Chapter 9

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I snapped out of my thoughts and ended my talk with Evie when I felt someone move the loose strand of my hair and put it behind my ear.

I looked at Drayce beside me who is smiling and I felt my stomach fluttering. Dumb butterflies, dumb Drayce and dumb feelings. I cleared my throat and looked away from him.

"Hi, honey." I looked at my father who just spoke. He went to my mother and kissed her on the forehead while my mother chuckled, a smile immediately made it's way over my lips. They're so sweet.

"That should have been us already if you just let me in, I could kiss you every morning in the forehead and show you how big my love is." I heard Drayce speak softly beside me.

My heart thumped inside my chest, hearing what he just said. 'Dump hea—'

"Stop saying dumb things!" Evie cut in with a cry. I immediately removed it from my head and just ignored Drayce. Should I really just let him in? But this butterflies and this feelings are crazy!

It's driving me nuts! Like how much they flatter inside my stomach and how my cheeks heat when he look at me, how I want to just hug and kiss him, but I'm just too shy.

My mother placed the four plates on the table with food in them and sat with my father on the opposite side of me and Drayce.

"Hun, why is our daughter so quiet today?" I heard my father ask and my mother just shrugged before eating. My father also just shrugged it off and began eating too.

I took my spoon and also began to eat with Drayce doing the same thing. Our breakfast is very quiet today with just the sound of plates and spoons colliding with each other.

After eating, my mother took our dishes and placed it on the sink before making it wash itself, using her magic. Typical mother.

I felt like I forgot something.. my eyes widened when I forgot to clean the vase and put the roses on it. The roses better be still alive.

I rushed towards my room and went to the bathroom, taking the 6 Red roses and putting it above the drawers. I then took the blue vase and washed it inside the bathroom.

After washing the vase, I walked back to the drawers and placed the roses inside the vase. I can feel someone has been staring at me since earlier but I didn't care since I knew that it was Drayce.

"What do you need?" I asked, turning around to look at him. He just shrugged his shoulders and put on a stunning smile.


"I'm just wondering what we're gonna do today. I asked her because I'm feeling bored.

"I don't know, maybe just walking around the forest while feeling the fresh air?" She asked. I blinked my eyes many times while looking at her, feeling lost.

"Are we not gonna hunt? Do something? Or maybe help someone do their job? Anything?" I asked her with a hopeful expression. I don't like this way of doing nothing.

I am used to work that I don't even know what to do when I don't have work and I can't do any adventure. I can't even last 30 minutes without work.

My mate just scratched her head while looking anywhere else. I just sighed, knowing that she doesn't have any Idea.

"What about helping the omegas at the pack?" She asked that made me smile happily.

"That's great!" I said with a grin before taking her hand and running out of the house. "So where is the direction?" I asked her and she pointed a little bit on the right.

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