I trust you

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Hyunjin did as he promised and woke Seonghwa up around 7:30 AM, giving him ample time to make it back to his room to get ready for rehearsal.

Seonghwa stumbled into the bedroom with his eyes half-open. To his surprise, the lights were off. He'd thought Hongjoong would he up by now.

Flicking the lights on, he made his way over to the bed and quickly realized there wasn't anyone under the covers. Confused, he turned and noticed a sticky note on the nightstand.


I have to run out for a bit this morning. You'll have to take over practice. Sorry for the late notice. I'll tell you more when I get back but I had to rush out.

Love you,


Seonghwa sighed, feeling a bit annoyed. First he'd dipped out from the party, leaving him alone. Now this?

What was he doing last night? Were the two things related?

He decided to ignore the angry voices in his head and instead headed for the shower, knowing he smelled pretty bad from last night.

But as the water ran down his skin, he let his eyes shut and his mind wandered back to Hongjoong.

Where could he possibly need to go this close to their performance that was so important? And why had Seonghwa never heard anything about it sooner?

Maybe he had to meet with JYP? But then wouldn't he have just said that?

Suddenly, Seonghwa was struck with deja vu and he smiled to himself. He knew what he had to do.

"I trust you," he whispered, the words he had only ever spoken honestly towards Hongjoong.

Hongjoong was the only one he could trust. So he must have a reason. And he would let him know.

Besides, it was hardly fair for Seonghwa to get upset about Hongjoong keeping secrets after what he'd pulled. At least he had every intention to let him be in on it.

Seonghwa finished getting ready and headed to the hallway to round up the rest of his members. As he'd predicted, none of them had gotten up early for their secret rehearsal. But he realized with Hongjoong out for the morning, they could just rehearse it at their regular time.

As much as he'd wanted to be annoyed, Hongjoong's absence was becoming somewhat convenient.

Finally everyone was ready and they went to the practice room to set up, the group mostly silent other than a few tired grumbles and sleepy yawns.

Seonghwa started them off with a few easier songs to warm-up before moving into Hongjoong's song. As they played through their material, Seonghwa couldn't help but feel a smile spreading across his cheeks. They were going to be ready. They were going to make it in for sure.

JYP would be blown away.

They weren't more than halfway through rehearsal when the door opened suddenly, causing the group to pause their practice.

"I'm loving your sound you guys! Everything's looking great!"

They all tensed as JYP walked in. What the hell was he doing at their rehearsal? This close to the performance?

Guess that ruled out Hongjoong meeting with JYP.

"Thank you, sunbaenim," the members said in unison, giving a deep bow in respect.

"I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. Although I guess most of the credit should go to you leader—leaders—wait—are you missing someone?"

He looked around and Seonghwa tensed, not knowing how to cover for Hongjoong.

"Yes, our other leader Hongjoong had a personal matter to attend to this morning. He sincerely apologizes for his absence and he won't miss any more rehearsals before our performance."

"Ah, I see. Well you seem to be just fine without him. Although I'm sure it's not easy for you to run rehearsals all on your own."

"It's alright, I used to do it in my trainee days, so it's kind of reminiscent of old times with my members," Seonghwa smiled, trying his best to keep this conversation positive.

JYP signaled for him to come over so he set down his guitar and followed him into the hallway, his stomach twisting in knots inside of him. Was Hongjoong going to be in trouble? He hadn't really specified if they were allowed to come and go as the pleased. What if Seonghwa had just outed his secret plan?

"I just wanted to talk to you away from the rest of your members so you didn't feel like you have to keep a brave face. Does this happen often? Where Hongjoong leaves you to run rehearsal on your own?"

Seonghwa shook his head forcefully.

"No, it's never happened before. It was a very urgent situation. Honestly with my prior injury he's actually run more rehearsals without me than I have without him."

"Alright, I just figured I would ask. I know when we were setting everything up for your group I didn't ever get a chance to speak with you so I just wanted to make sure he was giving you equal opportunities. You deserve to be in the spotlight, Park Seonghwa. Don't let anyone make you think any differently."

Seonghwa smiled and nodded his head.

"He was just excited about working with you, that's all. He forgot to run it by me but it was for the best since we're here now," Seonghwa said, feeling a strange sense of familiarity. As if he'd just had this conversation.

"That doesn't seem like something a co-leader should do. I always want to make sure my groups have the right leadership. So if you ever feel like he's been leaving you out, feel free to talk to me. I want you to be important, too. Okay?"

JYP placed his hands on Seonghwa's shoulders, looking him in the eye. Seonghwa nodded, not sure he had any other choice.

JYP smiled and stepped back, giving him a hearty pat on the back.

"Alright. I'm glad we had this talk. I never want to pick favorites but if I had to choose who I want to lead Ateez, you would be my first choice, Seonghwa. Your group really looks up to you and listens to your commands. You're a natural leader."

Seonghwa felt warmth at the compliment but couldn't quite accept it. Not when it felt so back-handed. Just like...last time.

As JYP started to walk away, Seonghwa realized with a start why the conversation felt so familiar. He'd been talking about Hongjoong's tendency to disappear with Hyunjin last night.

Not that it meant Hyunjin was involved...but it was really strange. He felt a little guilty remembering his argument with Hongjoong in the stairwell.

Maybe there was a spy.

Maybe Hongjoong had been right.

As much as JYP's words felt good to hear, it was really odd that he always prefaced it with something negative about Hongjoong. Like he was pitting them against each other.

It felt almost...strategic.

He headed back to the practice room, unsure of what his next move should be. He wanted to tell Hongjoong but a part of him selfishly wished it was just a compliment.

Maybe the same part of him that wasn't ready to forgive him for leaving him out of his plans again.

Where had he gone? What could be more important than their showcase?

And if it was so important...why didn't he tell Seonghwa anything?

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