Chapter 28

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We are now getting ready for the punishment voting, I wore my black suit and red tie with a gold lace and smiled at the mirror.

I turned around when I heard the door of the walk-in closet opening, and there I saw my mate, wearing the formal dress I bought for her

"It looks perfect on you," I complimented, making her chuckle and she started twirling around with the dress.

"Well, thank you." She said after twirling. I took her hand and we got out of the bedroom, walking towards the voting room.

You must be wondering what happened a few days ago at the prison when Andrey came to see Gideon, Well this is what happened—

"Why did you do that? Why did you frame our kingdom!?" Andrey shout at him in anger. Gideon scoffed before talking.

"Your son pushed my daughter after she hugged him! He does not have respect for women!" Gideon shout back, Andrey growled and was about to hold the hard bars when I grabbed his shoulders, shaking my head.

"You know why? Because she was fvcking seducing my son you bastard! My son has a mate already, and he doesn't even have any relationship with your slut of a daughter, how could she hug him while wearing such a short dress that even looked like a swimsuit!?" Andrey shouted that made me shock. I never thought Jennavy would be that shameless.

"How dare you insult my daughter—" Andrey cut him off.

"Then how dare you let your daughter seduce a man with a mate and even frame my kingdom!?" Andrey shout back, Gideon went quiet but was still glaring at Andrey.

Well, after that, Andrey stormed off with his hair turned into a black fire, that was actually the first time I saw him that mad. His hair would never turn into a fire when he's mad. And black fire for us is very very very super mad.

Now back to the present, we arrived infront of the voting room and the guards outside bowed at us before opening the door and we nodded before getting in.

Gideon was already sitting at the single chair at the table in the front. I took my mate on the two red seats with a black table before sitting the both of us and adjusting my mic.

"Former lord, Gideon." I started and Gideon looked at me with a scowl in his face, I looked at him with displeasure.

"What is the reason of you by killing one of your lord members?" I asked with a cold voice.

"He is the worst, he would always tell me to discipline my daughter and would insult her like she is a slut and a bitch, and I don't like it. My daughter can be with whoever she wants, and she can dress however she wants." Gideon said with gritted teeth.

"Mr. Gideon, your daughter indeed need to be disciplined. She is getting near to a high-rank dragon, even when that dragon already has a mate. Should a girl like that deserve to be respected? You only deserve to be respected if you know how to respect a person, but that's not her. Being respected comes with a price." I said, he glared at me but didn't say anything else.

"You killed a lord, tried to frame a kingdom because of a low reason, therefore we will make a vote of the voting number 3." I said that made him looked at me with a terrified expression, the Voting number 3 are the scariest punishment.

"Who votes for him to be deemed as a rogue dragon?" I asked but no one voted.

"Who votes for him to be punished with a death sentence?" Everyone raised their hands that made me stunned. I cleared my throat before talking.

"Deadly fire?" 3 of them voted which is not enough.

"Hang?" 2 voted, still not enough.

"Poison?" 7 voted. Andrey, his son and 5 of the lords.

"Then, tomorrow Mr. Gideon. You will be force to drink a poison, if not, you will be injected. Punishment chosen." I said before pushing the red button and guards walked inside. They took Gideon who was pale and started to walk towards the dungeon.

Everyone also stood up, including me and Evera when she spoke.

"Isn't a death sentence too scary and harsh?" She asked which made me chuckle.

"Baby, this is the dragon realm, we are true to our punishments, especially that he killed someone and even framed a kingdom, that is too much against the rules." I said which made her sigh and just nod. She took my hand with a smile as we walked out of the room.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"I think I want to eat, I'm starving." She said, and I looked at my wristwatch, realizing it's almost lunch time.

"Well, that explains it. It's lunch time, let's go." I said before pulling her with me towards the dinning room, I didn't bother to invite the others since the lords have their own dinning room in the castle and King Andrey have alot of work to do.

We got inside and I pulled a chair behind me for my mate to seat in, she smiled before sitting on the chair and I sat beside her. I mind-linked my brother to join us with Morwanna and then the chef to now bring us food.

Logan along with Morwanna came inside, holding each other's hands. They sat on the left side of the table before smiling at us. If you were wondering, of course, Logan was also in the meeting but Morwanna was somewhere else, but at least they are now both here.

We talked for a few seconds until the dragon helpers went inside the dinning room with some plates and food before placing it on the table.

After they left, we dig in happily and ate quietly. We almost look like a family. I said almost because my mother died and my father.. after he gave the throne to me, he became extremely sick, and died.

He let himself get affected by my mother's death, I can't blame him, losing a mate is loosing your other half. But I'm very proud that he still survived for 11 years. I became king when I turned 18.

If only our mother didn't die, things could be different, if my father was still alive, he might be still ruling the kingdom today. I will be king at the age of 25, But I'm still 24. And that's just how it works here. I am guessing my mate is 22. Since I remembered in the fairy realm, she was 36 and I was 38. We're immortals. We stop aging at the age of 18.

We finished eating and talk for a few more minutes until I remembered something.

"Oh, yeah. I'm going to introduce my mate to Kris." I said and Logan just smiled at me.

"Okay then, he's still the only one who had not met her." He said and I laughed before nodding, I took Evera's hand and started to walk towards the underground stairs.

"Where are we going?" I heard her ask, I gave her a kissed on the forehead before replying.

"We're going to meet our Sorcerer or dragon wizard." I said and she smiled before nodding.

I opened the door of his office and dodged Immediately with Evera when something was about to hit us.

"What the fvck!?" I shouted, still shock at what just happened.

"Sorry, I was startled by the door opening that I messed up the spell and everything came flying everywhere." Said Kris, before turning around to face us and froze.

"What's wrong?" I asked him with a frown, he then pointed at my mate.

"Who is she?" He asked. I glanced at my mate and rolled my eyes at how he is acting.

"This is my mate, why are you acting like that?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow. Evera just waved at him.

"She's a tribrid isn't she?" Was that why he was acting weird? I was about to speak when Evera spoke before I could.

"Yes I am, Nice to meet you." She introduced and Kris eyes became wide.

"So if you exist, another one is also existing." Kris said that made me and Evera look at each other with a confused expression.

Kris, 🤣  Another mystery will get out, Lmao. Thanks for reading, Xx. ❤️

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