Chapter 2

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I was checking some papers in my office when the door opened.

"Drayce, I have a good news." Logan, my loyal adviser, right-hand man and also my brother and bestfriend said after opening the door.

"What?" I said, after looking at him for a few seconds.

"The portal to the human realm has been fixed." He said with a huge smile on his face. That caught my attention.

"Have the dragons already crossed the portal?" I asked him with a frown. He then shook his head.

"No non-royal dragon can get crossed on it yet, it will take 2 months to finish the heating of the portal, so only we can cross it, but I want you, since you're the king." He said with a grin.

I sat on my chair and leaned on it, I am the only one who can cross on it? A smirk appeared on my lips and I stood up. Let's see how beautiful this human realm or universe really is.

"Very well, lead the way." I said, and Logan led me towards the portal of the human realm. I saw our own dragon sorcerer under it. The portal was floating in the sky.

"What planet of the human realm is this located?" I asked Kris, our sorcerer.

"Your majesty, this portal of the human realm is located to the planet earth inside the milky way galaxy." He answered. I looked at the portal that has green, blue and yellow color.

I nodded and turned into my huge dragon form, my dragon form is bigger than other dragons here since I am the dragon king.

If you need to compare me to a building, I am a 10-storey building tall. Very huge, right?

While normal dragons are around 5 to 6 storey building tall. If a dragon is still a child, they are between 2 to 4 storey. And most royalty family are 9 to 10 storey tall. Get it?

Well, all dragons are the same height and sizes except for the sea dragons, they have a small size but a height like mine, But if you compare us in strength, we will still win.

I glanced at the dragons that were watching me and I nodded at Logan as he gave me a thumps up. I made a loud roar, to tell them that I am going to flap my wings and they backed away.

After they were far enough, I flapped my wings and took off of the ground, flying towards the colorful portal.

Getting inside the portal, I felt nothing until I got out. I looked around and the human realm is just like the dragons a little bit. They also have trees, waters and grass, the only difference is that they don't have mountains anywhere that blows fire every second.

I was looking around the whole place when the most enchanting smell hit my nose.

"I guess we found our mate," I heard Drake, my dragon say inside my head. Mate?

I roamed my eyes around the place until I noticed a red-orange hair of what looked like a tail went behind a tree.

"That's her," Drake said, I nodded and flapped my wings softly while flying slowly towards the tree, trying to not make any sound.

Once I arrived, I saw a red-orange wolf turning into a human. I can feel Drake trying to control himself and he drifted into the back when we saw her naked back.

I slowly placed my feet on the ground, while staring at her, she is wearing a green dress while fixing her hair. I saw her tug on the arm of a young man who was facing his back on her.

My possessiveness kicked in and as soon as the man looked back at my mate, I made a possessive roar. The man looked at me with a terrified expression that made me satisfied.

Why are werewolves still in the human realm tho? Are other creatures also stuck in the human realm?

My mate slowly looked back and stared at my huge feet before looking at me, meeting my eyes. She's got a beautiful black orb and she is also beautiful herself.

I never tried to find my mate because I can still handle the kingdom by my self and I never bother about it. But now that I found my mate, I realized how much I missed out.

This feeling of being contented and finally complete is something different. Normal dragons can choose their mates, but royal dragons already have their destined mates, like me.

I saw in the corner of my eye that her hand held the young man and before I could act, they vanished from the spot. I let out a loud angry roar when she vanished.

I shifted into my human form, my shirt is still attached because that is how dragons are. Our clothes are hidden, protected by our scales. And when we turn back into a human, we still have our clothes. Unlike other shifters.

I looked around the place and began to walk, I sensed a tingling feeling and I glanced towards the left and saw the ring of mushrooms. Faeries? There are also faeries in the human realm?

Are dragons the only one that had a broken human realm portal? Curse that dragon who managed to break the portal, I thought as a scowl appeared on my face.

I walked towards the different side, avoiding the mushrooms, I don't want to make any trouble for today.

After walking for a few more hours, I felt thirsty. I focused my ears and heard waters running towards a direction and began to walk towards it.

I arrived in-front of a waterfall and I put on a satisfied expression when I saw the clear water. I sniffed the scent and nodded when smelled that the water is clean and fresh.

I drank on it and cleaned my face with it. I looked around when I heard a tree being cut.

Suddenly, a gray bunny got out of a bush and my face put on a smile, knowing that I'll have a good food for today. I released my dragon wings and chased the bunny until I caught it with my two hands.

"You are going inside my tummy." I said. Brown and grey bunnies or rabbits are my favorite food because they taste so good. White bunnies are too cute for me to eat and I love their red eyes, they also don't taste quite as good as grey bunnies. Also because red eyes reminds me of someone but I don't even know anyone with red eyes.

I looked around, trying to find a place somewhere to make fire. My eyes brightened, seeing a clear place and I sat on it, blowing a fire to the ground from my mouth.

The bunny was trying it's best to escape my gasped, but I wasn't having any of it. I twisted its neck and his body finally went limp.

I looked around to find a stick or a fallen tree trunk and started to cook the dead bunny. My father would always teach me how to survive when I am far from the kingdom, that is why I'm not having a bad day right now.

I felt the walls inside me bump, as if something closed. I was about to stand up when Logan mind-linked me.

"Brother, the portal just closed. Are you gonna be alright until it gets back?" Logan asked and I sighed in relief that the portal just closed. I thought something happened to the kingdom, the dragons or I thought it was serious about me.

"Yeah, don't worry about me." After saying that, I closed the link and began to eat my bunny. I moaned when I tasted its delicious skin.

After finishing the food, I laid down on the ground while looking at the sky. It is almost night, I can already see the moon in the blue sky. That means, It must be around 5 or 6 Pm.

I guess I have to sleep earlier, so I'll have a good energy tomorrow morning.

I changed into my dragon form and tried to find a place that is full of rocks, maybe I'm just lucky because I found a place with no trees and grass.

I landed gracefully on the ground and made a circling fire before laying on the ground, I closed my eyes and slept in my dragon form while being surrounded by fire.

And tomorrow, I shall find you, my queen.


Sooo.. How is he? What do you think of Drayce and his Dragon, Drake?

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