking the peephole.

His heart stopped.

"Hello? Seonghwa? Do I have the right room?"

It was Minho. Why the hell was he here?!

"Who is it, Hwa?" Hongjoong asked quietly from the bed.

Seonghwa didn't want to answer. He'd already given too much away from his reaction. Unfortunately, he didn't have to.

"It's Minho! We need to talk."

"Hwa, why does he want to talk to you?"

Seonghwa shook his head trying to stay calm.

"I don't know, I'll see."

He opened the door and stepped out, ensuring it closed behind him.

Though he was thrown by Minho's playful smirk, he grabbed his arm and dragged him down the hallway, needing to get him away from Hongjoong.

He knew it would be a loud conversation.

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