Chapter 21

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Evera stepped out of the portal with an amazed expression. 'So this is the dragon realm?' She thought. She looked around the beautiful trees with other colors and the mountains blowing fire every second.

She took some knives from her bag and placed it around her body. Two knives in every side of her waist and one in every side of her ankles, just in case she can't use some of her magic.

She then took a black mask from the bag and covered her face before moving her hand, making the portal disappear. She smelled the air and it was not bad for her.

Although there is a fire-blowing Volcano, it doesn't smell of smoke in here, it smells good. She began to walk through the trees but stopped when she realized something. 'I am not a dragon, how could I keep my Identity?' She thought.

She began to chant a spell, thinking of Drayce, so she could borrow his dragon scent. She then opened her eyes and smiled before continuing her walk. No one would suspect her anymore.

She had been walking for a few more seconds when she stumbles into a small village with dragons having a carefree expression, as if it was very peaceful. It was not the realm she honestly imagined to be. She was about to walk towards it when she noticed the armored dragons around it. Warriors.

She twirled around before jumping into the air with no one noticing her, then landed softly at the back of a house.

The red hood she was wearing was her own design with a few magic as if to make you a Ninja or a sneaky air. No one would noticed her. It can also give extra speed for her vampire speed.

She took a few silver coins from her pocket inside the hood and began walking to a man selling fruits. She learned that a silver coin is 1,000 for the dragons and gold is 1,000,000.

"Hi," She greeted to the man and the man smiled back at her politely.

"Would you like to buy some fruits? Uh.. Unknown girl?" The man asked with a frown.

"Uh, yes. I would like to buy some please." I said, giving him a silver. The man's eyes widened but then shook his head before smiling.

"How much would you like?" He asked with a big respectful smile.

"I'll take 5 of that apples. You can keep the change of the Silver." She said before giving the silver to the man and them man Immediately gave her what she wants and bowed politely.

"Thank you so much, This is gonna help my family." He thanked her and Evera just nodded before walking away. big bronze is also 100 to them and a small bronze is 50. The things or foods they sell are less than 50 small bronze.

She went at the back of a house before taking her mask off a little, just revealing her lips then took a bite of one of the apples she bought, the rest she bought were placed inside her unlimited bag. It was just small but anything could fit inside of it.

Meanwhile, Drayce was thinking about how Gale died when his dragon started to mess around his mind.

"What is it?" He asked Drake who was flying around his head.

"I feel something good coming!" Drake exclaimed which made Drayce chuckle a little.

"Okay, little dragon. Just calm down there, so I could focus." Drayce said and Drake drifted deep inside his mind.

Drayce wanted to think about it more but it was pointless. 'Wait, how about I interview the rest of the lords?' he thought with a smile thinking that it might work.

He mind-linked all of his lords for a meeting in 2 hours before taking some papers and started doing his job.

Evera started to walk inside the village after finishing her apple, looking around the kids playing and chasing each other while the grown-ups were working.

'How can I find him and his Kingdom?' She thought with a frown, still wondering around. She knew that the dragon realm have alot of kingdoms and it will be hard to find his.

She saw a little house that isn't so good-looking at the back of the village, it even looked a little worn down, but a farm was at it's back. She thought of asking whoever is living there on what kingdom is King Drayce.

She began to walk towards the house and knocked on the door after arriving there. An elderly woman opened the door with a big smile but it soon turned into confusion.


"Can I help you with anything?" She asked kindly but her tone held nervousness. It must be because of me, getting all covered up.

"Uh yes, Can I ask you a question?" I asked politely. She was about to answer when someone shout inside the house.

"Mom, Who's that?" I heard a familiar voice of a man and the man I gave a silver coin to earlier appeared behind her.

"Oh, it's you!" The man said with a smile and I smiled back at him.

"Who is she?" The elderly ask and the man hugged her from behind.

"Mumma, She is the one who gave me silver for just 5 apples." He replied and the Elderly woman became shock and looked back at me and was about to get down on her knees when I held her back.

"No, You don't need to do that, I just want to ask a question." I said and she nodded Immediately.

"What is the question?" The man ask with a respectful smile.

"I want to know where the Kingdom of King Drayce is." I asked and they both looked at me while blinking and the woman cleared her throat.

"His kingdom is actually 3 more kingdoms away from us." I pouted when I heard that. Seriously? I need to travel pass other kingdoms to get there?

"Are you a princess who needs to be with King Drayce, and you covered yourself so no one could recognize you because you don't like attention?" I heard a voice of a little boy ask behind me and I Immediately looked at him with an amused expression.

"I am no princess, but I do cover my face to not attract people because I am pretty attractive." I joked and the boy chuckled before running towards me, passing through the woman and the man.

"You're funny," He said, He reminds me of Tiana. So adorable.

"You're really good at kids," I heard the elderly woman comment, and I just nodded since they won't even see my smile.

I noticed that the sky was getting dark and I frowned, I looked at the elderly woman and the man hesitantly but I then sighed as I have no choice.

"Uh, Can I stay here for tonight?" I asked them, they looked at each other and was about to answer when the little boy squealed.

"Please let her! Quaeso!" He said that made me smile. So I was right, The old dragon language are consists of half dragon and half Latin. The elderly woman and the man smiled at him before looking at me.

"Yes you can, although this place does not look that good," The elderly woman said with a little chuckle that made me smile inside my mask.

"Thank you," I said before getting in and looking around the house. It is not bad, It was still cozy, it was far more different than what is seen outside. "Your place is very beautiful here," I said, copying what Drayce had said when he went inside our house years ago.

"Thank you, we did our best." The man said with a smile.

"Can I ask what kingdom this is?" I questioned.

"This is the Rofavia kingdom, Kingdom of two headed dragons, Miss.." He trailed.

"Evera, you can call me Evera." I said, taking my mask and my hood off, earning a gasp from the people inside.

"Your hair.." He trailed and I just smiled. I knew my hair would be a problem, but if I stay here, they need to know who I am from me than letting them find out on their own.

"I know, born with it." I said, because my mother's hair is actually black and my father's is brown. They just nodded. Because red heads are too rare inside the dragon realm.


Oohh, There are alot more mysteries we should unfold, don't we?

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