Chapter 12

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The portal made a collision before disappearing which made Evera, Nixon and Lake fly backwards, and the portal closed which made a loud blast.

"Drayce.. no.." Evera sobbed with a weak voice and she began to cry hard while hugging her knees. "No.." She sobbed.

Nixon and Lake looked at each other with a sad expression.

"Evera.." Nixon started but Evera just cried louder and harder that exerted a force around her.


"Her magic is acting with her emotions since she is born as a witch instead of turning into a witch in her own." I heard my future Beta say which made me stop walking towards her.

If I make another sound, it might make her magic go crazy and cause everything into chaos. So I guess Lake and I just have to wait until she calms down. After a few more minutes, she spoke.

"Nixon.. I lost him.." She said with a soft sob. I just looked at her with a pained expression. It's hard to see her like this.

I took a step when I felt the force going down, I ran up to her and crashed her into a hug as she hugs me back tightly.

"Shh.. It will be fine, princess. I know it." I told her, but she just kept on sobbing.

"Lake, I don't think we'll go to the falls anymo-" I said but Lake cut me off.

"Of course not! Evera is more important." Lake said with a frown while soothing Evera's back.

"Okay, let's get you home." I said, Lake and I held both her arms and tried to make her stand up.

"My-head.. it hurts.." We heard Evera complain painfully. I frowned and my brotherly instincts kicked in, my wolf was whining in my head.

"Evera, are you alright?" Lake and I asked at the same time as soon as Evera became heavy. She fainted!

We immediately took her towards her house and called the healer. Lake and I waited outside while the healer is checking her up. Her mother is off getting some herbs.

"How is she?" I asked Mrs. Lianne, the healer as soon as she got out of the room where Evera is currently resting.

"She's fine, she just fainted due to the pain of lost and too much crying. She'll wake up very soon." She answered with an assuring smile.

I nodded and sighed in relief. "Thank you so much for your help, Mrs. Lia." I thanked her gratefully. She nodded and bid her goodbye before walking away.

We both went inside of her room and saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed. Oh Evera, we're so sorry that this happened. But I'm confused, Evera is his mate, why wasn't she sucked into the portal with Drayce?

"You are confused to why she wasn't pulled too, right?" Lake asked me and I nodded in agreement.

"We need to ask her mother." Lake said while looking at our bestfriend slash sister on the bed.

"We should as soon as she gets back." I said and he nodded.

As if Mrs. Serafino heard what I said, the door opened loudly and there stood Evera's mother with a worried expression.

"I saw Lianna getting out of the house, is she alright?" Mrs. Serafino asked with a concerned expression, but she soon frowned after looking around. "And where is Drayce?" She added.


"So you're telling me that the portal didn't suck my daughter inside with Drayce, but instead she was blocked out?" We nodded after her question. "That's weird." She said that made the two of us look at each other. Even a witch does not know about it?

She immediately stood up and began walking towards her workroom.

"Follow me." She said and we immediately stood up, following her inside.

She closed the door and went to a big bowl with full of water. Then she started to put some potions on it until it became a certain color, she then started to chant.

Slowly, the water is now circling and smoke flew from the water, making a floating circle of green smoke.

"Fellow witches, please hear my call, help is needed by your former fellow from the coven." She said and the smoke fell back to the water then it stopped moving.

Suddenly, four white smokes got out of the bowl and landed on different grounds, then slowly it became four women. Three were already old while the other one seemed to be close to Mrs. Serafino's age.

Lake and I were just looking at them with a surprised expression. Mrs. Serafino must have noticed because she smiled at us before introducing them all.

"Nixon, Lake. These people are my bestfriends inside my former Coven. This beautiful old ladies here are Emma, Lucinda and Rosemarie. And this other lady is Piper. Emma is an insect witch, Lucinda is a full blooded magic witch, Rosemarie and Piper are just like me, a garden witch who also knows magic. Emma and Lucinda were both born as a witch like me, while Rosemarie and Piper were born as normal humans." She introduced. Since I'm an alpha, I understood it quicker while Lake is still digesting it. What she said was a little confusing tho.

"I see then." I said while nodding.

"Ladies, the men in front of you are Nixon and Lake." She introduced us. After the introduction, Mrs. Serafino started to talk about Evera's situation.

"So ladies, can you help us with this?" She asked the four women who were thinking.

"I think the dragon god and moon goddess are giving them trials." Said Lucinda, who is sitting beside Emma who is flipping on a book.

"You think so?" Mrs. Serafino asked.

"Well, you could say I know so. I'm a full blooded magic witch, and I'm older than you guys since I'm 1,207 years old. And I've seen a dragon 960 years ago who was also mated to a witch, and that witch was my third cousin. And what happened to your daughter is the same thing as my cousin." She explained with a serious expression.

"Did they.." Emma trailed and Lucinda nodded.

"Oh, yes, they did. Let's just say that they now have a great great great.... Grandson and is now a dragon wizard, his name is Kris. I can't talk to them but I can feel them because they are connected to my blood." She said coolly.

"I see. Then how did they? Can you tell my daughter?" Mrs. Serafino asked with a hopeful expression.

"I'm sorry, darling. But that's the only information I can give you. Your Daughter has to do it on her own, because like I said, it's a trial and a challenge, she should do it or loose him. And when I say do it.. in her own. If you tell her about this it won't do with the challenge. She should face this in her own. Just believe in her." After saying that, Lucinda disappeared.

"Are you okay, darling?" Emma asked Mrs. Serafino.

"I'm fine, Emma. I think you all should go now too." She said, the women looked at her with an assuring expression before disappearing too.

"So we have to just sit and watch, aunty?" I asked her. She just nodded.

"She's on her own this time.." She said that made us sigh in hopelessness.

"But like she said guys, we need to believe in her." We heard Lake said. Dang, he's getting matured. Mrs. Serafino and I nodded in approval.

"How about you boys watch her while I cook some food?" She asked and both of us nodded before walking towards her room while aunty went to the kitchen to cook.


What do you think guys? Will they succeed the challenge? Will they meet again and be happy? Or will it be harder for them?

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