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Hi! It's Evera again. Well, you could say it has been around 3 years already. Yes, 8 years since after that separation with me and Drayce, and 3 years after we reunited.

You do know how my story goes, I lost one of my Childhood Bestfriend, some of my warriors, and I'm still missing them.

And my mother? Well, she is still in the cave and if I'm not wrong, she must be telling stories to the pups right now, even to my twins.

Yes, I have twins. Boys actually, and you won't believe this, I actually got pregnant with 2 dragon eggs! And I was pregnant for 3 months and after letting out the egg, they hatched after 1 month.

So you could say that the pregnancy cycle is just around 4 months, it was fascinating since that was the first time I actually saw a real dragon egg.

It was a red and black scaly eggs, Drayce told me that the color of their eggs is the color of their dragon. I even got confused when the other was red but he soon told me that Drake has 2 colors.

He even showed me his red side and it was beautiful. I got upset for a few minutes since he did not tell earlier, but yeah, I can't stand it, I gave in.

Well, if you're wondering about my sons, we were thankful, they are both different hybrids.

The other which is Blaze, is a Red dragon and a red werewolf like me, he also have the red hair.

Next is Blade, which is a black dragon, and he is a half Vampire. Blaze has anger issues while Blade just always comfort him. They are twins but have the different personalities and likes too.

Blaze is very rude and cold towards other people except us and the others we are close to, because he is very sweet to us, he is also the oldest which makes him the heir. He does have anger issues, but he also know how to control it, because he also don't like to endanger innocent people. He is still a great kid. He loves salty foods and nuts, and probably all the fruits.

And Blade, he is very kind to others but a bit distance to other girls because he is waiting for his mate my mother told them about, those kids. He is also a lot calmer than Blaze. He loves eating sweet things, especially chocolates and candies.

"You ready to go?" I heard Drayce and I saw him getting out of the closet, I nodded before taking his hand with mine.

He kissed my tummy before standing up with a smile. Yes, you guessed it right. I'm pregnant, and I've been pregnant for 6 months. Which means.. my future kids inside my stomach are not dragons.

After getting out of the castle, I opened the portal in the sky and he held my waist before letting out his wings and flying towards the portal.

We arrived inside the human realm, just outside the cave were my mother is teaching the kids. Some of them are actually dragons of the lords, and Harrison's eldest son, who is Blaze's only close bestfriend, Hector.

"Blaze, Blade, your mother is here." I heard mom call them and the twins Immediately looked at us before running towards us with smiles.

"Mommy, mommy! We found out that us royal dragons really have our own destined mates! I wonder how she look like." Blade said with sparkles inside his eyes.

I noticed my other son was quiet, I looked at him and was deeply surprised, he is blushing and as if he was thinking of something.

"Are you alright Blaze?" I asked him, and Blade with Drayce also looked at Blaze with a confused expression.

"I'm just thinking about my mate, I'm sure she is very beautiful, and how I will treat her like my very own queen," He said that made my heart swell.

The Dragon's Tribrid. (Dragon Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now