Chapter 4

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"Your place is very beautiful here." I heard him say after entering the house.

"Hmm.." I just hummed in response, not knowing what to say. I don't usually hang out with other people. Even though he is my mate, I still need to get to know him.

"Oh goddess!" I heard my mother exclaim and I immediately looked at her with a shocked expression. I cried inside, I thought she was already asleep.

"Uh.. hi, mom." I greeted her while scratching the back of my neck.

"I was worried when you didn't come back and weren't in your room, good thing you're here already. Where have you been? And who is this young handsome fellow?" My mother asked in one breath. I sighed in relief when her tone wasn't displeased or angry, but it was curiosity instead.

"Sorry mom, I just uh.." I trailed, trying to find a reason when my mate spoke up instead.

"She was trying to look for me if I was fine because I just arrived into the human realm from the dragon realm, and I am her mate." He said and I looked at him with a stern gaze. How the hell did he know that I was worried about him? I didn't tell him anything. Calm down, Evera. It might be just a random reasoning.

"Oh, goodness me. You're a dragon? Are you saying that my daughter is mated to a dragon!?" My mother asked with a surprised expression and she was looking at me proudly.

"Yes-uh Mrs.." He trailed, I was about to tell him what my mother's name is when my mom spoke first.

"Mrs. Serafino. You can call me Mrs. Serafino." My mother said with a smile on her face. "What brought you here, young man?" My mother asked.

"The portal to the dragon realm broke again and I cannot go back, therefore, I asked my mate if I could sleep here at your house for the time being." He answered politely. Even his tone is very polite, clear and beautiful. He is indeed a king.

"Very well, you can sleep with my daughter since you are mates." My mother replied which made my eyes wide open.

"Mom, are you serious!?" I asked her with a disbelief expression.

"What? Your father and I slept together the day we found out that we were destined, and that day was the first time we met." My mother said, making me blush hard. I didn't want to look at my mate beside me, and I never even asked for his name. Why am I so silly? But he doesn't mind it, and he isn't even telling me about his name, does he know that I can read his name? Whatever, I'll just ask his name later.

"Okay, mom. Whatever, we're going." I said, trying to shake off the embarrassment. I took his hand and pulled him with me upstairs.

I opened the door of my room and I looked everywhere, There is no couch! Darn it.

"So.. this is your room," He said while roaming his eyes around inside. What's so good about my room?

My room just have a white wall with a flower painting on the right and in the middle is a window with a light blue curtain, it almost look like white. My bed is at the middle of course, under the window.

I also have my own bathroom at the right beside the painting, and I have a full-body mirror in the left, beside my white Closet. The bed has a couch attached to it already, but it is not big enough for him.

What should I do? I guess I have no choice but to let him sleep in the bed. Calm down, Evera. He won't do anything to you, okay?

"So where should I sleep?" I heard the question I was already waiting to hear from him. I cleared my throat.

"In the bed with me, but with a pillow in the middle." I said almost immediately and went towards the bedroom. I then heard him let out a sweet chuckle behind me but ignored him.

I went inside the bathroom and locked it, I then took my white toothbrush and brushed my teeth. After brushing my teeth, I also cleaned my face and looked at myself in the mirror in front of me.

My head started to throb and I closed my eyes while massaging it. I looked back at the mirror and panicked when my eyes went red. Oh shit, I forgot to drink blood. We should have hunted some deer or anything earlier.

I opened the small brown cabinet inside my bathroom but there are no blood packs anymore, as if nothing can get worse. I looked at the small trashcan and saw my empty blood packs inside it.

I bit my lip when my head started to throb again, my vampire is too hungry and is going to take over, I need blood. I have no choice.

I opened the door and my mate immediately looked at me with a smile but it soon turned into a worried expression, because I'm becoming paler due to bloodlust.

"Are you alright?" I heard him ask worriedly and he was about to walk towards me when I raised my hand up to stop him and began to run down the stairs.

My throat.. it's turning dry. I need blood now or I might pass out, or worse.. I might loose control and kill anyone or anything that has blood.

I arrived in the kitchen and opened the fridge. My expression became radiant when I saw some fresh blood bottles.

I took one of it and opened the lid, drinking the whole bottle. It was not my favourite blood but it will do. The pain in my head faded and my throat isn't dry anymore that made me feel relieved.

I looked at the blood type and saw that it was blood type A. That explains why I didn't like the taste, but it still satisfied my vampire. I just usually drink animal blood because the only blood type I like on humans is the blood type AB, but blood type AB is rare inside hospitals, so I just hunt for animal blood. Also because we don't want to harm humans.

If only I'm just a normal vampire, Then I don't have to worry about drinking blood, I'll just have to drink blood every month or if I really need it. But being a tribrid uses more energy, so I need more blood.

I placed the bottle on the counter beside the fridge and turned around only to see my mate with a surprised expression on his face while looking at me.

"I saw that you were a wolf earlier, then now you are drinking blood which means you are a vampire? But you have magical bracelets that only blooded witches use. What are you?" He asked me suddenly. I just stared at him.

"What are you?" He asked again, this time it is actually very clear. I looked away and then looked down at the ground before opening my mouth to speak.

"I am a tribrid, a werewolf, vampire and a witch." I answered truthfully, looking back at him again. He looked at me with a stunned expression and he slowly made his way towards me.

"You are.. a mixture of 3 races? And you made it? You're alive?" He asked with a blissful expression, as if he was grateful that I endured the painful things I needed to go through on being a tribrid. My heart thumped very fast and butterflies flapped their wings inside my stomach.

Indeed, being a tribrid is very hard. You need to take care of the pain on your first shift as a werewolf, and then you will need to learn how to control your bloodlust everyday, and if you loose control, you might end up doing something you might regret later on. Some won't even handle the pain in bloodlust. Then there comes the spells, incantations, and herbs you need to learn on having a blood of a witch family.

If only I am a normal human or werewolf or just a vampire, then I can choose to be a witch if I want to, Just need to learn some witchcraft. But nope, destiny and the goddess have something else planned for me.

Okay, This is the last update for today. I hope you enjoyed it so far! This story is only going to get better once we reach the Script 2.

I just decided to write Dragon stories because I realized there are not much stories about Dragons here. And I always love to make Unique stories. Especially that I love Dragons. Xx. ❤️

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