Chapter 31

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It took around 10 minutes before she could fully shift into her dragon form, I feel her, it is very painful to shift, I don't even want to remember the first time I shifted.

But her dragon is gorgeous! It was not like the other dragons I have ever seen, She doesn't have a feet, just a blue tale with white spikes, white long zigzag lines were also seen on her beautiful form. She is magnificent!

Her wings were transparent and fancy, are every water dragons like this? Well, my question was answered when we heard gasps somewhere on the waters.

We saw a water dragon with no spikes and only have a one color, she slowly turned into her human form and was looking at Morwanna with a stunned expression.

"Who are you?" The girl asked, looking at Morwanna curiously, ignoring us. Morwanna glanced at the girl and tried to shift back, after a few more minutes, she was now back to her human form, dragons are not naked when they shift unlike werewolves.

"Morwanna!?" The girl asked with happiness swirling inside her eyes and immediately swam to Morwanna, crushing her into a tight hug.

"Hi, Aliza." Morwanna greeted, she knows the girl?

"Ohmygosh, you shifted! And your dragon was gorgeous! Wait 'till that bitch princess sees your dragon, she's going to be jealous!" The girl exclaimed with a proud expression, Morwanna just laughed awkwardly and glanced at us, causing the girl to also look at our direction.

"Hi, I'm Aliza!" She greeted cheerfully, I smiled at her and Introduced my self before Drayce and the others.

"Oh my! You're king Drayce and she's your mate!?" She asked loudly, this girl is garrulous and loquacious.

"Yeah," I answered awkwardly, since Drayce was just staring at her coldly. This guy is seriously not friendly to other dragons from another kingdom.

Time passed, and we already ate Dinner, I was thinking about the pack, what is going on right now? I hope they are okay.

"What are you thinking?" I heard Drayce ask me as he gets out of the bathroom, I just smiled at him before speaking.

"Just the pack, I'm worried how the training is going." I said, he raised his eyebrows before shrugging his shoulders and getting inside of the walk-in closet.

I can't mind-link them since I don't know how to mind-link a person from another realm, I've never been to other realms before. Maybe I'll go back when I'm free to see them.

I went back to the book I was reading while waiting for my mate to get out of the closet. The book I was reading is about dragon history.

It turns out that me and Drayce would have eggs or direct birth for our babies, it just depends on our bond and what it can carry. I'm wondering what it would be.

I was almost finish reading when Drayce got out of the closet while brushing his hair, I looked at him and blushed at how hot he was. He was only wearing a thin white shirt and short black shorts.

"Like what you see, babe?" He smiled mischievously, as if teasing me. I glared at him before rolling my eyes.

I turned around and got back to reading, after a few seconds I can feel the bed dip, as if a weight was placed on it, and I knew it was Drayce.

"Come on, I was just kidding. How about a big hug?" He said before hugging me, making me smile.

"Well, you are a good view." I said slowly, blushing a little. He just chuckled before taking the book out of my hands.

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