Chapter 25

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Drayce and I were still continuing the movie because Logan went away, saying that he was going to introduce me to someone.

When we were in the fighting scene of Venom and Riot, the door opened and Logan walked in with a black-haired girl, she was extremely gorgeous!

"Let me Introduce you my Mate, Morwenna." Logan Introduced and I smiled, waving at her. She waved back at with the same friendly smile.

"Hi, I am Morwenna, A sea dragon." She introduced with a sweet voice.

"I'm Evera, A Tribrid." I Introduced my self and I heard her gasp in shock, her hands covering her mouth.

"You mean, you are part of 3 races!?" She exclaimed and I nodded in agreement, making her gasp and again.

"I know, it's just so rare-"

"Like Friollo?" She asked and I looked at her in surprised.

"You know my cousin-" Before I could finish, she squealed.

"You both are cousins!?" I looked at her with widened eyes as if she had grown two heads. The guys were also looking at her with a shocked expression.

"Uh.. Is she always like this?" I whispered to Drayce awkwardly, and he shook his head as a no.

"She is kinda a Nervous type and a shy and quiet girl." He replied, I poked my tongue inside my mouth.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've always been so fascinated on tribrids since they are very rare." She apologized and I just smiled at her warmly.

"It's okay, wanna watch-" I stopped when I realized the movie ended.


We are now sitting in the kitchen while eating some brownies, they have food like in the earth, but the creativeness of their world is amazing! With colorful leaves and fire mountains, while we have yellow, brown and green leaves with volcanos they look similar yet different in the same way.

"Say, babe. How did you really attract the portal? Can the others come here?" Drayce asked me and I nodded.

"Yes, but I'm the only one that managed to open and close it, but yeah, I can bring the others here too if you want to see them." I said with a warm smile.

"Well, Can I also cross it?" He asked and I just nodded again since I was shewing a brownie.

"How's Nixon, Lake, and your parents?" He asked, taking a brownie from the plate. I swallowed the brownie I was eating before talking.

"Well, Lake found his lost sister and his mate, he became a beta since Nixon is now an Alpha, and yes, I became a gamma. But since I went here, I made the lead warrior in-charge of the training sessions, and I might make him a Gamma someday." I exclaimed, taking a bite from the brownie again while Nixon was looking at blankly.

"Wait, Lake had a lost sister?" He asked, and I nodded in confirmation.

"Brother, High-lord Harrison mind-linked me and it's time to find some 2 new lords for our kingdom." Logan cut in with a serious expression. Drayce place the brownie back in the plate and wash his hands.

"Okay-" He wasn't able to finish what he was about to say, because I cut in.

"Can dragons from other kingdoms become your lords?" I asked the both of them, they looked at me for a few seconds when Drayce spoke.

"Yes, but we also need it's king's permission and the vote from his lords. Why? You have someone in mind?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I looked up with a pout before saying slowly.

"Actually.. I do," I said slowly, they both looked at each other with a smile.

"Who is he? What are his Characteristics?" Drayce asked me, sitting back on his seat beside me.

"He does come from a poor family with his mother and son, but they are still very happy. They let me stay inside their house and his mother told me where I could find you. He's a good one, but I don't know if he had been trained." I said and Drayce shrugged his shoulders before speaking.

"I don't think there is a problem with that, before a person could become a lord, they would still need to train for two years and if they don't give up until then, then they will become official Lords and their dragon will grow 7 storey tall." He explained.

"Okay then, should I pick him up?" I asked, Drayce smiled sweetly before speaking.

"We're picking him up," He said and I just nodded, because having Drayce with me is better.

Logan took Morwanna somewhere else as Drayce took me to his room which already had some dresses for me, I just wore a black dress with a black rose carved in the middle between my chest and tummy.

"Let's go," He said before kissing my forehead and leading me out of the bedroom, going downstairs.

We got out of the castle and he let his wings go, lending me his hand, I gratefully took it and he took us to the skies. I can't believe it, I'm also floating!

"So what Kingdom is he?" He asked and I thought for a moment, remembering their kingdom.

"It's the Rofavia kingdom." I answered, he glanced at me with raised eyebrows.

"The twin princesses in that kingdom are troublemakers so I don't go there." He said with mockery in his voice. I just laughed at him.

"Maybe they just wanna have fun," I said and I heard him scoff.

"Well then, Jump-scaring people, pushing them towards fire crocodiles, throwing magma and coals at people and the water dragons, making fun of how weak the low-ranks are and stealing the kid's toys is what you call fun, then yes, they are doing it for fun." He said with distain in his voice.

I looked at him with a shocked expression. Seriously!? Pushing them towards fire crocodiles and throwing magma and coal towards the Water dragons? And.. Jump-scares? Good thing I didn't encounter them.

"How old are they?" I asked him and I saw his face revealed the most disdainful look I've ever seen.

"8. 8 years olds." He answered. I widened my eyes in shock. 8 years olds can seriously do that!? "Believe it or not, they can." I just kept quiet after he said that. Darn those twins needed to be thought a lesson.

"Okay, we're in the kingdom, show me the house." He said and I looked down when I realized that we already passed the house.

"We already went pass it, there!" I said, pointing at the house I stayed in.

"There? It looks like no one lives there." He said and I slapped his shoulders.

"Don't judge, let's go down." He just shrugged his shoulders and we got down from the sky and started to walk towards the house.

Once we arrived, I knocked on the door, fixing my red hair and my dress. And don't think anything else, the dress has leggings.

"SISTER EVERA!!" As soon as the door opened, I was hugged by no one else but little Dallas, making me chuckle.

"Hello Dallas, Where is your father?" I asked, scooping him up between my arms, smiling sweetly.

"He is taking care of the farm with Grandma right now," He said and his gaze landed on my mate. "Who is he?" He asked curiously. I smiled at him, glancing at my mate who was also smiling warmly.

"That is my mate, Drayce." I replied and he gasp in shock.

"So that's him you were looking for," He said before chuckling. "Hello brother Drayce! I am cute Dallas!" He greeted and drayce pat his head with a warm smile.

"Nice to meet you, Dallas." Drayce said and Dallas gave him a big cute grin.

"Come on! Let me take you to my Grandmu and Dudda." He got down from my hold and took us at the back of the house.

"Grandmum! Dudda! Sister Evera and Brother Drayce is here!" He called and the both looked at us with widened eyes.

"King drayce!?"


Ehe, Why is Dallas so Cute!

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